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2018/01/04 21:50
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  • Normally I charge 3000 yen for 30 minutes, but I will give you a special discount and only charge 2000 yen today.

  • Normally it is 3000 yen for 30 minutes, but it will be only 2000 yen as for a special discount.

[charge (+人)お金 for OO]で【OOのために人にいくら請求する】という文章になります。 ですので「Normally I charge 3000 yen for 30 minutes」で【普段は30分で3000円なんだけど...】という意味になります。 もっと簡単に「Normally it is 3000 yen for 30 minutes」でも良いですね。 「as for a special discount」で「特別な割引として」という意味になります。 もしくは「I will give you a special discount and only charge 2000 yen today.」 で「今日は特別に割引で請求は2000円だけになります」と伝えることもできます。
Rieko A ブロガー/IT企業社員 in シドニー
  • My 30 minute lessons are 3000 but I can offer you a 1000 yen discount

Well, a reduction of 33% seems very generous! Discounts of this size may be available to students buying a course in advance, for example. Offering too big a discount though may be under-valuing the service, or seem like a desperate attempt to attract students.
33%の値引きはとても寛大ですね! この規模のディスカウントは例えば生徒が事前にコースを購入する等であれば有効かもしれません。値引きをし過ぎてしまうとサービスの価値を下げてしまったり生徒を惹きつけるために必死になっていると思われるかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Usually charge ¥3000 for 30 minutes but I am offering a discount at the moment

  • Lessons are normally ¥3000 for 30 minutes but as a loyal customer I would like to offer you a discount

Either as a promotional incentive or as a loyalty bonus a discount is a good tool. Many businesses use loyalty cards to entice you to become a repeat customer
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Offer a discount

  • Lessons are usually 3000 Yen for 30 minutes...I'd like to offer a special 30% Discount!

When we " offer a discount" we are deducting some % from the normal price charged... In this case it is a " substantial discount" of 30%! Lessons are usually 3000 Yen for 30 minutes.I'd like to offer a special 30% Discount!
"offer a discount"(ディスカウントを提供する)値引きをする時、通常請求する値段から何%か差し引きます。この場合、30%の "substantial discount"(大値引き)です。 Lessons are usually 3000 Yen for 30 minutes.I'd like to offer a special 30% Discount!(レッスンは通常30分3000円です。30%のディスカウントを提供させていただきます!)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Because you are an important customer I'd like to offer you a thirty percent discount today and only charge you 2000 yen.

  • My lessons are usually 3000 yen but I have a concessionary rate of 2000 yen for you today if you are keen.

  • Today I have a price reduction on my lessons and am willing to offer you a 1000 yen price cut on my usual fee of 3000 yen.

When trying to convey that one is offering a discount, one may use the following words; discount-A deduction from the usual cost of something. price reduction-Lowering the regular rate of something. price cut-reducing the price. concession-A reduction in the price of something. concessionary rate- Relating to a reduced rate.
ディカウントを提供する時、次のような単語が使えます; discount(ディスカウント)-何かの通常のコストからの値引き price reduction(値引き)-何かの通常の値段を下げること price cut(プライスカット)-値段を下げること concession(値引き)-何かの値段を下げること concessionary rate(値引き率)- 値引きするレートに関すること 例1 Because you are an important customer I'd like to offer you a thirty percent discount today and only charge you 2000 yen.(あなたは重要なお客様なので、30%の値引きを提供し、2000円だけしか請求しません。) 例2 My lessons are usually 3000 yen but I have a concessionary rate of 2000 yen for you today if you are keen.(私のレッスンは通常3000円ですが、よろしければ今日はあなたのために2000円に値引きします。) 例3 Today I have a price reduction on my lessons and am willing to offer you a 1000 yen price cut on my usual fee of 3000 yen.(今日はレッスン料の値引きをして、通常の料金3000円から1000円値引きします。)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • I can give you a discount of 1000 yen. It would make it 2000 yen per lesson.

  • It is normally 3000 yen, but I can give you a special offer of 2000 yen.

  • Usually my lessons cost 3000 yen for 30 minutes, but I will give you a special offer of 2000 yen per lesson.

I can give you a discount of 1000 yen. - A discount means that it is cheaper than the usual cost. I can offer you a 33% discount. Q: What is the best price you can do? A:The best I can do is 2000 yen per lesson.
I can give you a discount of 1000 yen. (1000円値引きできます) -「discount」は、通常の費用よりも安いことを表します。 I can offer you a 33% discount. (33パーセント値引きできます) Q: What is the best price you can do?(どこまでなら安くできますか) A: The best I can do is 2000 yen per lesson.(1レッスン2000円までです)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • My lessons are usually 3000 yen for 30minutes but I'll give you a special discount and make it 2000 yen

  • Normally it's 3000 yen for a 30 minute lesson but I will only charge you 2000 yen today

When you charge an amount all the time then you would use the term 'usually' or 'normally' then they would know it is a cheaper amount
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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