What's your favorite animal?
What animal do you like the most?
複数形ですとWhat/Which animals do you like the most? で大丈夫です。
What animal is your favorite out of all other animals?
If you had to choose one animal, which would you choose?
My favorite animal is a dog. I absolutely love dogs because they are loyal, cute and great company. This is why if I had to pick one animal that I like the most it would be a dog.
Favorite= like the most
My favorite animal is a dog. I absolutely love dogs because they are loyal, cute and great company. This is why if I had to pick one animal that I like the most it would be a dog.
Favorite = 一番好きな
When you want to ask someone what their favorite animal is, then you may ask in the following ways:
-What is your favorite animal?
-Which animal do you like the most?
-What is your favorite animal?
-Which animal do you like the most?
Most people could name an animal that they prefer over other animals. Maybe because of the way the animal looks, it's attitude or just that they are gentle animals. A large number of people around the world's favourite animals are either domesticated cats or dogs.
Both of these answers above ask someone the question "What is your favorite animal?"
Many people are animal lovers so it's a good topic of conversation. You could just go right out and ask a person if they have a favourite animal or delve a little deeper and ask them to compare to other animals or to explain why they have a preference. It's always a good ice-breaker.