世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




海外旅行で、レストランの隅っこのトイレ近くのテーブルに案内されました。 こんな時、他にも席が空いていたら使ってみたいです。よろしくお願いします。
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2018/02/23 18:52
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  • Could I move tables please?

  • Excuse me, I would like to sit over there.

  • Would it be possible to change tables please?

Particularly in the UK, it is best to be polite when making a request. Use "excuse me" to get the waiters's attention and then you can make a statement about what you would like. Using "could" is much more polite than asking "can"... "Could I please move table?" or "Could I change to the table over there please?" "Would it be possible ...." is a good expression for when you are making a request but not making a demand.
UKでは特に、依頼する時は丁寧であることが一番です。excuse meを使ってウエーターの注意を引き、何がしたいか言うことが可能です。 couldを使うと、canで頼むよりはるかに丁寧です。 Could I please move table? 席を移ってもいいですか? Could I change to the table over there please? あの席に変えて頂けませんか? Would it be possible ....は、要求ではなく、依頼する時に良い表現です。
Claire Gi DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please move tables?

  • Can I please sit over there?

  • Sorry is there another table available?

"Can I please move tables?" This politely asks if you can sit at another table. "Can I please sit over there?" This politely asks if you can sit at a different table, one you will point to. "Sorry is there another table available? This politely asks if there is a different table that is free that you can sit at.
例文 "Can I please move tables?" テーブルを移っても良いですか・ 他のテーブルに座っても良いかを丁寧に尋ねています。 例文 "Can I please sit over there?" 向こうに座っても良いですか? 指さした別のテーブルに座っても良いかを丁寧に尋ねています。 例文 "Sorry is there another table available? すみませんが、他に空いているテーブルはありますか? 座ることが出来る空いているテーブルが他にあるかどうかを丁寧に尋ねています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Can I sit somewhere else?

  • Is there another table available for me?

  • Can I have sit at that open table?

▪ Can I sit somewhere else? This is asking to sit at a different table. ▪ Is there another table available for me? This asking the waiter for another table to sit at. ▪ Can I have sit at that open table? This is when you see a table that is open and asking if you can sit at that table.
例文 ▪ Can I sit somewhere else? 他の場所に座っても良いですか? 違うテーブルに座っても良いかを尋ねています。 例文 ▪ Is there another table available for me? 私が座ることが出来るテーブルが他にありますか? ウェイターに座ることが出来るテーブルがあるかを尋ねています。 例文 ▪ Can I have sit at that open table? あの空いているテーブルに座っても良いですか? 空いているテーブルを見つけて、そのテーブルに座っても良いかを尋ねています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • can I change my table?

  • can we be moved to another table?

when asking to be moved to another table in a restaurant you could ask to be "moved to another table". or "would like a change of table"
レストランで別の席に移りたいと頼む時には、 "move to another table"又は"would like a change of table" と言うことが出来ます。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Can I move tables?

  • Is it okay if I change seats?

The above sentences are polite ways to ask without appearing as if you are demanding. Sometimes a table may be empty and reserved for someone for a specific time. Therefore it is very important to ask so that you do not inconvenience anyone.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Could I sit over there please?

  • 2. I dont want to sit at this table. Is it Ok if I choose another?

1. Here you ask to change to a different table you are indicating. 2. Here you state that you are unhappy at your present table and wish to select another. The first sentence is a little more direct and assertive.
1. あなたの望む違うテーブルに変わりたいと言う意味です。 2. 今座っているテーブルが不満足で他のテーブルを選びたいという意思を伝えています。最初の文のほうが直接的で積極的な表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I change tables?

  • Can I move to another table?

  • I'd like to sit over there, please.

"Can I change tables" is a very common expression to use when you aren't happy with your seating area. When asking to move to another table we usually ask the waitron to relocate us to another table. It is usually common then for the waitron to ask if we want a table inside or outside, if available. The waitron would only offer an outside table if the restaurant is extended or offers seating area on a balcony or porch. Example: You: Can I move tables, please? Waitron: Yes, ofcourse. Which table would you prefer sir/madam?
"Can I change tables" (テーブルを変わってもいいですか。)は席に満足できない際のとても一般的な表現です。 通常、他の席に移りたい時は給仕係に他の席を割り当ててくれるようにお願いします。 給仕係は空いていれば通常、中に座りたいか外に座りたいか確認してくれるでしょう。 そのレストランにバルコニーやポーチがあったり、外に張り出して営業している場合にのみ、外の席を勧めることができるでしょう。 例文: あなた: Can I move tables, please? (席を移動してもいいですか?) 給仕係: Yes, ofcourse. Which table would you prefer sir/madam? (はい、もちろんです。どのテーブルに移られたいですか?)
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Can I move to a different table?

  • Can I sit at a different table?

  • Can I sit over there?

We can either use the verbs, "to move to," or, "to sit at," when talking about changing tables or expressing that we would like to change our current location in the restaurant or table. If we know already what table we would like to sit at we can use the expression, "over there," to help show someone where we would like to sit.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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