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教材を前回やったものを選んでしまい、途中で終わった教材だったことに気づき。 間違えてしまったので、〇〇の教材に変えてほしいいことをお願いしたい際にはどう言えばいいのか? I choose text by mistake. Could you chenge 〇〇? でいいのでしょうか?
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2018/01/05 10:50
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  • I'm sorry but it seems I chose the wrong teaching materials, would it be possible to exchange them (for 〇〇 )?

MIKIさん、こんばんは。 「教材」は英語で "teaching materials" になりますが、教科書の場合には "textbook" を使った方がいいです。 丁寧な言い方にする為に "I'm sorry but it seems ...「すみませんが、。。。のようだ」、又は "is it possible to ..." (。。。出来ますか?) の代わりに "would it be possible to ..." 「。。。は可能のでしょうか?」を使った方が良いです。 "I'm sorry but it seems I chose the wrong teaching materials, ..." => 「すみませんが、教材を選ぶのを間違えてしまったようで、」 "... would it be possible to exchange them (for 〇〇 )?" => 「( 〇〇 に)変えてもらっても可能でしょうか?」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • We've done this before. Can we switch to something else?

This example monologue has two parts: information about an aspect of what is being carried out; and a proposal to correct or alter the situation. This a very typical procedure when things start to go wrong. "The car is running out of petrol! We need to get to a petrol station quickly!"
この例のモノローグは2つのパートがあります。 なにが行われているかについての情報、 そして状況を変えるための提案です。 これは何かが間違っている時のとても典型的な手段です。 "The car is running out of petrol. We need to get to a petrol station quickly." (車のガソリンがなくなってきている!早くガソリンスタンドにいかなきゃ!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I´m sorry but I have just realized I have completed this lesson previously. Please may we choose another set of material.

  • Oh dear I recognize this material from a previous class! I will choose something new for the remainder of our time in order to utilize my learning time better.

The first answer denotes a polite acceptance of error and furthermore a polite request to switch materials. The second response is more direct and asserts ones desired reroute.
最初の答えは、ミスの丁寧な受け止めと教材を変えてもらえるよう丁寧なリクエストです。 2番目の解答は、より直接的で変えて欲しいことを示しています。
Franky B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry I just realized now, i have already done this lesson. Is it too late to change?

*I'm sorry I just realized now, I have already done this lesson. Is it too late to change?. - If you make a mistake the polite thing to do is to apologize. Example Sentences: Please forgive me i gave you the wrong pair of shoes. I'm sorry i think i took the wrong bus, please drop me off at the next stop.
"I'm sorry I just realized now, I have already done this lesson. Is it too late to change?" (すみません、今気づいたのですが、このレッスンもうしたことがありました。今から変えるのは遅いですか?) もし間違えてしまったら、謝ると礼儀正しいです。 例文 "Please forgive me I gave you the wrong pair of shoes." (違う靴を渡してしまったのを許してください。) "I'm sorry I think I took the wrong bus, please drop me off at the next stop." (すみませんが、違うバスに乗ってしまったようです。次のバス停で降りしてください。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I made a mistake. Can I choose a different lesson. I have already done this.

  • Can i choose a different lesson.

example "Sorry, I already covered this. Can I choose something different." or "May I choose again, I already did this lesson."
 "Sorry, I already covered this. Can I choose something different." すみませんが、これをもうやってしまいました。違うものをもらってもいいですか?  "May I choose again, I already did this lesson." もう一度選び直してもいいですか?このレッスンをもうしてしまいました。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I have just realized I’ve done this before. Could we change to lesson number........ please

  • I’ve made a mistake booking this lesson. I have done it before.

  • Would you mind if we switch to lesson number ...... as I have done this one before

Verb realize= Become aware of. I have become aware of the fact I have done this before. Example two. Subject I.verb have made. Noun a mistake.I have made a mistake . Admit that the error is your own
realize(動詞)=(これを以前やっていたことに)気付く 例2: I(主語)、have made(動詞)、a mistake(名詞) I have made a mistake.(間違えました) 自分のミスだと認めてます。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • I made a mistake when choosing the material for our lesson.

I chose the wrong material for our class today. I have actually done this material already, but I didn't realize it immediately. Can we switch to another lesson? Inform your teacher of this error as soon as you realize you have already done that material so that you can switch to new material as quickly as possible so that you can have the most productive class possible! Chose new material quickly so you don't waste valuable learning time :)
I chose the wrong material for our class today. I have actually done this material already, but I didn't realize it immediately. Can we switch to another lesson? (レッスンの教材を間違えて選んでしまいました。この教材はもうやったことがあるのですが、気付きませんでいた。別のレッスンに替えてもらってもいいですか) 「この教材はもうやったことがある」と気付いたら、少しでも実りのあるレッスンになるようにできるだけ早く先生にそれについて伝えましょう。貴重な学習時間を無駄にしないよう、速やかに新しい教材を選びましょう。
Deb W DMM英会話講師
  • I have already done this one can we switch to another

  • Can we change the lesson plan?

"I have already done this one can we switch to another" This sentence is expressing that you have already done/completed something and would like to switch/change to another material or option. "Can we change the lesson plan?" lesson plan is the term used often when in an educational context, the lesson plan is something the tutor/teacher will use to plan the lesson and follow.
"I have already done this one can we switch to another"(これは前にやったことがあります、他のに変えてもらえますか) 「これは前にやったことがあるので、他の(教材)に変えたい」と伝えています。 "Can we change the lesson plan?"(レッスンプランを変えてもいいですか) 'lesson plan' は教育に関してよく使われる言葉です。 'lesson plan' は先生が使うレッスンの計画をいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I just realised that I have done this material before, is it okay to change?

  • Is it okay to change the material? I have just realised I have done this before.

  • Is it possible to change the material? I have done this before.

I just realised that I have done this material before, is it okay to change? Is it okay to change the material? I have just realised I have done this before. Is it possible to change the material? I have done this before. If you realise half way through the lesson that you have already done the material and you want to change, then you can use one of these three sentences. They are all more or less the same, just a bit of different word ordering. All should help you out though and get you understood. I hope that helps. Have a good day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I just realized I've done this material before. Can we switch to..?

  • I just realized I've already done this material. Can we switch to..?

Here are two different ways to tell the teacher that you've already done the material. Although they are very similar to each other, they use different adverbs, "before," and, "already," to describe that something was done in the past.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I have just realized that I have done this material before! Could we change the material please?

In this situation once you realize you have done a certain class material, it is more beneficial to change the class materials to something new, you will be able to learn some new things/different aspects of English.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry but I think I selected the wrong text book.

I am sorry but I think I selected the wrong text book. すいません、間違ったテキストブックを選んでしまったみたいです。 他の教材に変えてもらうリクエストをする際は、 Could you change it to 〜? 〜に変えていただけますか。 〜の部分には教科書の名前などを入れてください。
  • I'm sorry, I just realized that I've already done this material. Can we switch to the next one?

"I'm sorry" is a good way to both interrupt during a conversation and to be very polite. If you "switch" something, you change from one thing to another. I hope that this helps. :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
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