If there is weather which you do not like very much and you wish to express that you want it to stop by tomorrow, say the following:
For rain:
"It's raining. I hope it stops by tomorrow."
For snow:
"It's snowing. I hope it stops by tomorrow."
"It's raining. I hope it stops by tomorrow."
"It's snowing. I hope it stops by tomorrow."
The first sentence "I hope it will stop raining/snowing tomorrow." does not have a specific time for the desire for the rain/snow to be gone. However, the second sentence is more specific "I hope this snow/rain has cleared up by tomorrow morning." Here we want it to stop by a specific time.
"I hope it will stop raining/snowing tomorrow." (明日には雨/雪が止んでほしい。)という最初の文章は、特定の時間帯は述べていません。
それに比べて、2番目の文章は"I hope this snow/rain has cleared up by tomorrow morning."(明日の朝までには雨/雪が止んでほしい。)というように特定の時間帯を述べています。
Explanation: To clear up, when talking about the weather, means for the bad weather or cloud or unsatisfactory conditions to dispel.
Example sentence:
"It rained all day Monday but cleared up overnight so the Tuesday festival went ahead in brilliant sunnhine."
解説:天気の話をする場合に、To clear upとは 悪天候や曇り空やいまいちな状態が改善することを指します。
"It rained all day Monday but cleared up overnight so the Tuesday festival went ahead in brilliant sunnhine."
When it is currently raining you can turn to your friend and say "I hope this rain stops by tomorrow", or simply, "I hope it stops by tomorrow".
To give more emphasis on you really wanting it to stop, then you can say, "It better stop by tomorrow morning". By saying 'it better' it means it has to or you will be angry/annoyed.
今雨が降っている場合は、友達に"I hope this rain stops by tomorrow"あるいは単純に"I hope it stops by tomorrow"と言うことができます。
本当に止んでほしいことを強調する場合は、"It better stop by tomorrow morning"ということができます。'it better'と言うことで、そうでなければ困ったり怒ったりするであろうことを意味します。
DMM英会話講師 Alex CB(アレックス)
If the person knows that you are talking about the rain or snow then you can simply say 'I hope it stops by tomorrow morning' if they are unsure then you can add 'I hope it stops raining/snowing' this would explain what you are talking about
When talking about the rain/snow that stops we say it clears up - meaning it goes away and is then clear
'I hope it stops by tomorrow morning'(あしたの朝までに上がればいいけど)
'I hope it stops raining/snowing'(雨/雪がやめばいいけど)
雨や雪が降りやむことは 'it clears up' とも言います。雨や雪が降りやんで天気になることをいいます。
very easy and frequently used expressions when describing that you want to rain to stop, often we can shorten the sentence to "Wish the rain would stop".
widely used is the phrase "why is it still raining" a rhetorical question used very frequently to describe the disappointment of the rain and that you want it to stop.
この文はしばしば "Wish the rain would stop"(雨やんで欲しいな)と短縮されます。
"Why is it still raining?"(何で雨やまないんだろう)はよく使われます、非常によく使われる修辞疑問文です。雨に落胆していること、そして早くやんで欲しい気持ちを表します。
We use the word 'by' to express a time limit.
I have to finish studying by exam time
I need to be at school by 2 pm.
'Sometime' is defined by a long period of time.
'No more' describes the end of something.
by' という語は時間制限を表します。
I have to finish studying by exam time(試験時間までに勉強を終えないと)
I need to be at school by 2 pm(午後2時までに学校に行かないといけない)
'Sometime' は「長い時間」という意味です。
'No more' は物事の終わりを表します。
Using the phrase "I hope" is a clear way to express a desire. By saying that you hope that the snow doesn't continue tomorrow, you are implying that you hope that it stops tonight. I hope that this helps. :)
"I hope" は明確な願望を表します。
"I hope that this snow won't continue tomorrow"(雪があしたまで続かないといいけど)で、「今夜雪がやんで欲しい」のニュアンスになります。