世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




自分のビジネスを持っていて、 「私はこの自分のビジネスをつくるまで、それなりに時間を要しました」とあまり重たくならないように相手に伝える表現を教えてください! ビジネスシーンというよりも、友達同士の会話で使うようなカジュアルなものであると助かります。
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2018/02/14 12:25
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  • Built it from scratch

  • Built it from the ground up

  • I worked hard to get where I am

"Built it from scratch" and "Built it from the ground up" describe that you started the business yourself, and that you have worked hard and for a long time to get it to be the success it is now. The words "scratch" and "ground up" denote that you started the business with very little, and that you are the main person, or even the only person, responsible for making it the success they currently see. "I worked hard to get where I am" is pretty self explanatory, it can be used for private business entrepreneurs and company employees. For example, an employee that works in a company and has worked hard to receive a promotion, may say this as well as a an entrepreneur that built a business by themselves.
"Built it from scratch" と "Built it from the ground up" は、自分で起業し、成功するまで一生懸命働いてきたという意味です。   "scratch" と "ground up" という単語は、自分がメインとなって、もしくは自分だけで始めたという意味です。   "I worked hard to get where I am" 「ここに来るまで一生懸命働いてきた」というフレーズは、個人起業家や従業員が使うことができるフレーズです。例えば、その会社で働く従業員が昇給すると、その会社を興した起業家として、このフレーズを言うことができます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • The business gradually grew and then took off

  • After a few years of graft, the business seems to be thriving

Well you may be casual, or super cool. 'After a few years of graft, the business seems to be thriving.' In this sentence you explain how you 'grafted' which means 'worked hard.' You notice casually that the business is doing OK although as owner, you are obviously more than an idle spectator!
カジュアルに言うことも、とてもクールに言うこともできます。 例文 'After a few years of graft, the business seems to be thriving.' 数年間頑張った後にビジネスは軌道に乗ったように思います。 この文では、どれくらい一生懸命働いたかを説明しています。ビジネスは上手くいっているが、自分は、オーナーとしてただの傍観者以上に努力をしたということをそれとなく言っています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I started it from scratch

  • It took blood, sweat and tears

when speaking of building something from scratch or started from scratch. "i built it from scratch". or "blood, sweat and tears!". to have toiled and spent effort nurturing something.
何かを最初から作り上げる又は始めることを言う際には"I built it from scratch".(1からそれを作り上げた)又は"blood, sweat and tears!".(血と汗と涙)と言って、骨を折って働いたり、物事を作り上げるのに費やした努力を表現します。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • It took some time for my business to grow to where it is now

  • It took a lot of hard work to get my business to where it is now

When we see someone who is successful, sometimes we forget that it took a lot of time and hard work to get there. You can tell people who think you were just lucky that "It took a lot of hard work to get my business to where it is now".
成功している人を見ると、その人がそれまでに費やした時間、努力を忘れてしまうことがあります。 ただ運が良かっただけと思っている人には: "It took a lot of hard work to get my business to where it is now". (ここまで来るのにものすごく努力した) と言えます。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • It took alot of hard work to get it where it is now

  • There was alot of blood sweat and tears

  • My business took alot of hard work to get to where it is now

When you have built something up from scratch (the beginning) then when it is doing better or well then you call this 'where it is now' meaning as goos as it is now If the person knows what you are talking about then you can say 'it took alot of hard work to get it' but if they don't then you can say 'my business took alot of hard work' a common saying when you have worked hard is alot of 'blood sweat and tears' meaning you put everything into it and it was alot of hard work
一から何かをつくって、そしてそれが今うまくいっているなら、これは 'where it is now' で表せます。これは「今くらいに良い状態」という意味です。 何について話しているかが相手に分かるときには、'it took alot of hard work' と言えます。分からないときには、'my business took alot of hard work' と言えます。 大変な努力をしたときによく使われるのが 'blood sweat and tears' という表現です。これは、それに全身全霊をかけて「血のにじむような努力」をしたことを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I have built this from the ground up

  • I built this business from scratch

"I have built this from the ground up" This expression expresses that you have built/made a business from nothing into something very impressive. 'Ground up' is the expression used for this. "I built this business from scratch" From scratch is an expression used when referring to how well something has done, from nothing to something productive.
"I have built this from the ground up"(私はこれをゼロから築きました) は、「ビジネスをゼロから始めて素晴らしいものに築き上げた」と言っています。 'Ground up' は「最初から」という意味です。 "I built this business from scratch"(私はこのビジネスをゼロから築きました) 'From scratch'(ゼロから)は、「ゼロから」有意義なものを作ることを表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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