世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




日本では野球がとても人気で、 プロ野球のファンの人も多いですよね。 海外の人に日本のプロ野球の人気を説明したいと思っています。
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2018/02/14 14:16
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  • Major League

  • Minor League

  • Professional Baseball

Major League is the terminology used in the US for professional baseball of the highest level Minor League Baseball is a hierarchy of professional baseball leagues in the Americas that compete at levels below Major League Baseball In Japan, the Nippon Professional Baseball consists of two leagues, the Central League and the Pacific League
メジャーリーグとはアメリカで使われるレベルの高いプロの野球のことをいう専門用語です。 マイナーリーグとはメジャーリーグの下で 競っているアメリカのプロ野球の階層のことです。 日本では、日本プロ野球は二つのリーグで出来ています。 一つが”the Central League”で、もう一つが”the Pacific League”です。
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • Professional baseball

  • played by players that are paid to play the sport

example: "this is a major league game". or "these are professional ball players". or "they play professionally for their team".
例文 "This is a major league game". これはメジャーリーグの試合です "These are professional ball players". こちらはプロの野球選手です "They play professionally for their team". 彼らはチームの為にプロとして野球をしています
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Pro baseball

Most sports are divided into professional or amateur divisions, the difference being that the former involves payment to the players whereas amateur players take part for fun or as a personsl challenge and for social interaction connected with the game.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Professional Baseball

  • National Baseball

  • League baseball

When talking about players who get paid to play baseball you can say: "They are professional baseball players". You can describe it as Professional baseball: "We watch professional baseball." It can also be called "National baseball" Which means they play for the country or "League baseball" Which is played for each state or area of a country.
お給料をもらって野球をする選手のことを話すとき、 "They are professional baseball players" 彼らは、プロ野球選手だ。 と言います。 プロ野球は、professional baseballと言います。 "We watch professional baseball." 私たちは、プロ野球を見ます。  国のために戦う野球は、 "National baseball" 呼ばれ、州や地域のために戦う野球のことを"League baseball" と言います。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Professional baseball

*Professional baseball-is when players earn a living through playing baseball. The teams compete In leagues. A league is when several teams compete against each other for a Cup/Trophy/Championship over a period of time.
Professional baseballでは、選手は野球をすることで生計を立てています。チームはリーグに所属し、順位を競います。 リーグでは、一定の期間、カップ、トロフィー、優勝をかけて数チームが競い合います。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Major League Baseball, MLB, aka "the big leagues"

  • Minor league baseball: AAA (Triple A), AA (Double A), A (Class A)

In baseball they talk going from the little leagues (amateur baseball you play as a kid and adolescent) to "the big leagues" (Major League Baseball, MLB). The "farm system" (professional developmental leagues) for MLB are divided into 3 categories and professional players can rise and fall among these minor leagues throughout their career (often depending on performance or injuries). Double A and Class A teams are often located in smaller towns. Triple A teams are often in medium sized to large cities. MLB teams are all in large cities/metropolitan areas.
野球には、"the little leagues"(リトルリーグ)から"the big leagues"(メジャーリーグ)まであります。 "Major League Baseball/MLB"(メジャーリーグ)のファーム制度には三つのカテゴリーがあります。プロの選手はキャリアを通してこれらの"minor leagues"(マイナーリーグ)を(パフォーマンス・けがによって)上がったり下がったりします。 "Double A"と"Class A"には小さな町を本拠地とするチームが多いです。 "Triple A"には、中都市・大都市のチームが多いです。 "MLB"(メジャーリーグ)のチームはすべて、大都市にあります。
Wolfgang DMM英会話講師
  • Professional baseball

  • Pro baseball

Baseball as other sports can be played professionally or by amateurs Usually professional players are paid for taking part in the sport so you would use the terms 'Professional baseball' which can be shortened to 'pro' (short for professional)
他のスポーツ同様、野球はプロとアマチュアの両方あります。 通常、”Professional baseball"(プロ野球)でプレイする選手は野球をしてお給料をもらっています。”Professional baseball"を”Pro baseball"と省略してもOKです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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