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2016/01/28 21:27
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  • There is a large temperature gap between summer and winter in ~.

  • It gets really cold in winter and hot in summer in~.

●There is a large temperature gap between summer and winter in ~. (~では、夏と冬で大きな温度差がある) ・There is(are)~=~がある(存在する) ・「差」は日本語でもギャップ(gap)といいますね。temperature gap といえばそのまま「温度差」という意味で使えます。 ・between は、2つのものの「間で~」を意味する前置詞です。 ・inの後に、日本など、地域の名前を入れれば通じます。 ●It gets really cold in winter and hot in summer in~ (~では、冬にとても寒くなり、夏にとても暑くなる) ・英語では文頭のit はとても便利で、気温や天気、時間、距離などを表すときに主語として使えます。It is raining today (今日は雨だ)なら天気を意味し、It is 9am(今は朝の9時です)なら時間を意味します。ここでは気温を意味しています。 ・get+形容詞で「~(という状態)になる」という意味です。もしも「It is cold」というと、「今寒い」という意味ですが、「It gets cold in winter」にすると、「冬には寒くなる(気温が低い状態になる)」という意味で今寒い、という意味にはなりません。 ・It gets really cold in winter and it gets really hot in summer でもいいですが、本文のように短い文章にするとより簡潔です。
  • drastic change

  • huge difference

  • big distinction

These phrases help to show that summer and winter are not very similar. "In Japan, there is a drastic change in temperature between Summer and Winter." "Here, Summer and Winter have a huge difference in temperature." "There's a big distinction between Summer and Winter. Winter is very cold and snows often. The Summer is very hot and reaches over 30℃."
これらのフレーズが夏と冬があんまり似てないんだよ、と表現するのに役立ちます。 """In Japan, there is a drastic change in temperature between Summer and Winter.""日本では夏と冬で気温が極端に変わります。 ""Here, Summer and Winter have a huge difference in temperature.""ここでは、夏と冬では大きな気温差があります。 ""There's a big distinction between Summer and Winter. Winter is very cold and snows often. The Summer is very hot and reaches over 30℃.""夏と冬には大きな気温差があります。冬はとても寒くよく雪が降ります。夏はとても暑く30度以上になります。"
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • There is a big difference in temperature between summer and winter.

  • The summer is around ○○ degrees and winter is around ○○ degrees.

  • The temperature in winter and summer are completely different.

In example 2 insert the average temperature in summer and winter in ○○. All the examples express a significant difference in seasonal temperatures.
2つ目の例文は、○○という部分に夏と冬の平均気温入れて表現します。 全ての例文が、季節ごとの気温差を表現したい時の言い方です。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • We have very different temperatures in Winter and Summer here.

  • There's a big difference in temperatures between winter and summer.

  • We have extreme temperatures in both winter and summer

*We have very different temperatures in Winter and Summer here.* *There's a big difference in temperatures between winter and summer.* *We have extreme temperatures in both winter and summer * All these phrases are quite similar 'Extreme temperatures' means extreme in both cold and hot weather 'big difference' is a good way to describe the drop/ hike in temperatures depending on the season. *You can also say* * It gets really cold during winter but we do also have a great hot summer. * We have the best of both worlds (meaning they have hot and cold weather) and they like it *Although its hot in the summer we also get snow during the winter *Its a great place to visit all year round. Hope this helps!! ^^
*We have very different temperatures in Winter and Summer here.* 冬と夏では気温が大きく違います。 *There's a big difference in temperatures between winter and summer.* 冬と夏とでは気温に大きな差があります。 *We have extreme temperatures in both winter and summer * 冬と夏において極端な気温差があります。 すべてのフレーズはとても似ています。 'Extreme temperatures' (極端な気温)はとても暑く、もしくはとても寒い気温を表します。 'big difference' (大きな違い)は季節による気温の上がり下がりを表すときに最適です。 以下のように言うことができます。 * It gets really cold during winter but we do also have a great hot summer. 冬はとても寒いですが夏は非常に暑いです。 * We have the best of both worlds (meaning they have hot and cold weather) and they like it 暑さ寒さのどちらも兼ね備えており、気に入られています。 *Although its hot in the summer we also get snow during the winter 夏は暑いですが冬には雪が降ります。 *Its a great place to visit all year round. 1年中訪れるのに最適な場所です。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Through the year we experience a wide temperature range

