世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/26 23:37
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  • Which direction do I go?

  • Which way do I go?

When we are asking for directions, we are asking someone to help point us in the direction of the place we want to go. They can show us a direction by telling us the streets or roads we need to take. They can also describe the way we need to go by telling us all the steps we need to take, with all the turns and directions we need to get to our destination.
directions(道・方向)を聞くとき、誰かに自分のいきたい場所の方向を指差して助けてもらうように頼みます。 人々は通りや道を伝えて道案内することができます。 また、その場所に到着するために曲がるべき場所等を伝えて説明することもできます。
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • In which direction is the station?

  • Could you point me in the right direction of the station?

  • Which way is the station?

"In which direction is the station?" - You are asking the direction of the station. "Could you point me in the right direction of the station?" - You are asking to be shown the correct direction of the station. "Which way is the station?" - Is a simple way of asking for some directions.
"In which direction is the station?" (駅はどの方向にありますか?) 駅の方向を聞くときに使います。 "Could you point me in the right direction of the station?" (駅の正しい方向を教えていただけますか?) 駅の方向を示してもらうようお願いするときに使います。 "Which way is the station?" (駅はどう行けばいいですか?) シンプルな方向の聞き方です。
Kirst English teacher
  • How do I get to the station?

  • Which way to the station?

  • What is the best way to get to the station?

Whenever asking directions you can use the phrase, "Which way?" or "Which way to the...?" to ask a person what direction to go to get to a certain place.
ある場所へ行くのにどの方向に行ったらいいか尋ねるときは、"Which way?"(どっち?)や "Which way to the...?"(~はどっち?)が使えます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • way

  • direction

日本語の「方向」は英語では「way」「direction」などで表せます。 「way」は「方向、方角」という意味の名詞です。 「direction」は「方向、方角」という意味の名詞です。 「どっちの方向」は「which way」などで表せます。 【例】 Which way is north? →どっちが北ですか。 Which way did he go? →その人はどっちの方向に行きましたか。 I have no sense of direction. →私は方向音痴です。 Where is the station? →駅はどこですか。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
DMM EIkaiwa G DMM英会話
  • What direction is the station?

  • What way is the station?

  • How do i get to the station?

Directions' are an explanation of how to get to somewhere so you could say 'What direction is the station?' you could also say 'What way is the station?' Another way of saying this is 'How do i get to the station?' this would be the best way as they would maybe explain it better for you
directions'は、道順を説明することをいいます。 ですから、以下のように言えます: 'What direction is the station?'(駅はどちらの方角ですか?) 'What way is the station?'(駅はどちらの方向ですか?) 別の言い方としては: 'How do I get to the station?' (駅にはどのように行けば良いですか?) があります。この聞き方がベストだと思います。たぶんこの質問の方が相手は詳しく説明してくれます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Where is the ____ (name) station located?

  • What's the location of ____ (name) station?

  • What's the best way to get to ____ station?

Where is the "Asok" station located? - Although it's not asking for the direction directly, it is implied that you are asking for the direction by simply asking the actual location of the desired station. What's the location of "Asok" station? - Very much the same explanation as above but just worded differently. What's the best way to Asok station? - In the event that there are several ways or directions to get to a station, by asking for the "best way" to get to any station, this will get the stranger to really think critically about how to direct you to the desired location in the most efficient manner.
Where is the "Asok" station located? アソーク駅はどこにありますか? 方向を直接尋ねているわけではありませんが、どこに駅があるか聞けば、その方向を尋ねていることになります。 ------- What's the location of "Asok" station? アソーク駅の場所はどこですか? 言い方が違うだけで上の質問とほぼ同じです。 ------- What's the best way to Asok station? アソーク駅への一番良い行き方は何ですか? 駅への行き方が複数ある場合、"best way"(一番良い行き方)は何かと尋ねると、相手は最も効率の良い行き方を考えてくれると思います。
Ro DMM英会話講師
  • Could you direct me to the station please?

  • Any idea where the station is please?

If you want information and wish to ask someone - yet are unsure if they know, then you may start your enquiry: "Any idea........?"
人に情報を尋ねたいけど、相手がそれについて知っているか分からないときは、以下のように質問を始められます: Any idea........? (…についてご存知ですか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How do I get to the station

  • Which way is the station

Can you please tell me the direction to the station? Can you please help me find the station Do you know where the station is?
Can you please tell me the direction to the station?(駅はどっちの方向ですか?) Can you please help me find the station?(駅まで行きたいんです) Do you know where the station is?(駅の場所はご存じですか)
Joe Joe DMM英会話講師
  • Which direction is the station

方向は英語で direction と言います。「駅はどっちの方向ですか?」と聞きたいなら Which direction is the station と言えます。Which way is the station とも言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Which direction is the station?

  • How can I get to the station?

  • Which way is the station?

When you want to ask for direction to the station, then you must ask it in the following ways: -Which direction is the station? -How can I get to the station? -Which way is the station?
駅の方角が知りたい時は、以下のフレーズが使えます: 【例文】 -Which direction is the station? [訳]駅はどっちの方向ですか? -How can I get to the station? [訳]駅へはどう行きますか? -Which way is the station? [訳]駅はどっちの方向ですか?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I’m lost. Could you give me the directions to the nearest train station?

  • I chose the wrong direction and now we have to turn around and go back.

  • Which direction does the map indicate we should travel?

方向 direction 道に迷いました。 最寄りの駅への行き方向を教えていただけませんか。 I’m lost. Could you give me the directions to the nearest train station? 私は間違った方向を選んだので、今度は振り向いて戻る必要があります。 I chose the wrong direction and now we have to turn around and go back. 地図は私たちが移動すべき方向を示していますか? Which direction does the map indicate we should travel?
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