例えば、I wish I had a boyfriend.という文の意味を確認したいとき、
Is this sentence saying that "I" in this sentence don't have a boyfriend now, but "I" want a boyfriend?
My understanding of the meaning of the sentence, "I wish I had a boyfriend" is that "I" in this sentence doesn't have a boyfriend now, but "I" wants a boyfriend. Is this correct?
Can/May you confirm my understanding?
Could I kindly confirm my understanding?
My understanding of the meaning of the sentence, "I wish I had a boyfriend" is that "I" in this sentence doesn't have a boyfriend now, but "I" wants a boyfriend.
・Is this correct?(これであってる?)
・Can/May you confirm my understanding? (この理解であってます?同僚等向けはこちらをお勧めです。)
・Could I kindly confirm my understanding? (ご確認お願いします。目上の方向け)