  • 2. The winter can be cold and the summer extremely hot

Through e.g. "Through the summer, I play cricket and tennis." A wide temperature range = the difference between the coldest and the hottest days is great. Extremely hot = very hot "Extremely hot weather in the south of Europe is causing a drought in some areas."
Through の例"Through the summer, I play cricket and tennis." 夏を通してクリケットとテニスをしていた。 A wide temperature range = 一年の暑い日と寒い日の寒暖差が大きいこと Extremely hot = very hot 非常に熱い。 "Extremely hot weather in the south of Europe is causing a drought in some areas." 南ヨーロッパの極端な暑さは、ある地域では干ばつを生んでいる。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's very hot, like more than 35℃, in summer, and really cold, below zero, in winter.

「気温差がかなりある」という風にまとめなくても、 具体的に「夏は35度あってとっても暑くて、冬は氷点下で寒い」 みたいに言うのが楽だと思います。 It's very hot, like more than 35℃, in summer, and really cold, below zero, in winter.
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • There is a huge difference in temperature between the summer and winter.

  • Summer and winter temperatures are quite different.

  • There is a wide range in temperatures between the summer and winter months.

If you want to express that summer and weather temperatures are very different, you can say "There is a huge difference in temperature between the summer and winter." You can use phrases like "wide range" or "vastly different" to show that there very different temperatures between two seasons in your location.
「夏と冬では気温差がかなりある」は、 "There is a huge difference in temperature between the summer and winter."(夏と冬では気温差がかなりある) と言えます。 気温の差が大きいことは、"wide range" や "vastly different" などのフレーズで表すことができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • The temperature difference between summer and winter is extreme.

  • There's a big difference between the temperature in the summer and winter seasons.

If you'd like to be more specific, you could say "there's a 40 degree difference between the temperature in summer and winter." (-10 degrees vs. 30 degrees C)
より詳細に説明したい場合には、 "there's a 40 degree difference between the temperature in summer and winter." (-10 度 から 30 度まで気温が上がるので、40度の差がある) と伝えると良いでしょう。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • "The weather is very polarising, extremely hot in the summer and very cold in the winter"

  • "There is a drastic change in the weather conditions, from season to season"

  • "The differences in temperature are very varied"

If you wanted to explain that the temperature is completely different in summer and winter, to someone from a country that does not have a large temperature difference throughout the year, you could say any of the following: "The weather is very polarising, extremely hot in the summer and very cold in the winter", "There is a drastic change in the weather conditions, from season to season" or "The differences in temperature are very varied".
四季のない国の人に「夏と冬で気温差がかなりある」と説明したいということですね。でしたら、次のように言えます。 "The weather is very polarising, extremely hot in the summer and very cold in the winter"(天気は両極端です、夏はすごく暑くて、冬はとても寒いです) "There is a drastic change in the weather conditions, from season to season"(天気は季節によって大きく変わります) "The differences in temperature are very varied".(気温は大きく変化します)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • In my country we have a summer and winter where the change in both temperatures are drastically different.

  • In the summer and winter we have very different temperatures whereby one is super cold and the other really hot.

If you would like to explain to someone that summer and winter have very different temperatures, you can say something like “In my country we have a summer and winter where the change in both temperatures are drastically different.” or “In the summer and winter we have very different temperatures whereby one is super cold and the other really hot.”.
夏と冬の気温差が全く違うことを伝えるときのフレーズです。 “In my country we have a summer and winter where the change in both temperatures are drastically different.” (私の国では、夏と冬の気温はかなり違います。)  “In the summer and winter we have very different temperatures whereby one is super cold and the other really hot.” (夏と冬では、冬はとても寒く、夏はとても暑く、とても気温が違います。)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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