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2016/02/08 17:40
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  • ① Business hotel

「① Business hotel」でも十分通じます。 Wasabiさんの言うように、イギリスではBudget hotel が一般ですが、「I'm staying in a budget hotel」とはあまり言いたくないので僕はビジネスホテルをそのまま使っています。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Budget hotel

  • Cheap hotel

  • Could you book a room at a budget hotel?

日本語のビジネスホテルとは「ビジネスマンが出張で使うホテル」という特殊な用途に限った言い方をしていますが、英語ではその類いのホテルは「価格の安いホテル」とまとめて言ってしまいます。 なので、上記例文のどちらかが良いと思います。よく使うのは1つ目です。
  • budget hotel, comfort inn, bed and breakfast

  • a hotel with a conference room facility, if for meetings

example "I need a budget hotel" or "bed and breakfast" if you want to hold a meeting most chain hotels or large hotels will have a bookable conference room "Do you have a conference room?"
 "I need a budget hotel" ビジネスホテルが必要です。   "bed and breakfast" B&B(朝食付きホテル) もし、会議をしたかったら、ほとんどのチェーンホテルや大きなホテルは、予約制の会議室があります。  "Do you have a conference room?" 会議室はありますか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • A basic hotel

  • A bog standard hotel

  • A sales rep hotel

Sales rep = sales representative = salesman Bog standard = ordinary or basic. "A bog-standard PC" "Hey James. I'll bet you stay in some fancy hotels now you've got that sales rep job?" "Unfortunately, not at all. My expenses only stretch to a bog standard hotel." "So no swimming pool or sauna?" "You must be joking! Sometimes I even have to share the bathroom."
Sales rep = sales representative = salesman Bog standard = 通常の、基本的な "A bog-standard PC" 普通のパソコン "Hey James. I'll bet you stay in some fancy hotels now you've got that sales rep job?" なあジェームズ、どこかお前いいホテルに泊まっているんじゃないか?あの営業の仕事取ったの? "Unfortunately, not at all. My expenses only stretch to a bog standard hotel." 残念だけど、全然違うんだ。出張費は一般的なホテルまでしか出ないよ。 "So no swimming pool or sauna?" じゃあプールもサウナもないの? "You must be joking! Sometimes I even have to share the bathroom." 冗談だろ、トイレだって時々共有だぞ!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Bed and breakfast.

  • Business hotel.

A bed and breakfast is a sleeping accommodation for a night and a meal in the morning, provided in guest houses and hotels. This can be used for the short stay of business trips. Business hotels are hotels located near the business district of the country/region they are in. They focus primarily on businessmen, not providing too much family rooms. They are sure to provide you with fast internet and silent rooms, if they are good at least. Most of them also offer conference rooms
"bed and breakfast"とは、ゲストハウスやホテルなどの宿泊施設の事で、朝ごはんが付いています。 短期の出張旅行などにも利用されます。 "Business hotels"とは、商業地域などに近隣しています。主にビジネスマンをテーゲットにしており、家族向けの部屋はあまりありません。 すくなくともいいホテルであれば、高速インターネットに静かな部屋を提供しています。 これらのホテルの多くは、会議室も用意してあります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Bed and breakfast

  • Hotel for business people

>Bed and breakfast Bed & breakfast is also known as B&B. It is simply just for a good sleep and breakfast in the morning because business people are out most of the day. >Hotel for business people. The name explains it... a hotel specifically for business people.
Bed and breakfast Bed & breakfasthはB&Bと言われます。 ビジネスマンは日中ほとんど外にいるので、睡眠と朝食がとれれば十分です。 Hotel for business people. ビジネスパーソンに特化したホテルを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A) Bed and breakfast

  • B) Business hotel

A) Bed and breakfast -sleeping accommodation for a night and a meal in the morning, provided in guest houses and hotels. a guest house. plural noun: bed and breakfasts Example -"we spent the night at a cheap bed and breakfast nearby" B) Business hotel -An establishment that provides lodging and usually meals and other services for travelers and other paying guests. (Typically for business ) I hope this helps :-)
A) Bed and breakfast -ゲストハウス、ホテルなどで一夜の宿泊に朝ごはんのついているもの。 複数形: bed and breakfasts 例 "we spent the night at a cheap bed and breakfast nearby" その夜は近くの朝食付きの安宿に泊まった。 B) Business hotel: 旅行者やゲストにロッジと食事などその他サービスが振舞われる建物(主にビジネスパーソン向け) お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Hotel.

You are on a business trip, where do you stay? In a hotel. For example. I am going on a business trip tomorrow. Do you know where you'll be staying? Yeah, in a hotel. Like always then. I hope it is nice. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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