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2018/01/31 15:51
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  • What's your daily routine (like)?

「日課」はdaily routineと言います。 What's your daily routine? 「あなたの日課は何ですか?」 「~のような」を表すlikeを添えて What's your daily routine (like)? 「あなたの日課はどのようなものですか?」 と聞くこともあります。 Do you do anything in particular for your health, for example? 「たとえば、健康のために何か特別なことをしているとか?」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • For your health, what do you do everyday?

  • Do you have any daily routine for your health condition?

*For your health, what do you do everyday?/Do you have any daily routine for your health condition? - Everyday is also referred to as daily. A routine is like a plan that you constantly follow. It s vey important to take care of our health. Example Sentences: I have a 5 day exercising plan, in order to keep myself fit. My daily routine includes walking briskly for 30 minutes.
例文 *For your health, what do you do everyday? 健康について、毎日何かしていますか? Do you have any daily routine for your health condition? 健康に関してルーティンとして毎日何かしていますか? Everydayはdailyとも表せます。ルーティンは常にやっている計画のようなものです、健康を気遣うことはとても重要です。 例文 I have a 5 day exercising plan, in order to keep myself fit. 健康を維持するために5日間の運動計画をたてている My daily routine includes walking briskly for 30 minutes. 毎日のルーティンには、30分間速歩で歩くことが含まれている
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a daily routine

  • What’s your daily routine

First example subject ‘you’ goes between auxiliary verb do and main verb have as it is a question. Second example using wh question word. Can also be turned around to say your daily routine is what?
最初の例の主語‘you’は、 質問なので助動詞 do と主動詞 haveの間にあります。 二つ目の例は、whで始まる質問です。あなたの日課は「何」かという意味です。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • do you live healthily?//do you like to eat healthily?

  • does your daily routine contain anything that's good for your health?

  • is your lifestyle a healthy one?

there are a few ways to ask this question, if you are talking about food and diet you can ask, "do you have a healthy diet?" or "do you like to eat healthy food?" but if you want to ask about their lifestyle then you can simply ask "do you have a healthy lifestyle?" or "is there anything in your daily routine that you do to stay healthy (keep fit)" and here are some good responses "yes, i eat 5 fruits and vegatbles everyday" or "yes, i have a healthy lifestyle, i love to stay active and keep fit" or "yes! i stay healthy by exercising at the gym and eating healthy food everyday" or "no i don't like to be too active, i haven't been to the gym in a while"
この質問を尋ねる表現がいくつかあります。食べ物や食事について話しているのなら、"Do you have a healthy diet?"(健康な食事をしていますか) or "Do you like to eat healthy food?"(健康に良い食べ物を食べるのが好きですか?)と尋ねます。 ライフスタイルについて尋ねたいのであれば、"Do you have a healthy lifestyle?" (健康的な生活をしていますか?)又は "Is there anything in your daily routine that you do to stay healthy (keep fit)"(健康でいるために毎日日課にしていることが何かありますか?) 良い返答がいくつかあります。 "Yes, I eat 5 fruits and vegatbles everyday" はい、毎日果物と野菜をを5つ食べています "Yes, I have a healthy lifestyle, I love to stay active and keep fit" はい、健康的な生活をしています、アクティブで健康でいることが大好きです。 "Yes! I stay healthy by exercising at the gym and eating healthy food everyday" ジムで運動をして、毎日健康に良い食べ物を食べて、健康を維持しています "No I don't like to be too active, I haven't been to the gym in a while" いいえ、あまりアクティブでいるのが好きではありません。ジムにもしばらく行っていません
Lewis M English teacher
  • Is there anything you do daily for your health

  • Do you have any daily routines for your health

If you do something on a daily basis then we also use the term 'daily routine' by adding 'for your health' this explains what you are doing it for
毎日していることは、'daily routine'(日課)と表すことができます。 'for your health'(健康のために)は目的を表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a routine?

  • What do you do regularly to improve your health?

  • What is your daily routine?

If it is a question specifically related to a 'health' routine - for example somebody has to take heart medication for high blood pressure - you can refer to this directly and ask something like "Do you have to take your heart medication daily?" or you could ask "Do you have a routine to take your medication?" If you are simply asking if they have a daily routine - for example do they get up at the same time each day and go to the gym at the same time everyday you can ask if they have a daily routine. Or you could be more specific "Do you have a routine each day? What is your daily schedule like? or What is your weekly routine like?
健康についての具体的な習慣を尋ねたいのなら、例えばもしそれが高血圧の心臓の薬を飲む人だったら、直接それについて言及して次のように言えます。 "Do you have to take your heart medication daily?"(心臓の薬は毎日飲むのですか) または、 "Do you have a routine to take your medication?"(薬は決まった時に飲むのですか) 毎日同じ時間に起きて同じ時間にジムに行くのかなど、単に日課があるかどうか尋ねたいなら、"Do you have a daily routine? "(毎日の日課はありますか)と聞けます。 あるいは、より具体的に次のように聞くこともできます。 "Do you have a routine each day?"(毎日のルーティーンはありますか) "What is your daily schedule like?"(毎日のスケジュールはどんな感じですか) "What is your weekly routine like?"(一週間のルーティーンはどんな感じですか)
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a daily health regime?

Explanation: A regime is a set routine or procedure for doing something Example sentence: "My hair preparation regime comprises: washing, drying, brushing, styling and setting."
解説: regime(体制)とは何かを習慣とすることです。 例文: "My hair preparation regime comprises: washing, drying, brushing, styling and setting." 髪を準備する日課には髪を洗い、乾かし、溶かし、スタイリング、セッティングが含まれます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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