世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/21 21:39
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  • I don't like the texture of solid tomatoes

  • I don't mind eating tomato sauce but I am not keen on fresh tomatoes.

I don't like the texture of solid tomatoes This is the simplest way to express your dislike for solid tomatoes. I don't mind eating tomato sauce but I am not keen on fresh tomatoes. This is a good way to express your preference for tomato sauce over solid tomatoes.If necessary,you can also provide an explanation as to your choice or preference.
“I don’t like the texture of solid tomatoes.” (私は固形のトマトの感触が嫌いです。) これは固形のトマトが嫌いなことの表現する一番シンプルな方法です。 “I don’t mind eating tomato sauce but I am not keen on fresh tomatoes.” (私はトマトソースを食べるのに抵抗はないけれども、生のトマトを食べる気がしません。) これは、トマトソースと固形のトマトの好みを表現するのに良い方法です。 もし必要であれば、あなたの好みについて 説明を加えることもできます。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I am not a fan of the texture of fresh tomatoes, but I do eat tomato sauce.

By saying you are not a fan of something means that you don't particularly like that thing.
"I am not a fan of~"は、「私は特に~が好きなわけではない」という意味です。
Kirst English teacher
  • I don't like the texture of tomatoes.

  • I will eat tomato sauce but I don't like the texture of tomatoes.

"I don't like the texture of tomatoes." This simply explains that you do not like the feeling of a tomato in your mouth. "I will eat tomato sauce but I don't like the texture of tomatoes." This explains that you like the taste of tomato sauce but you do not like the texture of a whole tomato.
“I don’t like the texture of tomatoes.” (トマトの食感が好きではありません。) これはシンプルに、口の中でのトマトの感覚が好きではないことを説明しています。 “I will eat tomato sauce but I don’t like the texture of tomatoes.” (トマトソースは食べますが、トマトの食感が好きではありません。) これは、トマトソースは好きだけれど、 トマトの食感は好きではないことを説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I'm put off by the texture of tomatoes.

Explanation: To be put off by something = to find something difficult or distasteful because of one specific factor. Example sentence: "John's incessant coughing put me off my food."
To be put off by something = ある理由によって何かが困難なこと 例文: "John's incessant coughing put me off my food." ジョンのひっきりなしに続く咳で、食べる気をなくした。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't like the texture of tomatoes

There are people all over the world that feel the same way about the texture of tomatoes. The best way to explain this is to use the word 'texture'. In the context of food, texture refers to the way food feels in your mouth.
トマトの食感が苦手な人は世界中にいます。食感を表す言葉として最適なのは、"texture"です。 口の中で入れた時どのような感じかを表す言葉です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Abhorrent

  • While I don't mind tomato sauce I find the texture of fresh tomatoes ...Abhorrent!

Abhorrent is a very strong word to use ..."detested, hateful, hated, loathsome, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, disgusting, distasteful" bit I feel it works here;-D "While I don't mind tomato sauce I find the texture of fresh tomatoes ...Abhorrent!"
「abhorrent」はすごく強い言葉です..."detested, hateful, hated, loathsome, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, disgusting, distasteful"...ただ、ここでは使えると思います。 "While I don't mind tomato sauce I find the texture of fresh tomatoes ...Abhorrent!" (トマトソースは大丈夫だけど、生のトマトの食感が...耐えられない)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I don't like the texture of tomatoes

  • I don't like the texture of tomatoes but i eat tomato sauce

If you don't like eating tomatoes because of the texture then you could simply say 'I don't like the texture of tomatoes' but to explain better then you could say 'I don't like the texture of tomatoes but I eat tomato sauce' this would explain what you will and wont eat
食感でトマトが好きでないなら、以下のように言えます: 'I don't like the texture of tomatoes'(トマトの食感が好きではありません。) より詳しく伝えるなら、 'I don't like the texture of tomatoes but I eat tomato sauce'(トマトの食感は好きではないけれど、ソースは食べます) と言えます。あなたが何を食べて、何を食べないのか説明しています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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