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甘いものは何が好き? アイスです。 なぜ? アイスは夏に食べると冷たくて美味しいからです。
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2018/01/24 22:45
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  • Ice cream is ideal in summer because it cools you down.

  • Ice cream tastes great in summer because it cools you down.

  • Ice cream is delicious in summer because it cools and refreshes you.

Summer days can be very hot, so hot sometimes that you would wish to plunge into a swimming pool with your clothes on. That is when ice cream comes in handy. It is very much ideal in summer because, apart from tasting great or being delicious, it also cools and refreshes you. Ice cream cools you down. The adjective 'ideal' used here means 'most suitable' in this context. So you may say: Ice cream is ideal in summer because it cools you down. or Ice cream tastes great in summer because it cools you down. or Ice cream is delicious in summer because it cools and refreshes you.
夏の日は本当に暑くなりますよね。 そんな暑さは時々服を着たままプールに飛び込みたくなります。 そんな時、アイスクリームはとても重宝します。 これはとっても理想的です。 とても美味しいことは置いといて、アイスクリームは冷たくてあなたをリフレッシュしてくれます。 アイスクリームはあなたを冷やしてくれます。 この 'ideal'(理想的な)と言う形容詞はここでは 'most suitable'(とてもふさわしい)と言う意味になります。 ですので、次のように表現してみましょう。 Ice cream is ideal in summer because it cools you down. (あなたを冷やしてくれるので夏にアイスクリームはとても理想的です) Ice cream tastes great in summer because it cools you down. (あなたを冷やしてくれるので、夏にアイスクリームはとってもおいしいです) Ice cream is delicious in summer because it cools and refreshes you. (あなたを冷やしてリフレッシュしてくれるので、夏にアイスクリームはとても美味しいです)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Ice cream tastes so good in the summer because it is so cold and refreshing.

  • I love ice cream in the summer because it cools me down.

In the summer we love to eat or drink things that refresh us or cool us down. So you can use these phrases to explain how much you enjoy ice cream in the summer. When we are really hot, we might say "I fancy an ice cream to cool me down". We fancy it because we know it will make us feel better.
夏に冷たいものを飲んだり食べたりすると、リフレッシュできて冷たくなるのでみんな好きですよね。 ですので、これらの表現を使ってあなたが夏にアイスクリームを食べることが好きな事を説明できます。 本当に暑い時 "I fancy an ice cream to cool me down" (涼しくするためにアイスが欲しい) と言ったりします。 気分がよくなるからアイスが欲しくなるんですよね。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • It's so refreshing to eat cold ice cream on a hot summers day

Refreshing - To be refreshed is to give new strength or energy to yourself through an action which makes you feel reinvigorated.
"Refreshing" 「refreshed」は、何かをして、力、元気を得ることを言います。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Ice Cream is delicious to eat in summer because it is refreshing.

  • Ice cream in Summer is lovely because the weather is so hot.

"Ice Cream is delicious to eat in summer because it is refreshing." This explains that it is nice to eat ice cream in summer because the ice cream is nice and cold and makes you feel better. "Ice cream in Summer is lovely because the weather is so hot." This explains that it is nice to eat ice cream in Summer because the weather is very hot.
例文 "Ice Cream is delicious to eat in summer because it is refreshing." スッキリするので夏にアイスクリームを食べるのはおいしい アイスクリームが美味しくて冷たく、気分が良くなるので夏にアイスクリームを食べることは良いと説明しています。 例文 "Ice cream in Summer is lovely because the weather is so hot." とても暑いので、夏に食べるアイスクリームはおいしい とても暑いので、夏にアイスクリームを食べることは良いと説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Ice cream is especially delicious in the summer because it is cold and refreshing.

Ideal means perfect for or most suitable for a certain time or place. So you can say that ice cream is ideal for the summertime. Ice cream is cool and refreshing. And because it is hot in the summer, you need to cool down. You can also say cool off. Ice cream is great in the summertime because it helps to cool me down. Ice cream cools you off in the summer. Ice cream is great to cool down in the summer. Ice cream is refreshing and cools me down during the summertime.
Ideal(理想)とは、特定の時や場所にパーフェクトまたは最適な、という意味です。なので、アイスクリームは夏に最適だ、と言えます。何故なら、アイスクリームは体を冷やして気分爽快にしてくれるからです。 冷やすことを”Cool downまたは”Cool off"と言います。 "Ice cream is great in the summertime because it helps to cool me down." (クールダウンさせてくれるから、夏のアイスクリームは最高だ。) "Ice cream cools you off in the summer." (夏はアイスクリームがクールオフしてくれる。) "Ice cream is great to cool down in the summer." (夏にクールダウンするのにアイスクリームは持って来いだ。) "Ice cream is refreshing and cools me down during the summertime." (夏はアイスクリームがクールダウンさせてくれるし、気分爽快になる。)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • A cold ice cream is best appreciated on a hot summer day

Explanation: To appreciate something = to notice the good or beneficial points of something. Example sentence: "The audience really appreciated his dry sense of humour."
解説:感謝する To appreciate something とは、何か良い点や利点を認識することを意味します。 例文: "The audience really appreciated his dry sense of humour." (聴衆は彼の辛口なユーモアを大変気に入りました。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Ice cream is good in the summer as it cools you down

  • Ice cream's tastes good in the summer as it is cold and refreshing

  • Ice cream is ideal in the summer as it cools you down

If something is ideal it is perfect in that situation so eating ice cream in the summer when it is warm is ideal as it cools you down as it is cold and you are warm Refreshing means to make you feel better/different ( cooler in this example)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Ice cream tastes great in the summer because it's cold and refreshing.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Ice cream tastes great in the summer because it's cold and refreshing.」 =アイスは夏に食べると冷たくて美味しいです。 (例文)Ice cream tastes great in the summer because it's cold and refreshing.// I agree. My favorite flavor is chocolate. (訳)アイスは夏に食べると冷たくて美味しいです。//私もそう思います。一番好きな味はチョコです。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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