世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/03/12 09:26
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  • i am determined to win the Kendo Tournament

  • It is my goal to win The Kendo Tournament

  • It's my ambition to win the Kendo tournament in my city.

example "I am determined to win the Kendo tournament in my local city this year." or "It is my goal to win the Kendo tournament." or "It's my ambition to win the Kendo tournament this year in my city."
"I am determined to win the Kendo tournament in my local city this year." 今年、地元の剣道の市大会で優勝するつもりです。  "It is my goal to win the Kendo tournament."  剣道の大会で優勝することが目標です。 "It's my ambition to win the Kendo tournament this year in my city." 今年、市の剣道大会で優勝するのを目指しています。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I aim to win!

To 'aim' for something is to have a target or goal which you intend to achieve. You will do everything that you can to ensure that you reach your goal. 'Aim to win' is a common phrase used when you enter into a competition and you really want to win and come first.
aim' とは、成し遂げたい目的や目標をもつことを指します。その目標に向かって、できることはすべてするでしょう。 'Aim to win' とは一般的なフレーズで、競争で本当に優勝したいという意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Winning the city knedo tournament is the objective.

  • There is no choice but to win the city knedo tournament.

  • Losing in not an option concerning the city knedo tournament.

When one is so determined to win, one expresses it in such a fierce way. As far as he/she is concerned, the word "losing" just isn't in their vocabulary. There is no other alternative-winning is not a must. It's the only possible outcome.
Rickie DMM英会話講師
  • I. I hope to win the city kendo tournament

  • 2. I'm going to win the city kendo tournament

Of course you could use phrase 1 and state your goal in that way. However, equally effective is sentence 2, which also expresses a high degree of determination to win. In English, when speaking about events which require a vast amount of dedication and effort, it is often part of the competitor's psyche and training to be both confident and assertive when speaking about goals. Sentence 1 is a little bland in that respect.
もちろん一つ目の例文を言うことが出来るでしょう。そしてそのように目標を立てられます。 しかし同じように有効な言い方が例文2です。これもまた勝つのだという強い決心を表現します。英語では 多大な献身や努力が必要なイベントに関していえば、自信に溢れた積極的な態度で自分の目標を語ることは、競争相手に動揺をさせる心理作戦であり訓練の成果です。例文1はその意味合いでは、当たり障りのない表現だと言えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My goal is to win the city Kendo tournament

  • My ambition is to win the city kendo tournament

  • I aim to win the city kendo tournament

If you 'aim' to do something then you try hard or have a goal to achieve something An ambition is when you have a strong desire to acheieve something
aim to do something' は「~を目指して努力する」「~を目標とする」という意味です。 'ambition' は「野心」「目標」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I have my eye on winning the city kendo tournament.

  • My end game is to win the city kendo tournament.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that your goal is to win the city kendo tournament. In the first sentence you will see the term have one's eye on something. This means to be focused on something in particular. This term is commonly used in our everyday conversation, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、剣道の市内大会で優勝するのが目標であると伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 一つ目の例文には、"have one's eye on something" という表現が使われています。これは「〔あることを〕目標としている」という意味です。この表現は日常会話でよく使われます、ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • My goal is to win the city Kendo tournament.

  • Winning the city Kendo tournament is my goal.

  • My aim is to win the city Kendo tournament.

A 'goal' is something that someone is hoping to achieve. You must put the 'my' determiner in to show that you are the person who is hoping to achieve this. "to win" is the verb used in this case as your goal is to come first. And 'tournament' is another word for competition (it is usually used when there are a lot of competitors).
goal' とは「達成したいこと(目標)」をいいます。 それを達成しようと思っているのが自分であることを示すには、限定詞の 'my' を加えなければなりません。 優勝することが目標なわけなのでここでは動詞には "to win" を使います。 'tournament' は 'competition'(競技会)の別の言い方です('tournament' は普通、参加者がたくさんいる場合に使われます)。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
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