世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/02 23:56
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  • I hope you like it.

「つまらないものですが…」 のような謙遜は外国人には通じません。 シンプルに I hope you like it. (気に入ってもらえるといいのですが) というのが一番いいかと思いますよ。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • I got you a little souvenir

I got you a souvenirだけどと「お土産買って来たよ」ですが、A littleを入れる事によって「期待しないで欲しい」と言うささやかな気持ちを伝えられます。 I don't know if it's your taste = あなたの趣味に合うか分からないけど I hope you like it = 気に入ってくれたらいいけど Don't get too excited, it's nothing = 大した物じゃないからあんま期待しないで と言う言い方もあります。 外国には日本のように根強いお土産文化がないので「要らないなら捨てて」って英語圏の人に言ったら驚くと思います。え、じゃあ最初からくれるなよ!って笑われちゃうかもしれないですね。
  • I got you a little something

  • I picked you up a little something

  • I thought of you when I saw this

つまらないものですが、英語で→I got you a little something 謙遜しなくても良い。 相手がとても喜ばせたいならば→ I thought of you when I saw this. これをみったときあなたにぴったりと思って(買ったの)
  • Put in the garbage if u don't like it

隠喩で気にってくれるといいけどねみたいなちょっとした照れ隠しの言い方です。 PS:正式な場で使うよりは友達とかにさらっとあげる時使って下さい。そんな訳ないだろーっていう流れのやつです。お土産は持ってきてくれたという気持ちだけでも伝わります。気軽にいきましょう。
  • If you don't like it, you can give it away.

Often times, if we give someone a gift that we are not sure they will like, we will say that they can give it away. However, if you want to give him the option of throwing it away, you can say, "Hey, I bought you a souvenir but I am not sure if you will like it. If not, you can give it away or throw it out. It's okay."
よくよく相手が好きかわからないものをあげる際、捨てても良いなんていうことがあります。しかし、捨ててもいいという選択肢を付け加えたいのであれば、you can give it away or throw it out. It's okay."これらの文を付け加えることができます。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • I bought you a little something. You can always give it away if you don't like it.

  • I thought of you and bought you this. Feel free to give it away if you don't like it.

You must let them know that you thought of them and bought them a gift, but they mustn't feel bad if they don't like it. It is ok for them to give it to someone else who they feel might appreciate it more.
Sophia N DMM英会話講師
  • I bought a little souvenir, its just a little thing

  • I bought you just a small souvenir, its just a joke present.

I bought a little souvenir, its just a little thing -------------- By saying 'little' means that its just a small present and you didn't spend a lot of money on it. So the person you're giving it to will know that it wasn't expensive so if he/she doesn't like it, he/she can just throw it away. ------------- I bought you just a small souvenir, its just a joke present 'joke' meaning its a funny little present, not to be taken seriously- therefore they can throw it if they don't like it. If you say either of these, they will know that you mean a small present which was inexpensive. But really- it’s the thought that counts!
I bought a little souvenir, its just a little thing -------------- このlittleを付けたすことで、小さな贈り物で、あまりお金を使ったわけではないことを示すことができます。そのため、贈られた人もそんな高いものではないと知ることができ、いやだったら捨てても良いということを暗に示します。 ------------- I bought you just a small souvenir, its just a joke present ジョークは、この場合、ちょっとした面白いプレゼントを表します。そのため、重く受け止められることもなく、嫌であれば捨ててもというニュアンスをだすことができます。 上記のどれをいっても、いわゆる粗品を示すに充分でしょう。しかし、プレゼントは贈ったという思いが大事ですよね!
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • You don't have to keep it if you don't want to.

  • If you don't like it you can throw it away.

1. You don't have to keep it if you don't want to. This tells the listener that there is no obligation to keep the token they received. 2.If you don't like it you can throw it away.. This tells the listener that even though it is a gift, if they don't like the it they may throw it away and it will not negatively affect your feelings.
1. You don't have to keep it if you don't want to. 聞き手が受け取った粗品をとっておく必要性がないものとわかります。 2.If you don't like it you can throw it away.. 聞き手が贈り物ではあるけれど、気に入らなければ捨ててもあなたは問題ない、ということを表すのに使えます。
OllieVee DMM英会話講師
  • I hope you like it enough not to throw it in the bin!

