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2018/03/01 15:44
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  • The time to start working varies from day to day.

  • Depends on the day, I start working at different time.

The time to start working = 働き始める時間 Depends on the day= 日によって varies from day to day = 日によって違う I start working at different time = 違う時間帯に働き始める ”Depends = 依存する、~よって”はよく日常英会話で使われるので覚えていたほうが良いと思います。 例えば、 What time do you usually start working? "普段何時から働き始めますか?” It depends on the day"その日によります。” だけでも通じると思います。
Daisuke U 英語講師
  • The time i start work changes from day to day

  • Every day i start work at a different time

  • I start at a different time every day

All the sentences can be used by saying start work it is explaining the time you are talking about Day to day means from one day to another so different days of the week Every day means each day of the week (7 days in a week) Different mean not the same or to change
三例とも使えます。「start work(仕事を始める)」は、何の時間について言っているかを説明しています。 「day to day」は「一日一日」という意味です。曜日ごとに変わることを表しています。「Every day」は、一週間のすべての曜日(一週間に7日間)を指します。 「Different」は同じでない、また、変化することを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My schedule varies from day to day.

  • My working day start time can be different every day.

  • The time I start working differs from day to day

When something is 'varied' or it 'varies' this means that it can change depending on certain circumstances. This word can be used in many contexts, for example - "my choice of clothes varies depending on the temperature outside." When we say something is 'day to day' we are talking about the consecutive days in the week. Again, this can be used in many context, for example - "I am responsible for the day to day running of the book shop."
「vary」は、事情によって変化することを表します。この単語は様々な文脈で使えます。例えば: My choice of clothes varies depending on the temperature outside. (私の服の選択は、外の温度によって変わります。) 「day to day」は、毎日起こることを表します。これもまた、多くの文脈で使えます。例えば: I am responsible for the day to day running of the book shop. (私は本屋の日々の運営を担当しています。)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • The time I start work differs from day to day.

  • I don't start work at the same time everyday.

When a certain situation changes frequently, you can also say varies and differs. For example: My work day starts at different times everyday. I start work at different times. The times I start work varies from day-to-day. I go to work at different time everyday, The time I start work differs from day-to-day. I don't have a set time to start work everyday.
状況が頻繁に変わる場合、"varies"や"differs"も使えます。 (例文) My work day starts at different times everyday. (働き始める時間は毎日変わります) I start work at different times. (仕事を始める時間はいろいろです) The times I start work varies from day-to-day. (働き始める時間は日によって変わります) I go to work at different time everyday, (出勤する時間は毎日違います) The time I start work differs from day-to-day. (働き始める時間は日によって変わります) I don't have a set time to start work everyday. (働き始める時間は毎日変わります)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I work casual hours.

  • I am on call.

  • I work different hours each day.

There are usually different reasons as to why one would start work at different times of day. These can be down to the different roles and types of employment such as shift work, sub-contracting or contract work or being on call. Shift work is usually constant but may have different starting times. Being on-call by a company or business means they contact you at short notice to come into work. Which mans you will have to be ready to start as soon as they contact you - hence being on call.
仕事を始める時間が変わる理由はさまざまだと思います。 仕事のタイプや役割によって変わることがあります。例えば、シフト制の仕事(shift work)、請負仕事、呼びかけに応じて対応しなければならない仕事(being on call)など。 「shift work(シフト制の仕事)」は、大抵一定ですが、仕事を始める時間が変わる場合もあります。 「being on call」は、会社から急な連絡を受けて対応することをいいます。つまり、連絡を受けたらすぐに対応できるよう準備しておく必要があるということです。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I work at differing times every day.

  • My work timetable differs from day to day.

You could use the word ‘differs’ or ‘differing times’ which is another way of saying ‘different’ or ‘at different times’, except that it’s more natural and advanced English. The phrase ‘from day to day’ means that every day is different, and you could also use the phrase ‘my work timetable’ instead of ‘my work times’.
「differs」「differing times」などの表現が使えます。「different(異なる)」「at different times(異なる時間に)」の別の言い方です。「differs」「differing times」の方が自然で上級者英語です。 「from day to day(日ごとに)」は毎日異なることを表します。 また、「my work times」の代わりに「my work timetable(仕事のスケジュール)」も使えます。
Sarah El DMM英会話講師
  • The time I start work is different everyday.

  • The time I start work varies daily.

The two sentences you see above are great ways to express to someone that the time you start work is different everyday. In the second sentence you will notice the verb vary. Although this word has different meanings, in this sentence it means differ or change. This is a word that can be used in both formal and informal settings. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
二例とも、仕事を始める時間が毎日異なることを伝える良い言い方です。 二つ目の文には動詞の「vary」が使われています。「vary」にはいろいろな意味がありますが、この文では「異なる、変わる」という意味です。この単語はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使われます。是非覚えてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I work irregular hours. I don't always start or end at the same time each day

  • I have a flexible work schedule. The time I start working differs from day to day

  • The time I start working differs from day to day

When you want to explain to someone that you don't always start work at the same time everyday - it differs based on the day; then you can say: -I work irregular hours. I don't always start or end at the same time.each day -I have a flexible work schedule. The time I start working differs from day to day -The time I start working differs from day to day
仕事が毎日同じ時間に始まるわけではなく、その日によって異なることを説明したいなら、以下のように言えます。 -I work irregular hours. I don't always start or end at the same time.each day 勤務時間は不規則です。いつも同じ時間に始まって、終わるわけではありません。 -I have a flexible work schedule. The time I start working differs from day to day 私の仕事のスケジュールはフレキシブルです。仕事が始まる時間はその日によって違います。 -The time I start working differs from day to day 仕事が始まる時間はその日によって違います。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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