Other people's feelings are more important than mine.
The feelings of others are more important than mine.
I put other people's feelings ahead of my own.
「Others' feelings are more important than mine」は大丈夫です!他には、こういう表現があります:
Other people's feelings are more important than mine.
The feelings of others are more important than mine.
Put other people's feelings ahead of your own. (これはアドバイスか命令っぽい文章ですが。)
I put other people's feelings ahead of my own.
I put other people first. (「感情」という言葉が入っていませんが、そういうニュアンスが含まれています。)
Being sensitive to other people's feelings above my own.
Put others feelings before my own.
Put other people's happiness above my own.
"Being sensitive to other people's feelings above my own."
と言うことも出来ます。"sensitive"は、「(相手の感情などを)気にしやすい」という意味で、良い意味でも悪い意味でも使います。("too sensitive" 「気にしすぎる」)
"Put others feelings before my own."
"Put other people's happiness above my own."
「相手・他人」は、"other people" / "others"