It takes me much time to transfer to another train due to a train connection.
It takes me much time to transfer to another train due to a train connection. 「電車の接続待ちのせいで他の電車への乗り換えに時間がかかる。」
電車の接続: train connection
のせいで: due to
The train connections are bad, and it takes a long time to transfer.
・The train connections are bad, and it takes a long time to transfer. 「電車の接続が悪く、乗り換えに時間がかかる。」
・The train schedules are poorly coordinated, so transferring takes a lot of time. 「電車の時間表がうまく調整されていないので、乗り換えに時間がかかる。」
・It's hard to catch connecting trains because the connections are bad, making transfers time-consuming. 「接続が悪いため、乗り換えに時間がかかる。」
・Due to the poor train connections, it takes a long time to change trains. 「接続が悪いため、電車を乗り換えるのに時間がかかる。」
・The infrequent train connections make transferring a hassle. 「接続が少ないため、乗り換えが面倒だ。」
The train connections in my hometown aren't good, so you end up waiting a long time to catch the next train.
ーThe train connections in my hometown aren't good, so you end up waiting a long time to catch the next train.
train connections「電車の接続」
to catch the next train で「次の電車に乗る」=「次の電車に乗り換える」