世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/26 03:14
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  • We are nearly out of cooking oil. Would you mind buying some?

  • Can you please go and buy some oil? We have nearly run out.

  • There is not much cooking oil left. Do you mind buying some?

There are multiple ways of asking this question. Express the fact that the oil is running low/nearly finished. Then, ask nicely if your friend is willing to go and buy some more. Tips - say 'please' as it is polite when asking a favour of somebody.
この質問をする方法は複数あります。 油が少ないあるいはほとんどないことを表してから、友人に買ってきてもらえるかどうかを丁寧に聞きましょう。 ヒント - 誰かにお願いをするときには'please'というのが丁寧です。
Amy S DMM英会話講師
  • Would you pick up some cooking oil at the shop please?

  • Don't forget I need some cooking oil if you have time.

It always depends on the context at the time, so where you are when you make this request may have a bearing on what you say. If your friend is going to the shops anyway, you could just say: 'Don't forget I need some cooking oil if you have time.'
これはいつもそのときの状況によるので、あなたのいる場所やこのお願いをする時によって、言い方が変わるかもしれません。 友人がどのみちお店に行くのであれば、次のように言うことができます。 'Don't forget I need some cooking oil if you have time.'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please get some cooking oil we are about to run out?

  • We are running out of cooking oil so can you please get one.

"Can you please get some cooking oil we are about to run out?" This explains that the cooking oil almost finished so asks them to buy anything else. "We are running out of cooking oil so can you please get one." This asks her to please get some more as it is going to finish soon.
"Can you please get some cooking oil we are about to run out?"という例文について この文は、料理に使う油がもうすぐなくなりそうなので、何でも良いので買って来て欲しいと人に頼む文です。 "We are running out of cooking oil so can you please get one."という例文について この文も、上記と同じ意味の別の言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Could you buy some cooking oil we don't have much left?

  • We don't have much cooking oil left, could you go and buy some please?

  • We are running low on cooking oil, could you buy some please

If you don't have much of something left and don't think you will have enough then you can say 'don't have much left' or 'running low' by adding 'could you buy' you are asking someone to go and get some more for you by adding please you are asking in a polite way
何かが残り少なくて足らなくなると思うなら、'don't have much left'(あまり残ってない)や 'running low'(残り少ない)が使えます。 'could you buy' と加えて、買ってきて欲しいとお願いしています。 'please' を加えて丁寧に頼んでいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Can you fetch some oil for me?

  • Could you buy some cooking oil for me as we are low?

You can simply ask, can you fetch me some oil? This is a simple way to request that someone purchase the item for you and bring it back. You could also make a statement followed by a question. For example, I don't have any cooking oil left, would you mind buying some for me? Asking someone - "do you mind, or would you mind" - is a polite way of requesting someone to do something for you.
シンプルに "can you fetch me some oil?"(油を買ってきてくれますか?)と言えます。これは、その商品を買ってきてと頼むシンプルな言い方です。 平叙文の後に質問を続けることもできます。 例えば: I don't have any cooking oil left, would you mind buying some for me? (食用油がないから、買ってきてくれる?) "do you mind" または "would you mind" は、人に何かをしてくださいとお願いするときの丁寧な言い方です。
Daviid M DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind getting some cooking oil from the shop?

  • We are running out of cooking oil, would it be possible for you to buy some?

  • Could I ask you a favor - would you mind picking up some cooking oil from the shop?

1. When you we ask a question with "Would you mind...?" this is very considerate and polite. 2. To run out of something is the same as the supply being low. 3. As going to the shop is an errand to be run, we could ask the person for a favor. A favor is when someone does something nice for you. It is a good idea to state that the supply is low, or why you are asking the favor of running this errand.
[例1] "Would you mind...?" を使うと、とても思いやりのある丁寧な質問になります。 [例2] "To run out of something" は「不足している」の意味です。 [例3] これはお使いに行ってもらうわけなので、"favor" をお願いできます。"favor" とは「親切な行為」という意味です。 油が少なくなっている、つまりお使いを頼んでいる理由を伝えるのはいいアイデアだと思います。
MJ Elworthy DMM英会話講師
  • The cooking oil is almost done, please may you go purchase some?

  • I almost out of cooking oil, please can you go buy some?

  • I need more cooking oil, please may you get some.

When ingredients 'run out' they have almost depleted and need to be replenished. We replenish ingredients by buying more at the grocery store. We can either go to the store ourselves or ask someone to go for us.
食材がなくなりそうになったら、それを補充しないといけませんね。 食材は食料品店に行って補充できます。 自ら行くこともあれば他の人に頼んで代わりに買ってきてもらうこともあります。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Can you grab me some cooking oil?

  • Do you mind picking me up some cooking oil?

"Can you grab me some cooking oil?" to 'grab' something is to pick something up or hold something, in this context it is a very casual expression, ex. "to grab something from the shops" "Do you mind picking me up some cooking oil?" 'Do you mind' is a very polite and casual expression used when asking 'can you'.
"Can you grab me some cooking oil?"(油を買ってきてくれる?) = 'grab' は「買う」「つかむ」の意味です。ここでは、非常にカジュアルな表現です。 例: "to grab something from the shops"(店であるものを買ってくる) "Do you mind picking me up some cooking oil?"(油を買ってきてくれますか?) = 'Do you mind' は 'Can you'(~してくれますか)の意味の非常に丁寧でカジュアルな表現です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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