世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/19 22:26
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  • I did not have the courage nor the self-confidence back then.

  • Neither did I have the courage nor the self-confidence in me then.

日本語では、「あれもないこれもない」という二つの否定文の場合は、英語では「Neither.....Nor」の表現を使って頂けたらいいと思います。 例えば: 山田さんも鈴木さんもレポートを書く予定はないですーNeither Yamada nor Suzuki is going to write the report. イギリスもスペインもアジアにはないーNeither the UK nor Spain is in Asia. 上述した例文のなかの ’Neither Yamada nor Suzuki is’と ’Neither the UK nor the Spain is’というところに注意をして頂きたいです。主語は二つあっても、単数形の ’is’を使うのがルールです。 どうずご参考までに。
  • Back then, I had a lot of self-doubt.

  • I did not have confidence in myself back then.

1. Back then, I had a lot of self-doubt. When we use the words "back then" it means we are talking about some time in the past. This sentence means that in the past i did not believe in myself. 2. I did not have confidence in myself back then. This sentence means that in the past I did not have a feeling of trust in my abilities, qualities, and judgement.
1. Back then, I had a lot of self-doubt. Back then というフレーズを使うと、「あの頃は」「過去を振り返ると」という意味です。昔は自分自身を信じていなかったことを意味する文です。 2. I did not have confidence in myself back then. この文は、昔は自分の能力、素質、判断などに自信がなかったことを意味します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Mettle:

  • When I look back to younger days...I did not have the mettle to overcome challenges!

Noun: mettle; plural: mettles...A person's ability to cope well with difficulties. Our spirit and our our" mettle". In this case admitting the lack of experience and ability to overcome the obstacles life places in our path. "When I look back to younger days...I did not have the mettle to overcome challenges!"
mettle(名詞:勇気)は、困難にうまく対処するための個人の能力です。 私たちの精神や、立ち直る力は、私たちの勇気です。 この場合は、経験がないことや、歩むべき道にある障害を乗り越える力がないことを認めることです。 When I look back to younger days...I did not have the mettle to overcome challenges! 若かった頃を振り返ると、チャレンジする勇気がありませんでした!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I lacked courage and confidence back then.

  • I didn't have the courage and confidence then that I have now.

"I lacked courage and confidence back then." This is a way of explaining that in your past you didn't have as much courage and confidence as you have now. "I didn't have the courage and confidence then that I have now." This is another way of explaining that you didn't have the courage and confidence that you have now in your past.
“I lacked courage and confidence back then.” (私はその昔、勇気と自信にかけていました。) これは、過去に、今持っているほどの 勇気と自信がなかったことを意味します。 “I didn’t have the courage and confidence then that I have now.” (私は今ある勇気と自信がその当時はありませんでした。) これも、今持っている勇気と自信が 過去にはなかったことを表す表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I lacked the necessary confidence in those days.

  • I was unable to access the courage I needed in order to pursue these challenges.

The first sentence uses "lacked" in order to describe the non existence of the courage and confidence in one's past experiences. The use of "those days" gives and alternative phrasing to describe a specific time in the past. The second sentence is a little kinder to the speaker. "unable to access" means the courage existed within but there was an inability on the speakers part to access it at that time.
初めの文は、過去に勇気と自信がなかったということを説明するために"lacked"という単語を使っています。"Those days"というのは、過去のある時期を表すときに使われるフレーズです。 2つ目の文は、話し手にとって少し優しめな表現です。"Unable to access"というのは、勇気は内面にはあったが、そのとき勇気を出すことができなかったということを意味します。
Franky B DMM英会話講師
  • I was a mouse and mice are frightened of everything

Explanation: Sometimes the best way to express yourself may be by the use of metaphor. To say that you are something such as an animal can leave a powerful image with the listener. Example sentence: "James was a donkey out of control at the meeting. He will probably get the sack."
【説明】 時に比喩的な表現は自分を言い表すのにとてもいい方法です。 自分を何か動物に例えると、聞き手に対して強いイメージを与えることが出来ます。 【例文】 "James was a donkey out of control at the meeting. He will probably get the sack." (ジェームスは会議で手に負えないロバのようだったよ、彼は多分クビになるね) donkey=ロバ(馬鹿な人)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was maybe a bit naive & should of done things differently.

  • I didn't have the heart nor the confidence.

I was maybe a bit naive & should of done things differently. - this is a very intelligent expression, it tells the person that you have matured & maybe have some regrets (possibly) the key thing is it tells the person that you have matured. I didn't have the heart nor the confidence. - taken from the "Wizard of Oz" (a famous story) The lion had no heart and wished for one which he eventually found. Same again, it tells the person that you have matured or maybe felt sorrow.
I was maybe a bit naive & should of done things differently. (私は少し考えが甘かったのでしょう、違うようにするべきでした) - これはとても賢明な表現です。 これは今あなたは成長して何かを後悔している(かも知れない)と言う事を言い表しています。 重要なポイントは "you have matured"(あなたは成長した)と言う事です。 I didn't have the heart nor the confidence. (私は勇気と自信がありませんでした) -有名なお話"Wizard of Oz" (オズの魔法使い)からです。 ライオンは勇気がなく欲しがっていました、最終的には手に入れることができましたね。 同じ事ですよ、これはあなたは今成長したので後悔しているのかもしれませんね。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • I wasn't as strong then as I am now.

  • I wasn't as brave back then.

  • My confidence was lacking in the past.

It is a normal thing to lack confidence at times. These expressions express that at one point in time, you didn’t have confidence, or you didn’t have as much as you might have now. I was not as brave or not as strong is telling people that before you were not as confident as you might be today. Lacking confidence is definitely not a bad thing and finding it can be a wonderful thing.
時には自信を無くしてしまう事は普通の事です。 これらの表現は、ある時点であなたは自信がなかった、 又は今ほど自信がなかった、という様な意味になります。 "I was not as brave or not as strong" (私は勇気がなかった/強くなかった) これは今の自分に比べると以前の自分は自信がなかった、 と言う事を表現しています。 "Lacking confidence"(自信がかけている)と言う事は全く悪い事ではなく、 素晴らしい事を見つけることが出来るでしょう。
Dezzi DMM英会話講師
  • I had zero confidence back then

  • I was seriously lacking courage in those days

  • I had no confidence at all in the past

Using the number 'zero' to describe having very little or nothing of something is common vernacular. "I have zero ideas" "I have had zero help" Sometimes we use the word 'seriously' to put extra emphasis on the next word. For example: "I seriously doubt that is the truth" "I was seriously scared"
この'zero' (0)と言う数字を使って何かを表現すると、 ほどんどないや何もないという意味になります。 よく使われる日常語です。 【例】 "I have zero ideas" (アイディアが全くない) "I have had zero help" (助けが全くなかった) 時々この 'seriously'(ひどく、真剣に)を付けて次の言葉を強調することが出来ます。 【例】 "I seriously doubt that is the truth" (私は真剣にそれは本当ではないと疑います) "I was seriously scared" (私はひどく怖かったです)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't have the confidence back then.

  • I didn't have the courage back then.

  • I had a lot of self-doubt back then.

We can interchangeably use the nouns, "courage" or, "confidence," to discuss our bravery or ability to believe in ourselves when doing something scary. "Self-doubt," refers to our lack in confidence in ourselves and our ability to do things.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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