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レストランの席や、イベントのチケットなど予約や条件を考慮しないで、 申し込み順に受け付けられること。
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2016/01/30 23:51
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  • ① First come, first served

「① First come, first served」が[優先順位](に従って対応することを意味します。 「comes」では無くて、「come」です。 [チケット](の場合、以下の様な例があります: Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis(チケットは先着順位で承ります)。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • first come, first served.

  • Whoever comes first will be served first.

First come, first served; 先着順を表します。 例: We serve our customers on a first-come, first-served basis. 先着順でお客様の[対応](をしております。 関連 [申し訳ございませんが](、ご予約は承っておりません。 I am sorry but we don't accept any reservation. 当店ではご予約は出来かねます。先着順となっております。 There is no reservation available in our restaurant, whoever comes first will be served first.
  • on a first-come-first-served basis

直訳は「最初に来た人からサービスを受けることができる方式」です。 "on a 〜 basis" で 「〜ベース、方式」の意味、 "first come, first served" はイディオムで「早い者勝ち」の意味になります。
  • First come first served basis.

  • It's first come first served.

  • Clients will be served in order of arrival.

The first two are more for informal situations. "Clients will be served in order of arrivel" is a more formal or business way of saying it
"最初の2つの表現は、どちらかと言うとくだけた表現です。 Clients will be served in order of arrivel"" よりフォーマルで、ビジネスではこちらの言い方を使います。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • 1. First come, first served.

  • 2. Form an orderly queue to be served

  • 3. Please stand in line and come forward one at a time.

1. This is an idiom appropriate for this situation. 2. This is an instruction to a group of people about the required process of being attended to. 3. Another instruction for a group of people. The first in line gets to pick/or is attended to first.
1. これは、この状況に適したイディオムですね。 2.これは、参加している人々に対して、必要なプロセスを説明する時に使います。 3.また別の指示の仕方です。最初に並んだ人が最初に対応されるという意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "First come, first served."

"First come, first served." - is an expression used to tell someone that the first person to arrive someplace will be tended to first. For example, if you go to a restaurant and are the first one at the table to get there then you may be the one to order first. Or, if you are standing in line and you are first then you will be the first one to be waited on.
"First come, first served."(先着順)- ある場所に最初に来た人が最初に対応されることを表す表現です。例えばレストランで、最初にテーブルについた人が最初に注文を取ってもらえる。又は列に並んでいて、列の最初にいる人が最初に接客してもらえる、ということです。
Leesha DMM英会話講師
  • Customers will be served in order of arrival.

  • Clients are attended to in the order that they arrive.

"Clients are attended to in the order that they arrive" means that orders will be seen to in sequence.
「Clients are attended to in the order that they arrive」は注文が順番に見られることを意味します。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • You snooze,you lose.

  • A first come,first served basis.

  • You need to following a queuing system

"You snooze,you lose." A casual way of saying that of you are not quick enough you won't get to pick first. snooze = to sleep "A first come,first served basis." Whoever is there first will get to choose first. "You need to following a queuing system" This means that you will be served according to your position in the waiting line.
"You snooze,you lose." A casual way of saying that of you are not quick enough you won't get to pick first. snooze = to sleep 「Snooze(居眠り)すると、Lose(損する)。」 急がないと、先に選べなくなる、という意味。Snoozeは、寝る、と言う意味です。 "A first come,first served basis." Whoever is there first will get to choose first. 「先着順。」 先に来た人が、先に選ぶ権利があること。 "You need to following a queuing system" This means that you will be served according to your position in the waiting line. 「列に並ぶシステムに従わなければならない。」 列に並んだ順に、サービスを受けられるということ。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • It is a first come first served basis.

  • People that have ordered first will pick first.

You can use the above sentences to respond to someone that maybe wondering how the system works or why someone is picking first. For example A: How come he is picking first? B:People that have ordered first will pick first.
上記の文は、どういうルールなのか、なぜ他の人が初めに選び取っているのか不思議に思っているかもしれない人に伝えると良いでしょう。 例文 A: How come he is picking first? B:People that have ordered first will pick first. A「どうして彼が初めに選んでいるのですか?」 B「先着順なのです。」
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • First come first serve.

"first come first serve" expresses that whoever gets there first has all of the benefits of picking first.
first come first serve(先着順)は、最初に着いた人が最初に選べることを表します。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • First come, first served

First come, first served. Reservations are taken on a first come, first served basis. It's first come, first served
例文 First come, first served. (先着順) Reservations are taken on a first come, first served basis. (予約は先着順です) It's first come, first served (先着順です)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
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