I got rid of my fringe at the hairdressers today, I'm so happy!
I love my new hair style, the hairdresser changed my bangs into a new hair cut!
*I had my bangs changed at the hairdressers today*
*I got rid of my fringe at the hairdressers today, I'm so happy! *
*I love my new hair style, the hairdresser changed my bangs into a new hair cut! *
You could also say...
*I loved my fringe, but its nice to have a new hair style!
*I changed my bangs for this...do you like it?
*I got rid of my bangs at the salon today, I love it !
**In the UK we call 'bangs' a fringe and its in the US and other countries that it is called 'bangs'
Hope this helps! ^ ^
"*I had my bangs changed at the hairdressers today*
*I got rid of my fringe at the hairdressers today, I'm so happy! *
*I love my new hair style, the hairdresser changed my bangs into a new hair cut! *
*I loved my fringe, but its nice to have a new hair style!
*I changed my bangs for this...do you like it?
*I got rid of my bangs at the salon today, I love it !
In the UK we call the cutting of the hair at the front of a persons head, over the forehead, a "fringe". So you could say "I got a fringe" or "I had a fringe cut in".
In the USA they call a fringe "bangs" so you could say "I got my bangs cut."
イギリスでは、前髪を切ることを「fringe」と言います。「I got a fringe (前髪を切ってもらった)」や「I had a fringe cut in (前髪を切ってもらった)」と言えます。
アメリカでは「fringe」を「bangs」と言うので、「I got my bangs cut (=前髪を切ってもらった)」となります。
The other day I went to the Salon to get my bangs cut.
"I got rid of my bangs." In the U.S. this is the most popular way to tell someone you got rid of your bangs. Very straight forward.
"The other day I went to the Salon to get my bangs cut." In this sentence you are being a bit more in detail with letting someone know what you did with your bangs.
Both sentences are used often so it's only a matter of preference.
"I got rid of my bangs."
"The other day I went to the Salon to get my bangs cut."
In the UK we call 'bangs' a 'fringe' which means short hair at the front over the forehead. The rest of the hair may be long or short depending on the style. If you 'cut out' your fringe, then this portion of hair would be very short or you would be bald in this area! This is not something which is done much in the UK. People usually either 'grow out' their fringe (let it grow longer), or have a hairstyle with a fringe, when the hair would be shortened at the front by the hairdresser.
Please leave the overall length... but trim my fringe!
Bangs is an Americanism, in England we say "fringe". So when someone talks of BANGS...don't get confused;-D
As a matter of interest the term Bangs originated in "stables." Horses' tails were
sometimes allowed to grow to a certain length, and then were cut off in an even,
horizontal trim called a "bangtail."
英語で I cut my bangs / I had my bangs cut と言うことができます。
「前髪」は英語で bangs と言えます。
・I had my bangs cut. What do you think?
「前髪を切りました」はI had my bangs cut. と言います(*^_^*)
I cut my bangs.だと 自分でハサミを持って自分で切った という意味になります。
美容院で切ってもらった という場合は、
have 髪 cut
・「I cut my bangs.」
<例文>I cut my bangs. I've never had bangs before so I'm happy about it.