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先生から質問がありますか?とレッスンの途中で聞かれます。 『理解できてます、次に進めて下さい』 と言いたいのです。
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2018/01/30 14:04
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  • No, I am okay thank you.

  • I have no questions, please continue.

  • Everything seems to be okay so far, thanks.

All of these answers are a way to let your teacher know that you have no questions. Using 'please' and 'thank you' are polite gestures to show someone that you appreciate what they are doing. 'Thanks' is also polite but a little bit more casual, so if you know the teacher well this may be better and more personal.
上記例文はどれも先生に質問がないことを伝える文章です。 ”Please"や”Thank you"は相手に感謝の意を丁寧に伝える手段です。 ”Thanks"も丁寧ですが、ややカジュアルです。先生と親しい間柄であれば、”Thanks"を使う方がフレンドリーで良いかもしれません。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Please carry on.

  • Please continue.

1)Carry onとは「今まで通り続けて下さい」と言う意味です。 I wanted the lesson to carry on, but it seemed like many students had questions 私は授業を続けて欲しかったけど、多くの生徒達が質問があったようだ。 2)Continueは「続ける」と言う意味です。日本語でもゲームなどによく使われていて覚えやすいかと思うのでcarry onと言うフレーズが出て来ない場合こちらをお使い下さい。
  • I don't/do not have any questions, please continue

  • Please continue, i do not/don't have any questions

  • I have no questions so far, let's continue

If you want to explain that you have no questions during your lesson then you could say ' i do not/don't have any questions' you could also say ' i have no questions so far' by adding 'please continue' or 'let's continue' means you are happy to carry on with the lesson
レッスン中に質問がないときは、”I do not/don't have any questions"(質問がありません)と言うことが出来ます。また、”I have no questions so far"(今のところ、質問はありません)と言ってもOKです。 ”Please continue"(続けて下さい)また”Let's continue"(続けましょう)と付け加えることで、レッスンを進めることを快諾するという意味になります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have any questions, we can go on.

  • We can keep going on with the lesson I don't have any questions.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your teacher that you do not have any questions and you want to continue with your lesson. In the first sentence you will notice the term go on and in the second sentence you will notice the term keep going. These two terms means to continue. These are terms we use a lot in our everyday conversation and they would make great additions to your vocabulary.
上記どちらの文でも、質問はないのでレッスンを進めてほしいと先生に伝えることができます。 最初の例文では"go on"、そして二つ目の例文では"keep going"というフレーズが使われているのに気が付いたと思います。これら二つのフレーズはどちらも「続ける」という意味です。どちらも日常会話でよく使われる表現ですので、語彙に加えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you, I understand. Next one, please.

ayaさんへ こんばんは。 シンプルに、Next one(もしくはpractice), please. あるいは、Please go to the next one(もしくはpractice). などと 伝えれば、分かってもらえます。 ・・・少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 LLD外語学院 学院長 前川
Michio Maekawa アスリート・イングリッシュ・マイスター
  • No questions.

Just say, 'No questions'" if your teacher enquires. No need to say anything else!
先生が尋ねたら「No questions」と言ってください。他に何も言う必要はありません!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have any questions, please carry on.

Examples: I don't have any questions at the moment, we can carry on. No questions from me right now, let's carry on with the lesson. At this point I have no questions, let's continue with the lesson.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I have no questions so far, please continue.

  • I don't have any questions. Please go ahead.

To tell a person speaking that you have no questions and would like them to continue with their presentation or for them to continue speaking.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • No next question please

Your answer does not need to be elaborate. A polite request to move onto the next part is more than enough.
Anthony W DMM英会話講師
  • No, I do not have any questions so we can continue with the next lesson.

  • I do not have any questions thanks, so we can proceed with the next exercise.

If you would like to tel a tutor that you do not have any questions and to proceed with the next lesson, you can say something like "No, I do not have any questions so we can continue with the next lesson." or "I do not have any questions thanks, so we can proceed with the next exercise.". These are some easy and polite ways to express this.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I have no questions but thank for asking!

  • I don't have any doubts right now, but I will ask you later

As teachers, we must always ask this question to make sure our student is understanding everything and there are no difficulties. If you want to tell your tutor that you don't have any problems or doubts in that moment, we can use either of these two sentences. They are very polite ways of expressing your answer.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I have no problems, please continue.

  • I understand, you may proceed with the lesson.

'I have no problems, please continue.' Is politely saying that you have o problems with any of the lesson material and that you would kindly like to continue with the lesson. 'I understand, you may proceed with the lesson.' is saying that you understand everything that is going on in the lesson and you have no problems or questions about anything and that you would like to proceed. Proceed; (verb) Moving forward with something or to continue or to begin the certain course of action.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have any questions, let's continue.

  • I don't have any questions so far, please continue.

  • No questions so far, thank you.

To say 'Let's continue' means that you want to move on/keep going. You can also say 'thanks for asking', this shows that you appreciate the teacher making sure that you do not have any questions. Example: I don't have any questions, thanks for asking.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I don't have any questions, please continue.

  • No questions, thank you

  • I have no questions thank you.

There are quite a few ways in which we can say this, but primarily it's best to say, "I have no questions," or, "I don't have any questions," as they are one in the same which only a change in where the negation, "no/not," is placed. The second example is a quick way to say that you don't have any questions as well.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • No, I don't. Please continue.

  • I don't have any questions. We may continue/proceed with the lesson.

When you are in a lesson and want to inform your teacher that would do not have any questions but would like to proceed with the lesson; then you may express this in the following ways: -No, I don't. Please continue. -I don't have any questions. We may continue/proceed with the lesson.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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