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友達に今日のバスケットボールの試合行くかどうか決めた? と聞きたいです。
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2018/01/07 02:28
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  • Have you decided~?

Have you decided to go to the basketball match? 「バスケットボールの試合行くことにした?」 Have you decided to do~?で、「〜することを決めた?」という意味になります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • So, what do you think about going to the game today?

  • So, have you decided whether to go to the game?

You can pose a question by opening the sentence with 'so'. 'So' at the start of sentences is used to introduce a question. For example: "So, what do you think?" "So, you like it?" "So, shall we?"
"so"を文頭におくことで、「それで」「ねぇ」というように、質問をする前の枕詞として使うことができます。  "So, what do you think?"(ねぇ、どう思う?) "So, you like it?"(それで、それ好きなの?) "So, shall we?"(じゃぁ、〜しようか?)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Well, do you want to go or not?

Explanation: Obviously it is late to make such a decision and the time for pussyfooting around with you procrastinating friend has long passed. A simple and direct question is what is required. Example sentence: "Are you coming, or not?"
明らかに、このような決断をするのは遅く、もたもたしていると時間があっという間にたちます。簡潔で直接的な質問は、以下の通りです。 例文:  "Are you coming, or not?" 来るの?それとも来ないの?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are you going to go to the basketball game?

  • I'm thinking of going to the basketball game. Wanna go?

  • Did you decide whether or not you are going to the game?

Are you going to go to the basketball game? I'm thinking of going to the basketball game. Wanna go? Did you decide whether or not you are going to the game? Have you decided if you want to go to the game or not? It's almost time to go to the game. Did you want to go?
Are you going to go to the basketball game?(バスケットボールの試合には行きますか?) I'm thinking of going to the basketball game. Wanna go?(バスケットボールの試合に行こうかなと思っているんだけど、行きませんか?) Did you decide whether or not you are going to the game?(試合に行くかどうか決めましたか?) Have you decided if you want to go to the game or not?(試合に行くかどうか決めましたか?) It's almost time to go to the game. Did you want to go?(もうそろそろ試合に行く時間です。行きますか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • "Have you decided whether you want to go?"

  • "Would you like to go or not?"

  • "Did you decide whether or not you are going to the basketball game?"

If you wanted to ask a friend if they have decided whether or not they wanted to go to the basketball game today, you could ask any of the following: "Have you decided whether you want to go?", "Would you like to go or not?" or "Did you decide whether or not you are going to the basketball game?". All three of these questions directly ask what you would like to know.
今日バスケットボールの試合に行くかどうか決めたか友達に確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Have you decided whether you want to go?"(行くかどうか決めましたか) "Would you like to go or not?"(行きますか、どうしますか) "Did you decide whether or not you are going to the basketball game?"(バスケットボールの試合に行くかどうか決めましたか) どの文も、あなたの知りたいことを単刀直入に尋ねています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Have you decided whether you want to go to the basketball game?

  • What have you decided about the game today?

In proper English, the clearest way to ask this question would be the first sentence "have you decided whether you want to go to the basketball game?'. But, because you are talking to a friend the most casual (and probably more common) way of saying this is 'what have you decided about the game today?'. Due the the context, your friend should understand that you are talking about. a basketball game.
フォーマルな英語ではこの質問の最も明確な聞き方は、"Have you decided whether you want to go to the basketball game?'(バスケットボールの試合には行くのですか)になるでしょう。 ただ、ここでは友達に対して尋ねるわけなので、最もカジュアル(で、おそらくより一般的)な言い方は 'What have you decided about the game today?'(今日の試合はどうするのですか)です。文脈から、バスケットボールの試合について言っていることが伝わるはずです。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • Have you decided yet ?

  • Have you made your mind up yet?

  • Would you like to go or not?

If the person knows what you are talking about then you can simply say 'Have you decided yet? If you make your mind up it means to decide what you want to do so you can say 'Have you made your mind up yet?'
何について話しているかが相手に分かるときには、シンプルに 'Have you decided yet?'(もう決めましたか)と言えます。 'To make your mind up' は「決断する」という意味です。 ですから、'Have you made your mind up yet?'(もう決めましたか)と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Have you decided whether you're going or not?

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: Have you decided whether you're going or not? 行くかどうか決めた? going or not で「行くかどうか」を表すことができます。 decide が「決める」です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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