  • It's only something small,I'm afraid, but it's the thought that counts!

  • If you don't like it, just bin it!

Well, it is quite a contrary idea to give someone a gift which you think may be thrown away immediately. However, many souvenirs are of poor quality or value and will not become highly-prized possessions. The expression 'It's the thought that counts' means that, it may be a token gift, but behind that, there was a positive thought about your friend. Bin = waste paper bin
その贈り物を捨てても良いですよ、というのはすごく僕には矛盾しているように感じますが、お土産物というのは概して低クオリティ低価値のものが多く、もらってすごく嬉しいものにはならないことも多々ですよね。It's thought that counts という表現は、粗品という意味で使われ、しかしその裏にはあげたお友達に対するポジティブな気持ちが暗に意味されています。 Bin=捨てる
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's just a little something

  • I saw this and thought of you

Its just a little something - this is said when we give a gift that is not expensive. A small gift that is of little value. If you say this, the person receiving it will know that you did not spend a lot of money and it is not so important. I saw this and thought of you - this implies that the gift is not so important as the thought behind it. It shows that you were thinking of the person you are giving it to. It is a gift of thought rather than value. There is no need to say you can throw it away in either of these examples. You have expressed that the gift is of little value. eg. This is just a little something I picked up for you on my trip While I was away, I saw this and thought of you
Its just a little something - これは贈り物が高くない時に使われます。あまり高くないちょっとした贈り物。これをいえば、受け取った相手も、あなたがお金をかけて買った高いプレゼントでないことを知ることができるでしょう。 I saw this and thought of you - この表現は、それを相手にあげようと思ったことに重きを置いていて、プレゼント自体の価値は大したものではないときに使えます。この表現は、プレゼントを見たときに送り相手が目に浮かんだ、という表現で、そのものの価値というよりかは、「想い」のプレゼントです。 それを捨てても良いという表現はあえてつける必要はありません。すべて物自体に価値があまりないという意味を内包しているからです。 eg. This is just a little something I picked up for you on my trip. これ旅行中におまえに面白いんじゃないかと思って買ったんだ。 While I was away, I saw this and thought of you. 遠出したときに、これ見て君が目に浮かんだんだ。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • You can toss it if you have no need for it.

  • You can bin it if you don't like it.

Toss it and bin it both refer to throwing something away that you do not like or do not need.
Toss it/Bin itはそれぞれ気に要らなければ、または必要なければ捨てるということを表します。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I bought you a little souvenir which I thought you would like, but if you don't like it, you can discard it.

  • Here is a souvenir which I hope you will like. However, if you don't like it, you may either give it away or throw it away.

When people buy souvenirs for friends or relatives, they believe that the people they are buying the items for will like them. However, it sometimes happens that the beneficiaries do not always like the gifts they have been bought for. Usually, they will not openly say that they don't like the gifts. So, you as the giver of the gift may suggest the alternative to keeping the gift to them, and that is to either give it away, throw it in the dust bin, or discard it in any way they think fit if they don't like it. The verb to 'discard' means to get rid of something. So, you may say: I bought you a little souvenir which I thought you would like, but if you don't like it, you can discard it. or Here is a souvenir which I hope you will like. However, if you don't like it, you may either give it away or throw it away.
お土産を友達や家族に買う場合、相手が喜んでくれることを願いますよね。 ですが、時々相手が買ったお土産を気に入ってくれないこともあります。 通常、お土産が気に入らなかった、という人はあまりいません。 プレゼントする側としては、「そのまま持っていてもいいし、捨ててもいいよ」というように選択肢を伝えるといいでしょう。 discard=捨てる I bought you a little souvenir which I thought you would like, but if you don't like it, you can discard it. (あなたが気に入ると思ったちょっとしたお土産を買ったけど、もし好きじゃなければ捨ててもいいよ。) Here is a souvenir which I hope you will like. However, if you don't like it, you may either give it away or throw it away. (気に入ってもらえそうなお土産を買ってきました。でももし好きじゃなければ誰かにあげてもいいし、捨ててもいいですよ。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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