世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/02/03 15:26
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  • The shortcut to learning English is to study abroad.

近道と言う場合は「最短の距離のために障害物を横切る」と直訳される"shortcut"をよく使います。 "The shortcut to success is~"などの表現で頻繁に見る事があるのでおぼえておきましょう!
  • quickest route

  • best way

  • a flash

定番の「shortcut」に続き、以下などいかがです? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The quickest route to learning English is going abroad. 英語を学ぶ最も早い道は海外に行くこと。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The best way to pick up English is to stay social. 英語の最も良い習得方法は社交的であること。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to learn English in a flash, I recommend you make lots of English-speaking friends. 英語を早く学びたいのなら、英語を話す友達をいっぱい作るといいよ。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • The quickest way to learn English is to study in an English-speaking country

"Quickest" comes from "quick", which means fast. Instead of saying an 'English-speaking country' you could also say 'a country where they speak English' or 'a country where English is the first language'.
"The quickest way to learn English is to study in an English-speaking country."(英語を学ぶには英語圏に留学するのが一番の近道です。) "Quickest"は"quick"の最上級で一番早いという意味です。 'English-speaking country'(英語圏の国)と言う代わりに 'a country where they speak English'(英語が話される国)や'a country where English is the first language'.(英語が第一言語の国)と言うこともできます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Studying English in the UK is the quickest way to acquire the language

  • Just get immersed in UK life to learn English quickly!

It may seem a much quicker and easier route to your ultimate language-learning destination if you are able to hop on a plane and drop yourself into the native zone and then totally immerse yourself in everything that is happening: parties, commuting, working, watching TV, socialising, playing team games and generally savouring every second of your new-found lifestyle! "Hey Paula! Where are you going so quickly?" "I'm just dashing to the airport to catch a plane." "Where will you fly to?" Well, I was thinking that Studying English in the UK is the quickest way to acquire the language. So I'm going to London!"
飛行機に乗って、ネイティブしかいない街に行って、そこでパーティや通勤、働いたり、テレビを見たり、友達を作ったり、チームゲームをしたり、新天地での1秒1秒を余すことなく体験することこそが、語学学習の最終的な目的地への最短距離に思えます。 例 "Hey Paula! Where are you going so quickly?" なあポーラ、そんなに急いでどこに行くんだい? "I'm just dashing to the airport to catch a plane." 飛行機に乗ろうと空港へ走っているのよ。 "Where will you fly to?" どこに飛んで行くんだい? Well, I was thinking that Studying English in the UK is the quickest way to acquire the language. So I'm going to London!" ん、UKで英語を勉強することが、一番の近道って思ったから、ロンドンに行くのよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The fastest/best/quickest way to learn Englush is to study abroad

  • To study abroad is a shortcut to learn English

Both of these sentences can be used to explain your idea. In the first sentence, you need to choose only one from 3 options, although, I personally recommend to use "best" because it's a more common way of saying.
どちらの言い方でもこの意味を表すことができます。 一つ目の例では三つの選択肢をお示ししていますが、個人的には "best" がおすすめです、"best" が最も一般的です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • You will learn English faster/quicker when you study abroad.

  • The quickest way to learn English is to go study abroad.

>You will learn English faster/quicker when you study abroad. >The quickest way to learn English is to go study abroad. Both sentences indicate that you will learn English faster/quicker when you go study abroad. This means that the shortcut to be able to speak English is to go and study abroad.
You will learn English faster/quicker when you study abroad. The quickest way to learn English is to go study abroad. どちらの文も海外行けば、英語習得が早いということを意味する表現です。 これは留学が英語習得の近道であること意味しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I think study abroad is the best way to learn English.

英語を学ぶには留学するのが一番の近道。を以下のように訳してみました。 I think study abroad is the best way to learn English. (留学が英語を学ぶ一番の方法だと思います。) 参考になれば幸いです!
Kai A 英語講師
  • The fastest way to learn English is to study Abroad

  • The flight path to learning English is by English immersion

If you want to say that studying abroad is a shortcut to learn English you could also you any of these sentences:- 1. The fastest way to learn English is to study abroad. The phrase "fastest way" is another way to say shortcut. 2. The flight path to learning English is by English immersion. If you say that something is the "flight path" to do something, its the same as saying the shortest way to do it.
「英語を学ぶ近道は留学することだ」は、次のように言えます。 1. The fastest way to learn English is to study abroad.(英語を学ぶ一番の近道は留学することだ) "fastest way" は "shortcut"(近道)の別の言い方です。 2. The flight path to learning English is by English immersion.(英語を学ぶ近道は英語に浸ることだ) "flight path" はこの場合「最短の方法」という意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • the fastest way to learn English is to study abroad

  • the most efficient way to learn English is to move to an English speaking country

  • I want to learn English the quickest way possible, that's why i want to study abroad

example "I want to learn English the fastest way possible, so I am moving abroad". or "To learn English quickly, it's better to move to an English speaking country". or "I want to learn English the quickest way possible, so I would like to study in an English speaking country".
"I want to learn English the fastest way possible,so I am moving abroad." 一番早い方法で英語を学びたいので、海外に引っ越します。 "To learn English quickly, it's better to move to an English speaking country." 英語を早く学ぶには、英語を話す国へ行くのがいい。 "I want to learn English the quickest way possible, so I would like to study in an English speaking country." 英語を早く学びたいので、英語を話す国で勉強したいです。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • most effective way

  • fastest way

"most effective way" is a phrase that can be used to say that something being done is the best way or the way that has the most effect for a positive, quick outcome.
"most effective way"とは、何かが効率よく、早くできる方法を意味します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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