What time is good for you?
小林さんの回答に加えて、good だけでも「都合がいい」を表現することができます。
A: What time is good for you?
B: What about 10AM?
ここでは、good for you = あなたにとって都合が良い、です。
"What time works best for you?" is a pretty concise and direct form of asking. Most appointments that are scheduled over the phone go with this phrase.
Phone lady: Hello, this is the doctor's office. How may I help you?
Mr. Gomez: Hi, I'd like to schedule an appointment for next Monday.
Phone lady: Sure, may I have your name and phone number please (and other information) ?
Mr. Gomez: My name is Daniel Gomez and my phone number is 555-123-4567
Phone lady: Thank you Mr. Gomez. And what time works best for you on Monday?
Mr. Gomez: Any time between 10am to 1pm!
"What time works best for you?"
電話番の女性: Hello, this is the doctor's office. How may I help you?
ゴメズ: Hi, I'd like to schedule an appointment for next Monday.
電話番の女性: Sure, may I have your name and phone number please (and other information) ?
ゴメズ: My name is Daniel Gomez and my phone number is 555-123-4567
Phone lady: Thank you Mr. Gomez. And what time works best for you on Monday?
Mr. Gomez: Any time between 10am to 1pm!
Using the expression "suits you" is a polite and formal way of finding out the most appropriate time to do something, for example, a meeting.
It is often used in business situations, especially in customer service and for scheduling.
There is a variation of how to use the expression, including using the word 'best' which can be used before or after 'suits you'.
We need to arrange for your dry cleaning to be picked up, what time suits you?
What time best suits you for the meeting about brand extension?
We need to go over the accounts by Monday. What time suits you best?
「suits you」は、例えば、ミーティングのような何かの適切な時間をみつけるときの丁寧で形式的な方法です。
「suits you」の前か後に使われることができる「best」という言葉を含む表現の様々な使い方があります。
We need to arrange for your dry cleaning to be picked up, what time suits you?
What time best suits you for the meeting about brand extension?
We need to go over the accounts by Monday. What time suits you best?
It depends slightly why you are asking this question. Is it to make an interview appointment? Or do you want to take this person out for lunch? Or are you the boss and wish to discuss holidays? This may also affect how you ask the question.
1. This is asking when there is time available in this person's schedule.
"I'm busy all day, but have a gap between three and three thirty."
2. If this person's timetable is very tight, to 'squeeze you in' may be quite difficult.
3. A direct question using 'would' as a polite form rather than 'are'.
"I'm busy all day, but have a gap between three and three thirty."
Like the other anchors said, "convenient" is a good expression to use in this situation but you can also ask about the individual's availability. You can ask them specifically for what time they will be available like the last expression I gave or just generally when they will be available to speak with you that day like the first two expressions.
What is your availability for a meeting? I will fit in with your diary!
Business is a trying affair... and things really do need to be organised if we are to succeed in that area;-) It is always best to shcedule a meeting to suit the client!
"What is your availability for a meeting? I will fit in with your diary!"
仕事は簡単ではありません...成功を目指すなら、物事をきちんと整理できないといけません ;-) 顧客に合わせてミーティングをセットするのがベストですね。
"What is your availability for a meeting? I will fit in with your diary!"
Can you please tell me what time would suit you best?
What is the most convenient time for you?
What time fits you best?
There are different ways to ask someone about their availability. The most commonly used ones are:
"Can you please tell me what time would suit you best?" - this is the usual way how business people check the availability for a meeting. The phrase used is "suit you best".
"What is the most convenient time for you?" - another commonly used way of checking when someone is available is by using the phrase "the most convenient time".
"What time fits you best?" - this way of asking for someone's availability is less formal and is often used in everyday conversation.
"Can you please tell me what time would suit you best?" - ”いつが一番都合がいいか教えて頂けませんか?"大抵ビジネスの場面でミーティングの予定を立てる際に、"suit you best"のフレーズが使われます。
'what is the most convenient time for you?" - "一番都合の良い時間帯はいつですか?" "the most convenient time"のフレーズを使い、相手の都合を尋ねる聞き方です。
”What time fuits you best” - "何時が都合いいですか?" これはもう少しカジュアルに相手の都合を聞いています。日常会話でよく使われます。
Asking when someone is available is a formal way of asking when they are free.
When would be convenient to meet asks them to give you a time that would suit them.
"Asking when someone is availableはいつ時間が開いているかを
When would be convenient to meetは相手に都合の良い時間を教えてくれるように
The word 'schedule' in the above sentence is a word often used in business to refer to time. If you want to schedule something it means you want to plan something formally. If you are asking to 'schedule' a meeting and you want it to be on the terms of the other person. You can add at a time that 'convinient' to them. This is letting them know that you would like to know what time is best for them.
Hope this helps
Teacher Jemxi
Please let me know when it would be suitable for us to meet again during the first week of June.
Please send me a few options in terms of your availability so that I can arrange the next meeting.
Please have a look at your schedule and let me know how soon we can meet again.
In business conversation it is always better to be clear when asking for information. A request for a meeting should specify the date range (whether it be the day, week or month) or simply asking for the next available date is fine too. Once the date has been finalised, then the time and venue can be confirmed.
"What time is convenient for you," this is asking what time they are available and if that time is also convenient. This is question gives the other person the power of deciding. This is a more formal way of asking.
"What time will you be available," this is just asking when they are available. This response is not concerned with convenience. This question is just asking about availability.
"What time is convenient for you,"
"What time will you be available,"
When would be a good time for you?
What time is good for you?
Hey, I want to talk to you a little later. When would be a good time for you?
・What time is good for you?
・What time is convenient for you?
・What time are you free?
convenient は「便利」という意味の英語表現です。