driving through the countryside and enjoying the views really lifts my mood
for a change of pace, I like to drive through the countryside and look at the scenery
「田舎の景色を見ながら運転すると気分転換になる」= driving through the countryside and enjoying the views really lifts my mood / for a change of pace, I like to drive through the countryside and look at the scenery
「田舎」= countryside / the country
「景色」= scenery / the views
「運転する」= drive
「気分転換になる」= ~ lifts my mood / ~ gives me a boost / ~ is a change of pace
「都会を離れたときに目にする田舎の景色」= the views you get when you leave the city and go into the countryside / the countryside scenery you see when you get further away from the city
Driving through the countryside is good for a change of pace.
Driving through the countryside is good for a change of pace.
change of pace - 速度の変化=気分転換
take a break - 少し休む=気分転換する