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暑いとか寒いとか言われて 温度が知りたい時なんていえばいいですか?
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2018/02/11 01:34
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  • What's the temperature now?

「[気温](」はtemperatureですので、 気温を聞く時は What's the temperature now? と言います。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • How hot is it now?

  • How cold is it now?

どのくらい[暑い]([寒い](の? この言い方でも気温を聞くことができます。 会話例 A: How hot is it in Tokyo today? A: 今日の東京は[どのくらい](暑いの? B: It's over 35 degrees today. B: 今日は35度を超えてるよ。 ○度はdegrees と言います。 アメリカでは摂氏(Celcius)では無く華氏(Fahrenheit)を主に使用します。摂氏35度ですと、華氏だと約95度になります。
  • How cold/hot is it?

  • How does it feel outside?

  • What's the temperature like outside?

"What's the temperature like outside?" can be asked if one would like to know how hot or cold it is.
暑さや寒さについて知りたい時は、"What's the temperature like outside?"(外の天気はどんな感じ?)と聞くことが出来ます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • How hot is it today?

  • What's the temperature right now?

Well, when someone says that it's hot, they may be speaking generally about the usual daytime temperatures, or they may mean precisely, this moment in time. If you are chatting in the morning, for example, it may be quite cool and pleasant, but as the day progresses, the heat may become oppressive - so the time tag, 'today' or /right now' is important.
誰かが暑いと言ったら、それは普段の日中の気温についてかもしれません。もしくは、その時その瞬間のことかもしれません。例えば、朝話をしているなら、その時はかなり涼しくて快適かもしれませんが、時間が経つにつれ、うだるような暑さになるかもしれません。ですから、'today'(今日)や 'right now'(今)という時間情報が重要です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How cold/hot is it?

  • What is the temperature?

When you want to ask how hot/cold it is, then you can ask in the following ways: -How cold is it today? -What is today's temperature?
どのくらい暑い(寒い)か尋ねたい場合は、 次の表現で聞くことが出来ます。 【例文】 -How cold is it today? (今日はどれくらい寒い?) -What is today's temperature? (今日の気温は何度?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What's the temperature

  • How hot is it?

  • How cold is it?

"What's the temperature" is probably the most common and proper way of expressing this. This is a neutral question so no need to say hot or cold because depending on the situation it will make itself evident. "How hot or cold is it" is a specific way of asking. Usually this expression is used in places where one of those two predominates. For example in Florida many people ask how hot is it today even though everyone knows that the typical climate in Florida ys predominantly hot.
"What's the temperature" (何度ですか?) これが多分一番一般的で適切な表現でしょう。これはニュートラルな質問なので、"hot"(暑い)や "cold"(寒い)と言う必要がありません。 "How hot or cold is it" (どんなに暑い/寒いですか?) これは具体的な質問です。普通この表現は、暑い寒いのどちらかが優勢の場所で使われます。例えば、フロリダでは気候は大体暑いとわかっていても、多くの人は "how hot is it today"と聞きます。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • What's the temperature outside today?

  • What's the temperature today?

  • How cold is it now?

There are several ways to ask how hot or cold it is outside. The most simple way to ask is: How hot is it today? How cold is it today? How hot is it now? How cold is it now? You can also add the word temperature to your question about how hot or cold it is outside. What's the temperature outside today? What's the temperature today? You can also add the type of temperature system that your country uses. What temperature in Celsius is it today? What temperature in Fahrenheit is it today?
外がどのくらい暑いもしくは寒いか尋ねる言い方はいくつかあります。 最もシンプルな聞き方は: How hot is it today? 今日はどれくらい暑いですか? How cold is it today? 今日はどれくらい寒いですか? How hot is it now? 今どれくらい暑いですか? How cold is it now? 今どれくらい寒いですか? temperature(気温)を使って、外がどれくらい暑いもしくは寒いか尋ねることもできます: What's the temperature outside today? 今日外の気温は何度ですか? What's the temperature today? 今日の気温は何度ですか? あなたの国で採用されている気温の表記を使うこともできます: What temperature in Celsius is it today? 今日は摂氏だと何度ですか? What temperature in Fahrenheit is it today? 今日は華氏だと何度ですか?
Alathia DMM英会話講師
  • What’s the temperature is it now?

  • How hot is it now?

今 - now 何 - what 度 - temperature 全部まとめたら What temperature is it now?になります。 How hot is it now?もあります。 今すごい暑い。今何度? It’s really hot right now. How hot is it now? 赤ちゃん寒くない?今何度? Is the baby cold? What’s the temperature now?
  • What's the temperature right now?

  • How hot/cold is it outside now?

These two sentences can be used interchangeably as both, "temperature," and, "hot/cold outside," can have the same meaning when structured correctly. Using the word, "outside," is completely optional as one would most likely understand that you're asking about outside regardless if you include it or not.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What's the temperature now?

  • How many degrees is it?

  • How hot/cold is it?

「いま何度?」は英語では一番分かりやすくて自然に言うのは「What's the temperature now?」他の言い方は「How many degrees is it?」となります。 A: Do you know what's the temperature now? B: 24 degrees A: 今は何度か知っている? B: 24度 「How hot/cold is it?」も聞いても大丈夫ですが、気温を聞いていることが分からないかもしれない。ただ程度で答える可能性があります:とても、あまり、まあまあ + 寒い・暑い。 A: How hot is it now? B: Very. A: 今はどれぐらい暑い? B: とても。
  • What is the temperature?

  • How hot/cold is it?

When you ask the question what is the temperature? To someone they can respond with telling you the temperature in celsius or fahrenheit. For example: The temperature at the moment is: 32 degrees celsius, so it's pretty hot at the moment!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • What is the current temperature?

  • How hot is it at the moment?

You can use any of the above two questions to ask how hot it is at that moment in time. Example; - How hot is it at the moment? - Is the temperature very hot? - How is the weather?
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • How cold/hot is it?

  • What is the temperature?

When asking someone for specific details about the temperature, you can ask: -How cold/hot is it? -What is the temperature? This is the most simple way to ask your question.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • What's today's high/low?

  • What's the current temperature outside?

1. What's today's high/low? This question is a very casual way of asking what the temperature is going to be at either its highest or lowest. 2. What's the current temperature outside? The current temeperature means what is the weather like right now or at this very moment.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • What is the temperature right now?

  • What temperature is it now?

It is hot today. It sure is. How hot is it? Like, what I mean is, what is the temperature right now? I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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