The word "please" makes everything sound polite and when you want someone to teach you something you could ask them "could you please teach me how to say that in English?". It is also possible to ask someone to teach you by making a statement like "Please show me how to do that trick". Remember, it's important to be specific when you speak, so try to mention what exactly you want the person to teach/show you.
"Could you please teach me how to say that in English?"
"Please show me how to do that trick."
>▪ Can you please teach me.
>▪ Can you teach me please.
>▪ Can you please tell me the story.
*Any of the sentences can be used.
*By saying "please" is a clear indication of being polite.
▪ Can you please teach me.(私に[教えていただけますか](。)
▪ Can you teach me please.(私に教えていただけますか。)
▪ Can you please tell me the story.(私に話を[聞かせていただけますか](。)
I took him "through the ropes" and showed him how things are done here...
Teach me is potentially a long term proposition;-D We might be better to simply
ask to be "shown "how things are done. The idiom Take me through the ropes" or "show me the ropes", goes back to nautical days when we needed to know how to tie up rigging and make strong knots...
"Please show me how to do that?"...should suffice!
"teach me" (私に教えてください)という表現の仕方だと、可能性として長く続く関係になりえます。シンプルに何かのやり方を見せて "show me" ほしいとお願いするのがいいかもしれません。
”Take me through the ropes" や "show me the ropes" というイディオムの起源は、船の網具装置をロープで固定する方法や強い結び目を作る必要があった航海時代にまで遡ります。
"Please show me how to do that?"(それをどうやるか教えてもらえますか?)という表現で十分です!
I would like you to teach me how to ask....
How do I ask directions?
How do I learn how to....
How to cook
Can you teach me how to....
Can I learn how to ask for....
I would like you to teach me how to ask....
How do I ask directions?
How do I learn how to....
How to cook
Can you teach me how to....
Can I learn how to ask for....
"Will you teach me how to do that, please?"
Will you - You are asking if in the future someone will teach you something.
That - This word is used to specify what subject you are wanting to learn.
You could also say
"Will you teach me how to cook, please?"
"Will you teach me how to drive, please?"
"Will you show me how to do that?"
Show - This is similar to teach, but you are wanting someone to do something in front of you so you see how it is done. Something like taking photos, fishing, tying a knot, etc.
For example:
"Will you show me how to tie that knot?"
"Will you show me how to grill steaks?"
"Will you teach me how to do that, please?"
Will you - ~してくれませんかと相手に尋ねる表現です。
That - 習いたいことを指す言葉です。
"Will you teach me how to cook, please?"
"Will you teach me how to drive, please?"
"Will you show me how to do that?"
Show -teachとよく似た意味ですが、写真をとることや、釣り、結び方など、相手に実際に見せて教えるという意味です。
"Will you show me how to tie that knot?"
"Will you show me how to grill steaks?"
"Could you educate me in this"
To 'educate' someone in something, this is expressing that someone will teach you something.
"Could you teach me this"
To 'Teach' something is to learn and study something, This question is a casual question asking if the individual can help and teach them something.
"Could you educate me in this"(これについて教えてもらえますか)
'educate someone in something' は、'teach someone something'(〔人〕に~を教える)という意味です。
"Could you teach me this"(これについて教えてもらえますか)
'teach' は、習い学ぶことをいいます。この文は「教えてもらえますか」のカジュアルな言い方です。
Could you please teach me how to do this?
- If the subject is implied there is no need to go into greater detail. Although if you're asking for someone's help with no context it would be best to say "Could you please teach me how to use the dish washer?" So replace "do this" with the thing you want to learn.
Can you please teach me how?
- This again is something that if the context is already implied you do not need more specification but if you do need to be more specific just add what you want to learn at the end. "Can you please teach me how the TV works?"
Could you please teach me what to do?
- This is vaguer than just asking how to learn a task. This is maybe if you need help learning what to do if a fire drill goes off or if there is an emergency. You can use this phrase in most contexts. "Can you please teach me what to do when there is a storm?"
Could you please teach me how to do this?(このやり方を教えてもらえますか)
何について話しているか明確な場合は「do this」だけで伝わります。いきなり聞くような(文脈がない)場合は:
"Could you please teach me how to use the dish washer?"(食洗器の使い方を教えてもらえませんか)
「do this」をより具体的にします。
Can you please teach me how?(どうするのか教えてくれませんか)
"Can you please teach me how the TV works?"(テレビのつけ方教えてくれますか)
Could you please teach me what to do?(何をしたらいいか教えてくれませんか)
"Can you please teach me what to do when there is a storm?"(嵐のときにどうしたらいいか教えてくれませんか)
・Please teach me this.
・Could you show me how to do this?
Your example is absolutely correct. "Would' can be a great tool to ask someonesomething in a polite way. I usually choose one of these words - could/would - to make sure I present my case politely.
how to go to this restaurant.ここのレストランへの行き方を教えてほしい。
how to aolve this questions. この質問がを教えてほしい。
I don't understand this part. Can you please teach me?
・「I don't understand this part. Can you please teach me?」
(例文)I don't understand this part. Can you please teach me?// Sure.
understand 理解