世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/27 08:53
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  • The zombie staggered across the floor growling loudly...

  • The zombie dragged itself along the bloodstained floor moaning softly...

  • the zombies piercing screams could be heard in the next house...

*The zombie staggered across the floor growling loudly...* *The zombie dragged itself along the bloodstained floor moaning softly...* *the zombies piercing screams could be heard in the next house...* You could also say... *The zombies screamed like banshees throughout the city *The zombies creaked their way around the town, scraping their bodies across the floor *Shrieking and screaming the zombies hurtled towards me *The wild cries of the zombies chilled me to the bone... Hope this helped! ^ ^ I had fun writing it :-)
The zombie staggered across the floor growling loudly... (ゾンビが大きな声で唸りながら床を渡りよろめいていました。) The zombie dragged itself along the bloodstained floor moaning softly... (ゾンビが柔らかくうめき声そあげながら血痕の残る床を這いつくばりながら歩いて行きました。) The zombies piercing screams could be heard in the next house... (悲鳴をあげているゾンビが隣の家から聴こえてくるかもしれません。) また、 The zombies screamed like banshees throughout the city (ゾンビは街中をバンシーのように叫びました。) The zombies creaked their way around the town, scraping their bodies across the floor (ゾンビは床に這い蹲りながら街中を這い回りました。) Shrieking and screaming the zombies hurtled towards me (ゾンビのさけび声や悲鳴が私に迫ってきました。) The wild cries of the zombies chilled me to the bone... (野生のゾンビの鳴き声が私を骨まで凍えさせました。) ということもできます。 これが役に立てれば嬉しいです!
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Groaning

  • Moaning

  • Mumbling

Zombies don't tend to speak at all but simply make sounds of a low nature. Groaning and Moaning are possibly the best descriptions of the sounds they make. They may make some incoherent 'mumbling' noises which may be an attempt at words. But for all intents and purposes the zombie is brain dead and not able to speak. In some older zombie movies they sometimes simply say 'brains' in a low moan type voice. As they are known to favour this part of the body!
ゾンビは話さないことが多いですが、低いうめき声を出します。「groaning(うめき)」と「moaning(うめき)」がこの声を表すのにベストかもしれません。 何かしゃべろうと、訳の分からない「mumbling(もぐもぐ言うこと)」を出すかもしれません。 ただ、ゾンビの脳はほぼ死んでいて話すことはできません。 古いゾンビ映画では、時々、低いうめき声で「brains(脳)」と言うことがあります。この部分は彼らの好物なんです。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • You could hear the zombies' murmurs.

  • The zombies' moans sounded like grumbles.

Groaning and moaning sounds are not usually used to describe loud sounds, rather we use them to describe sounds that are muffled and not very clear to understand. Murmur and grumble is other words for groan or moan.
例:You could hear the zombies' murmurs. 「ゾンビの唸り声、聞こえたよ。」 例:The zombies' moans sounded like grumbles. 「ゾンビの唸り声は何か文句を言っているみたいだ。」 "Groaning"や"Moaning"は通常大きな音には使われず、こもってはっきりしない音に使います。 "Murmur"と"Grumble"は"Groan"と"Moan"の言い換えです。
Kirst English teacher
  • Hunger noises

  • Mindless moans

  • Nothing intelligent

A zombie typically makes noises because they no longer have their brain capacity to speak intellectually. A noise that comes from a zombie may be a low level sound that expresses death and dying. They move slowly and drag their feet, so their sounds may be muffled or low. The only phrase a zombie may make is in regards to eating human flesh, "I will eat you".
ゾンビはもはや知的に話すための脳を持っていないので特徴的な音を出します。ゾンビの出す音は死や死にかけの何かを連想させる低い音です。ゾンビはゆっくりと動き足を引きずるので、その音は鈍く低いのです。ゾンビが人の肉を食べるときに出せる唯一の音は"I will eat you."(お前を食ってやる。)でしょう。
Laura M DMM英会話講師
  • Groaning

  • Mumbling

  • Moaning

The noises a zombie would make is like grumblng, moaning or mumbling a groaning noise which is a deeper noise due to pain or grief Mumbling is a quiet or indistinct noise or hardly hear and not a clear noise Moaning is a long low noise usually when someone is in fear or pain
ゾンビの発する声は、'grumblng' や 'moaning' 'mumbling' に似ています。 'groaning' は痛みや悲しみによる太い声をいいます。 'mumbling' はかすかなはっきりしない声をいいます。 'moaning' は普通痛みや恐怖による長く低い声をいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • growl

「ゾンビがうなる」はgrowlが使えます。 The zombie is growling. 「ゾンビがうなっている」 「犬がうなる」という場合にもgrowlは使えますし、 「空腹でお腹がグーグーなる」という場合にもgrowlは使えます。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • Zombie moaning.

  • Zombie groaning.

This type of sound that people can make, particularly zombies is called, "a moan," or a, "groan," but we can also use these words as verbs as well. Examples I heard a zombie groan down the hallway. I hear a moan from around the corner, I hope it's not a zombie. It scares me whenever there are zombies moaning in the movies.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • The mindness moan of a zombie

  • The zombie groaned and then said "I want to eat your brains"

"The mindless moan of a zombie" This explains that the zombie does not need to think t make this noise. "The zombie groaned and then said "I want to eat your brains" This explains the zombie made a groaning noise and they uttered the words"I want to eat your brains."
"The mindless moan of zombie " (心のないゾンビの鳴き声) これはこの音をたてるのに考える必要がないことを表しています。 "The zombie groaned and then said"I want to eat your brain." (ソンビが唸って、お前の脳が食べたいと言いました。)
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • You could hear the Moans and groans of the zombies

  • The zombies mumbled and groaned

"Moans and groans" are expressions used to describe a sound related to pain/hunger or even disapproval. "Mumbled" or mumbling is a noise that almost makes no sense, its very hard to understand and associated with pain, hunger, disapproval or being unimpressed
"Moans and groans" は苦痛や空腹、あるいは不満を感じたときの出る声をいいます。 "Mumbled" あるいは "Mumbling" は、「何を言っているのかよく分からないとき」です。苦痛や空腹、不満などを表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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