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2017/12/24 16:56
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  • When did you leave Japan?

  • How long did you live in Japan for?

  • When did you move to Japan?

"When did you leave Japan?" This asks the person to tell you the date that they left Japan for their home country. "How long did you live in Japan for?" This asks the person to tell you how long or how many years they lived in Japan for, "When did you move to Japan?" This asks them to tell you which year they first move to Japan.
"When did you leave Japan?" (いつ日本を発ったのですか?) これは祖国に向けて日本を旅立った日付を尋ねています。 "How long did you live in Japan for?"(どのくらいの間日本に住んでいたのですか?) これはどのくらいの期間または何年間の間日本に住んでいたのか尋ねています。 "When did you move to Japan?" (いつ日本に引っ越したのですか?) これは最初に日本に引っ越した時期について尋ねています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • When did you leave Japan?

  • How long was your stay in Japan?

Explanation: 'A stay' in terms of spending time in a place, may extend from a few seconds to a lifetime, so it is a very flexible term. Example sentence: "Our stay on the planet Mars was just a few seconds to jettison some scientific sensors."
解説:滞在 'A stay' とはある場所で時間を過ごす事を意味し、数秒から一生まで柔軟な時間軸で使えます。 例文: "Our stay on the planet Mars was just a few seconds to jettison some scientific sensors." (火星での滞在はある科学センサーを捨て荷した数秒だけだった。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How long did you live in Japan?

  • In what year did you leave Japan?

  • How long ago did you leave Japan?

A: How long did you live in Japan? B: I lived in Japan for 5 years. This is asked when you want to know the duration of time the person spent living in Japan. You can also ask, "How many years did you live in Japan?" A: In what year did you leave Japan? B: I left Japan in 2015. You can ask this question when you want to know a specific year someone left Japan. A: How long ago did you leave Japan? B: I left Japan 2 years ago? This question can be used to find out how long it has been since the person lived in Japan. You can also ask, "How long has it been since you came/went back to your home country?" Some of these questions can be used together in conversation. A: How many years did you live in Japan? B: I lived in Japan for 5 years. A: Wow! How long has it been since you went back to your home country? B: It has been 2 years.
【例文】 A: How long did you live in Japan?(日本でどれくらい住んでいましたか?) B: I lived in Japan for 5 years.(日本には5年間住んでいました) 相手が日本に住んでいた期間を知りたいときに聞く質問です。"How many years did you live in Japan?"(日本に何年間住んでいましたか?)と聞くこともできます。 【例文】 A: In what year did you leave Japan?(日本を離れたのは何年ですか?) B: I left Japan in 2015.(日本を離れたのは2015年です) 相手が日本を離れた特定の年を知りたいときに聞く質問です。 【例文】 A: How long ago did you leave Japan?(日本を離れたのはどれくらい前ですか?) B: I left Japan 2 years ago?(日本を離れたのは2年前です) 日本に住んでからどれくらいの期間が経ったのかを知るのに使用できる質問です。"How long has it been since you came/went back to your home country?"(あなたの母国に帰ってからどれくらい経ちましたか?)と聞くこともできます。 会話では以下の質問を一緒に使うことができます。 A: How many years did you live in Japan?(日本に何年住んでいましたか?) B: I lived in Japan for 5 years.(日本には5年住んでいました) A: Wow! How long has it been since you went back to your home country?(国に帰ってからはどれくらい経つんですか?) B: It has been 2 years.(2年です)
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • What year did you return to your home country?

  • How long did you live in Japan?

  • How long ago did you leave Japan?

1. What year did you return to your home country? The answer to this question will tell you the year that the person return to his/her home country. 2. How long did you live in Japan? The answer to this question will give you the number of years the person lived in Japan,. 3. How long ago did you leave Japan? The answer to this question will tell you how many years the person left Japan. All of the answers to the above questions will enable you to calculate how long they lived in Japan.
1. What year did you return to your home country? (何年にあなたの母国に帰りましたか?) この質問への答えで、その人がどの年に祖国に帰ったか知れます。 2. How long did you live in Japan? (どのくらい日本に住んでいましたか?) この質問の答えはその人が何年間日本に住んでいたかを教えてくれるでしょう。 3. How long ago did you leave Japan? (どのくらい前に日本を去ったのですか?) この質問の答えはその人が何年前に日本を去ったのかを教えてくれるでしょう。 上記の全ての答えからその人が何年日本に住んでいたかを知る事ができます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • When did you leave Japan?

"When did you leave Japan?" This asks the person to tell you when they left Japan to return to their home country. Leave is a verb which means to 'go or move away from'.
"When did you leave Japan?" (いつまで日本に住んでいたんですか) 日本を離れて母国に帰ったのがいつだったかを尋ねています。 「leave」は「去る、離れる (go or move away from)」という意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • How many years did you live in Japan?

  • In total how long did you stay in Japan?

  • What year did you move back to your home country?

How many years - asks specifically for the amount of years they loved there. In total - what is the overall amount of time. If you know the year they moved to Japan, asking them which year they left will tell you how many years they lived in Japan
How many years(何年) - そこに住んだ具体的な年数を尋ねます。 In total(合計で) - 合計の時間を尋ねます。 その人が日本に越してきた年を知っているなら、何年に日本を離れたか確認すれば、何年日本に住んでいたか分かります。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • When did you live in Japan.

  • When did you reside in Japan?

  • When were you an expatriate Japan?

If stated plainly, we normally just ask how long the person stayed in the respective area. For example, "How long did you live in Russia?" "When did you live in the UK"? In the second example, I used the word reside, which means, have one's permanent home in a particular place. Those who move from their home country are called expatriates.
素直に言えば、どのくらいそこに住んでいたのかという聞き方になります。 例えば: "How long did you live in Russia?"(ロシアにはどのくらい住んでいましたか) "When did you live in the UK?"(イギリスにはどのくらい住んでいましたか) 二つ目の例では "reside" という言葉を使いました。"reside" は「住む」という意味です。 母国以外の国に住んでいる人は "expatriate" と呼ばれます。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • When did you live in Japan?

  • How long did you live in Japan?

To ask someone about the time period they lived in Japan, you can do so in the following ways: "When did you live in Japan?" "How long did you live in Japan?"
どのくらいの間日本に住んでいたのか質問したいなら、次のように言えます。 "When did you live in Japan?"(日本に住んでいたのはいつですか) "How long did you live in Japan?"(日本にはどのくらいの間住んでいましたか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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