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2016/01/31 11:25
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  • I got the flu and had a fever of 40 (104)

「[インフルエンザ](になった」はI got the flu. fluはインフルエンザ(influenza)のことです。「○℃の[熱を出す](」はhave a fever of ○°C ですが、話し言葉では°Cは言わないか、degreesとだけ言うようです。ただし、相手が米語を話す人であれば、°Fで言わないとわかってもらえません。40°Cは104°Fになりますので、40 degreesではなく104 degreesと言うことになります。
  • I have the flu with a fever of 40 (degrees).

  • I caught(got) the flu with a 40-degree fever.

「[インフルエンザ](にかかる」というのはI have the fluあるいはI caught(got)the fluといい、 with a feverを使うと文章を短くできます。 influenzaを省略するとthe fluとなりますが、 「インフル」という日本語の省略は英語であまり通じませんので、 I have influのような表現を使わないように。 また、米人と話をする時にdegreeの後に℃のCelsius(セルシウス)を付けると、 °Fとの勘違いをされなくなります。 例) I have(had) the flu with a fever of 40 degrees Celsius.
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • I got a flu and my temperature went up to 40 degrees

  • I had a fever of 40 degrees from the flu

インフルエンザ=Flu Influenzaの略です。会話では必ず略すので覚えておきましょう。 I got a the flu and my temperature went up to 40 degrees=インフルエンザになって体温が40度まで上がった なぜか caught A fluではなく必ずcaught THE fluと言います。他の病気では大体 aを使うのにインフルエンザに関しては theです。上手く説明出来なくて申し訳ありませんが、覚えておきましょう。 I had a fever of 40 degrees from the flu=インフルエンザのおかげで40度の熱が出た Get well soon!
  • I had a terrible flu and a fever of 40 degrees Celsius.

This means that the reason why you were absent from work was because you were sick with flu and had a high fever.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I had severe flu with a dangerously high temperature

  • I was home with a bad flu

When you are ill, you can decide exactly how much information you want to give someone. You could say, "I had severe flu with a dangerously high temperature." Or, you may reduce the details to say: "I was home with a bad flu." Or, if you want to say less: "I'm off work at the moment."
もし病気だったら、相手にどれくらい情報を与えるかは自分で決められますね。 例 "I had severe flu with a dangerously high temperature." 危険なほど高熱の出るすっごくひどい風邪をひいていたんです。 またはもう少し詳細を省いてもいいでしょう。 "I was home with a bad flu." 家で風邪引いてたんだ。 短くいいたければ "I'm off work at the moment." 今は仕事休んでいるんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I had severe flu and fever that raised my body temperature to 40 degrees Celsius.

  • I was bedridden with flu and fever that raised my body temperature to 40 degrees Celsius

The adjective 'severe' describes something that is bad or undesirable to be very great or intense. In this case, flu and fever that raised your body temperature to 40 degrees Celsius was definitely very bad. You could not have been in a position to go to school/work in that state. So, you may say: I had severe flu and fever that raised my body temperature to 40 degrees Celsius. The adjective 'bedridden' means 'to be unable to get out of bed because of illness or injury'. In this case, you were 'bedridden' because you had severe flu and fever. So you may say: I was bedridden with flu and fever that raised my body temperature to 40 degrees Celsius.
severe'という形容詞は、悪い又は望ましくない物の状態がひどい又は激しいということを表しています。 体温を40度まで上げているインフルエンザと熱が間違いなく本当にひどいということです。この状況では学校や仕事へ行けなかったでしょう。こう言うことが出来ます。 例文 I had severe flu and fever that raised my body temperature to 40 degrees Celsius. インフルエンザで熱が高く、体温が40度まで上がった。 'bedridden' という形容詞は、病気やケガのためベッドから出ることが出来ないという意味です。 この場合、インフルエンザで熱が高く、ベッドから出ることが出来なかったということです。ですからこう言うことが出来ます。 例文 I was bedridden with flu and fever that raised my body temperature to 40 degrees Celsius. インフルエンザで熱が高く、体温が40度になり、ベッドから出ることが出来なかった。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I came down with the flu.

  • I had a terrible flu with a 40 degree fever.

flu - this is the common name for influenza to come down with (something) - You can use this to say that you contracted/got some kind of disease (number) degree fever - this is how you describe the temperature of the fever that you have e.g. My symptoms are a 41 degree fever, a runny nose, fatigue, and a headache, so I think I have the flu.
flu - インフルエンザ インフルエンザの一般的な名前です。 to come down with (something) - (病気に)かかる 病気にかかったことを言う時に、この表現を使うことができます。 (number) degree fever - (何度の)熱 熱が何度あるのかを表現する言い方です。 例文 My symptoms are a 41 degree fever, a runny nose, fatigue, and a headache, so I think I have the flu. 症状は41度の熱があり、鼻水が出て、体がだるく、頭痛がするので、インフルエンザにかかったのではないかと思います。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I was absent due to the flu, I had a fever of 40 degrees Celsius.

"I was absent due to the flu, I had a fever of 40 degrees Celsius.'' can be said when letting someone know that said person had the flu and a high temperature and was absent because of that.
I was absent due to the flu, I had a fever of 40 degrees Celsius. (インフルエンザで休みました、40度の熱がありました) - インフルエンザで高熱を出して会社や学校を休んだことを伝える時に使えます。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I couldn't come into school because of a fever.

  • I was too sick to come to school, I had a bad flu and fever.

  • I caught the flu and had a fever of 40 degrees! It was horrible.

Feeling sick is no fun, we feel weak and we miss out on a lot. When we are not feeling well we should stay indoors to rest and also make sure we don't infect other people with the flu as it is contagious. Contagious: an illness or something that can be passed on. "Sorry I didn't come to school on the day, I was really sick, my temperature was at 40 degrees and I had horrible flu."
体調不良は楽しくないですね。やりたいことができなくなります。 体調が悪いときには家で休んだ方がいいですね。インフルエンザは伝染しますから、人にうつさないように注意しましょう。 Contagious: 人から人にうつる病気やもの "Sorry I didn't come to school on the day, I was really sick, my temperature was at 40 degrees and I had horrible flu." (学校を欠席してすみませんでした。ひどいインフルエンザで熱が40度出ました)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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