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2018/05/14 22:15
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  • It's better to eat with people than to eat alone

  • A good meal should be shared

ここら辺は文化的な違いがあるかもしれないです。 ”皆んなで食べる”と言う習慣は西洋ではそんなにありません。 家族皆んなで食べたり、バーベキューはあるけど、 皆んなで餃子パーティーとか焼きそばを食うと言うのはありません。 従って、表現が変わります。 「It's better to eat with people than to eat alone」>これは「独りで食べる孤独感はよく無いね」のニュアンスが込もった表現です。 もっとポジティブなのは:「A good meal should be shared」 > 「美味しいものは他人と食べる方がいいね」。 これは何かと言うと、一人で食べてもその美味しさを一人占めしてもしょうがないと言うニュアンスです。
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • when I eat with others food tastes so much better

  • when eating alone food doesn't taste as good but eating with others food tastes so much better

  • food doesn't taste as good while eating by myself compared to eating with others

these are casual phrases used to compare the difference in the taste of food when eating alone or with others. by myself is another casual well used phrase to describe being alone
これらは、1人で食べたときと他の人と食べたときの食べ物の味の変化を伝えるカジュアルなフレーズです。 'by myself' は 'alone'(1人で)の意味のカジュアルでよく使われるフレーズです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Food tastes better when eating alone

  • Food tastes better when eating by yourself

The sensation we get when eating food is called 'taste' this can be sweet, savoury, salty, spicy etc if something is good by doing something rather than something else this is said to be 'better' If you are on your own as well as 'alone' you can say 'by yourself'
食べ物を食べたときに感じる感覚のことは 'taste'(味)といいます。例えば「甘い」とか「香ばしい」とか「しょっぱい」「辛い」などです。 あることをしたときよりも別のことをしたときの方が物事が良くなるなら、それは 'better'(より良い)で表せます。 「1人で」は 'alone' に加えて 'by yourself' でも表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Food is always better when enjoyed with friends.

  • A meal always is better when dining with others.

  • Eating with others always makes a meal better.

The expression "when enjoyed" refers to eating and enjoying a meal. This is a way to express that food is still good whatever the situation may be. To dine with others is a good expression to use in place of eating with others. Making the expression that the experience is better leaves room to say that dining alone or with other people is still enjoyable. It's just not as enjoyable when eating alone though. It's good to use "better" or "more" to compare the two experiences. It gives the impression that the experience can be improved.
"when enjoyed" は食事を楽しむことを指します。これは、どのような状況であれ、それでも食べ物はおいしいことを表します。 "eating with others" の代わりに "to dine with others" も使えます。"better" を使うと、「一人で食べても楽しい」という解釈の余地が残ります。一人で食べるよりは他の人と食べた方が楽しい、ということ。 この二つの体験を比較するときには、"better" や "more" が使えます。その体験がより良いものになるという印象になります。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Food always tastes better when shared with others

  • Having company at a meal seems to accentuate the flavour

If you want to say something like "Food tastes better when eating with other people than when eating alone, then you can try one of the above suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A good meal is always better when enjoyed in the company of others.

  • The company of others can make any meal great.

  • Food tastes better when enjoyed in the company of others .

Sharing a meal with good company is a great experience, it is a healthy ritual in which we find comfort. Sitting in conversation and discussing relevant stories in our lives can bring about community and a happy attitude. Eating alone is fine too but it is not as colorful as sharing a meal with others.
良い仲間と食事を共にするのはすごく楽しいですね。心が癒やされます。 座って共通の話題について話すことで、つながりが生まれ楽しい雰囲気になります。 一人で食べるのも悪くはありませんが、他の人と一緒の方が華やかです。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Good meals are best enjoyed with others

  • Great food, great company

  • Food is best shared with others

If we say "Good meals are best enjoyed with others," we are saying that we prefer to eat a nice meal with people that we love and enjoy. The saying "Great food, great company,"acknowledges the pleasure that we feel when we can share in a meal with people that we enjoy being around. Many of us feel that it is much more enjoyable to share a meal with other people rather than to eat alone. "Food is best shared with others" expresses that feeling.
"Good meals are best enjoyed with others" は「おいしい食事は愛する人と食べた方が楽しい」という意味です。 "Great food, great company"(良い食事は良い仲間と共に)は、良い仲間と食事を共にしたときの喜びについて言っています。 食事は一人で食べるよりも他の人と一緒に食べた方がずっと楽しいと感じる人が多いですね。"Food is best shared with others"(食事は人と一緒に食べた方がおいしい)はその気持ちを表します。
Morrisa DMM英会話講師
  • Sharing a meal

  • Food tastes better when its shared

  • Better to eat with others than alone

Sharing a meal example sentence: I hope you can join me for dinner tonight because I believe that sharing a meal makes the food taste better compared to eating all by yourself. Food tastes better when its shared example sentence: My brother told me that food tastes much better when its shared and I have to agree with him. Better to eat with others than alone example sentence: It is better to eat with other than alone because you can share so many dinner stories together.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
  • Food tastes better when eating with others.

  • Food tastes better when eating with others than eating alone.

  • I prefer to eat with others than alone.

In the first sentence we can see that sometimes we don't need to include the opposite of the idea as typically in this concept, we can understand it based on the context. Example two shows the full sentence with explaining the two different contrasts. The last example uses the verb, "to prefer," to show our preference of eating with others rather than alone.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • If you eat with a lot of people, you can enjoy the taste more.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) If you eat with a lot of people, you can enjoy the taste more. 「たくさんの人と食べると、味をもっと楽しむことができる」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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