"How do you spell Valentines?" This asks the person to tell you how you spell the word.
"Can you spell Valentines for me?" This politely asks the person to spell the word for you.
"How do you spell Valentines?"
"Can you spell Valentines for me?"
・How do you spell 〜?
・Can you tell me how to spell 〜?
・How do you spell Valentine’s Day?
・Can you tell me how to spell Valentine’s Day?
▪ Can you help me spell Valentine's
This is asking the next person to help you spell Valentine's.
In this case, you will write it and the person will correct you where necessary.
▪ Can you show me how to spell Valentine's
This is asking a friend or someone to show you how to spell Valentines.
In this case you friend will write it and show you.
"Can you help me spell Valentine's?"
"Can you show me how to spell Valentine's?"
*Repeat is a verb that means to say/do again. When asking someone to repeat it's always good to ask politely.
Example Sentences:
May you please kindly repeat how to spell valentine's?
Could you please repeat the question?
*Recite a verb used to say something again - Could you please recite the word "Valentine's again?
May you please kindly repeat how to spell valentine's?
Could you please repeat the question?
Could you please recite the word "Valentine's again?
You may start this request using 'How do you..?' or 'Could you...?' You could also form a 'What' question such as:
"What is the correct spelling of 'Valentine's' please?'
It should also be noted that in the spelling of 'Valentine's' there is a possessive apostrophe before the 'letter 'S' as in: "Valentine's Day."
"How do you...?"(どのように〜?)や
"Could you...?"(〜してくれませんか?)
"What is the correct spelling of "Valentine's please?"
"Valentine's Day " のスペルでは、
How do you spell "Valentine's"? I've forgotten how to spell it.
Can you tell me how to spell "Valentine's" again? Thanks!
"How do you spell "Valentine's"? I've forgotten how to spell it." and "Can you tell me how to spell "Valentine's" again? Thanks!" are both polite ways to ask how to spell a word, in this case Valentine's.
"How do you spell "Valentine's"? I've forgotten how to spell it."("Valentine's" はどういうつづりですか。忘れてしまいました)
"Can you tell me how to spell "Valentine's" again? Thanks!"("Valentine's" はどういうつづりでしたっけ。ありがとうございます)
どちらも、言葉(この場合 "Valentine's")のつづりを確認する丁寧な言い方です。
Can you please tell me the spelling of "Valentine's?
To ask somebody how to spell the word "Valentine's", you can say:
"What is the spelling of "Valentine's"?"
"Can you please tell me the spelling of "Valentine's?""
"Valentine's" のつづりを確認したいなら、次のように言えます。
"What is the spelling of "Valentine's"?"("Valentine's" のつづりを教えてください)
"Can you please tell me the spelling of "Valentine's?""("Valentine's" のつづりを教えてもらえますか)
「How do you spell "Valentine's"?」と言います。
「I forgot how to spell "Valentine's."」も使うことができます。
Sorry, how do you spell Valentine's?
I forgot how to spell Valentine's.
「バレンタインデー」は英語で Valentine's Day と言います。