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2018/02/27 14:09
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  • If you would like to make a reservation, please feel free to tell me.

If you would like to make a reservation, please feel free to tell me. 「もし予約を取りたい場合は、遠慮なく言ってください。」 このように表現してはいかがでしょうか。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • Please let me know when you are ready to make a reservation.

  • When you want to make a reservation, don't hesitate to contact me.

*Please let me know when you are ready to make a reservation. - A reservation is the same as a booking. Example Sentences: The hotel only checks in reserved clients. Let me make a reservation for a table of ten for dinner. *When you want to make a reservation, don't hesitate to contact me.- Hesitate means to be reluctant. A: Before I book the presidential suite I need to consult my husband. B: Okay don't hesitate to contact me anytime
例文 *Please let me know when you are ready to make a reservation. 予約をする時には教えて下さい reservationはbookingと同じです。 例文 The hotel only checks in reserved clients. ホテルは、予約したお客さんだけの宿泊手続きをする Let me make a reservation for a table of ten for dinner. 夕食に10人用のテーブルを予約したいのですが 例文 *When you want to make a reservation, don't hesitate to contact me. 予約を希望される場合は、遠慮なく私にご連絡下さい。 Hesitateは、ためらうということです。 例文 A: Before I book the presidential suite I need to consult my husband. プレジデンシャルスイートを予約する前に、主人に相談する必要があります B: Okay don't hesitate to contact me anytime 分かりました。いつでも遠慮なく私にご連絡下さい。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Let me know if you decide to make a reservation.

  • Contact me if you would like to book a room.

"Let me know if you decide to make a reservation." This asks the person to tell you if they decide to book a room at the hotel. "Contact me if you would like to book a room." This is a more formal way of asking the person to tell you in the future if they want to book a room.
例文 "Let me know if you decide to make a reservation." 予約をする場合は教えて下さい ホテルで部屋を予約する場合は教えて欲しいと頼んでいます。 例文 "Contact me if you would like to book a room." 部屋の予約を希望される場合は連絡して下さい 将来部屋を予約したい場合は教えて欲しいと頼むよりフォーマルな表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to make a reservation?

  • I am here if you want to make a reservation.

You can say : "Would you like to make a reservation?" "I am here if you want to make a reservation." Would you like to make a reservation? = Do you want to make a reservation? I am here if you want to make a reservation. = You can ask me if you want to a booking. R : I am here if you want to make a reservation. C : Okay thanks, I will come back later.
次のように言うことができます。 : "Would you like to make a reservation?" (予約をしますか。) "I am here if you want to make a reservation." (予約をするのでしたら私にお伝え下さい。) Would you like to make a reservation? = 予約を取りたいですか。 I am here if you want to make a reservation. = 予約をしたいのなら私に頼んでください。 R : I am here if you want to make a reservation. (予約は私にお伝え下さい。) C : Okay thanks, I will come back later. (ありがとうござます。後ほど来ます。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Please let me know if you would like to book the room.

  • Let me know when you're ready to book the room.

  • If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

"Please let me know if you would like to book the room." Use of the word please in this expression indicates politeness and respect. It refers directly to the room booking and the use of ".... let me know... " let's the guest know to speak to you directly. "Let me know when you're ready to book the room." This expression asks the guest directly to speak to you about the room booking. It is less polite (there is no please) and suggests that the guest 'will' book the room but they are just thinking about it. "If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask." While this sentence does not directly address the question of whether or not the guest will book the room, you are letting them know that they can approach you and ask you any questions that they might have about it.
"Please let me know if you would like to book the room."(部屋を予約するなら教えてください。) この表現で"please"という単語を使うことで丁寧で敬意を払っているとほのめかします。部屋を予約することを直接示しており、 ".... let me know... "を使うことで、ゲストにあなたに直接話してほしいと知らせています。 "Let me know when you're ready to book the room." (部屋を予約する準備ができたら知らせてください。) この表現は部屋の予約についてゲストにあなたに直接話すよう頼んでいます。pleaseがないのでより丁寧ではありませんし、ゲストは部屋を予約するつもりではあるれど、まだ考え中であるということです。 "If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask." (他に質問があれば、ためらわずに聞いてください。) この文章は、ゲストが部屋を予約するかどうかの問題に直接言及していませんが、ゲストにあなたと連絡をとって、質問があればなんでもしてくださいと知らせています。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • If you'd like to book please let me know

  • Well, I'm here if you need me

In the context of the situation - you are working on reception and someone is deliberating about whether to book a room or not, you may just say, 'I'm here if you need me.'
背景として、あなたは受付で働いている時に、予約をしようかしまいか慎重な人がいたとします。あなたは、次のように言えます。 'I'm here if you need me.' (予約をする場合教えてください。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please let me know if you decide to book a room

  • Please contact me if you want to make a reservation

When you want to stay in a hotel you need to 'book a room' this is also said as making a 'reservation' this means to reserve the room so noone else can book it/take it from you You would tell the person to 'let you know' or 'contact you' so you can make the booking/reservation for them
ホテルに泊まるには、'To book a room'(部屋を予約する)しないといけません。'To make a reservation'(予約する)とも言います。これは「〔他の人に使われないように〕部屋を取っておく」という意味です。 予約ができるように 'To let me know'(知らせる)あるいは 'To contact me'(連絡する)して欲しいとお願いできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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