世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/03/12 21:55
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  • I wish this month was over.

  • I wish this month was finished already.

  • I can't wait 'til this month is over!

Many people learn in grammar class that "I wish" goes with subjunctive mood, so the verb to be changes, like this:
-- I wish this month was over ---> I wish this month were over.
"were" is certainly correct, but in normal spoken conversation people often say "was". Native speakers often forget to use the subjunctive "were", especially when speaking. I tell my students that they only need to study this grammar point if they are planning to write an academic paper for study at a university or maybe for a professional conference. I believe the subjunctive in English is slowly dying and in a generation it will no longer be used.

多くの人が、文法のクラスで"I wish"を使った仮定法を習います。その場合動詞は以下のように変化します。

 -- I wish this month was overは、I wish this month were over.となります。

"were"は、確実に正しいですが、普通の会話では、よくwasという人もいます。 ネイティブも、特に会話では、仮定法の"were"を使い忘れます。私は、生徒には、大学で勉強し、レポートを書いたり、専門会議などに出る場合には、このことを知っておくようにと言います。


David McA DMM英会話講師
  • I wish this month would fly by

  • I wish this month was over already

To say that time should 'fly by' or just 'fly' is an English idiom that means time passes quickly, like an aeroplane, or a bird in the sky. For example:

"Look how much the kids have grown, doesn't time fly!"
"I didn't realise it was so late! Doesn't time fly by?"

 'fly by' または 'fly'は、飛行機や空の鳥のように、時間が速く過ぎるという意味です。

 "Look how much the kids have grown, doesn't time fly!"

 "I didn't realise it was so late! Doesn't time fly by?"

Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I wish this month were over.

年末は"busy working" "hectic" ですよね。

でも、My goal is just around the corner.

Kimochi 英語落語家・パブリックスピーカー
  • can't wait till the end of the month

  • i want this month to end quickly

  • I am so busy, I can't wait for this month to end.


"I have been so busy this month,
I just can't wait for it to end."
"I want the month to end quickly, I am so busy."
"I can't wait for the end of the month,
it's been back breaking."
back breaking is a phrase meaning hard work.

"I have been so busy this month,I just can't wait for it to end."

"I want the month to end quickly, I am so busy."

"I can't wait for the end of the month,it's been back breaking."

back breaking とは、ひどく疲れるという意味です。

Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Will it never end?

  • This month has been so tough at work...Will it never end?

"Will it never end?" is a great way to suggest you have had enough of something!
It is a question that has been asked by those in misery for centuries:-)
Will it never end!?
This month has been so tough at work...Will it never end?

"Will it never end?" 何かが限界に近いことをを示す良い表現です。この疑問は苦境に立つ人々の間で長い間使われてきました。

"Will it never end!?"(早く終わってほしいです。)
"This month has been so tough at work...Will it never end?"(今月はとてもきついです。早く終わってほしいです。)

Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I wish this month was over already

  • I want this month to end quickly

  • I can't wait for this month to be over

if you want to express that you want this month to be over then you could say ' i wish this month was over already' or 'i want this month to end quickly' both explaining that you want the month to end soon. A more common saying would be ' I can't wait for this month to be over/finish'


'I wish this month was over already'

'I want this month to end quickly'


'I can't wait for this month to be over/finish'

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Work has been busy this month. I'm looking forward to it being over.

  • I've had a stressful month at work and the end can't come fast enough!

Work has been busy means you've had lots to do. You could also say it's been back breaking which means hard work, or stressful if you have found it so. Hectic also means busy.
This month has been hectic. The end can't come fast enough
I'm happy the end of the month is approaching. It's been backbreaking.
I can't wait until this month is over, it's been so stressful

Work has been busy'は「忙しい」という意味です。
ほかに、'it's been backbreaking'と言うこともできます。これは「大変な仕事」「ストレスの多い仕事」を表します。

This month has been hectic. The end can't come fast enough

I'm happy the end of the month is approaching. It's been backbreaking.

I can't wait until this month is over, it's been so stressful

Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • I wish this month would end soon.

  • May this month come to an end early!

  • How badly I want this month to be gone fast!

1) I wish this month would end soon.
I wish ~「(実際はそうではないが)~だといいのに」という仮定法過去。

2) May this month come to an end early!
May 願望を表す助動詞 may の用法。May + 主語+ 動詞原形。

3) How badly I want this month to be gone fast!
How badly 「どれほど~」。How + 副詞+主語+動詞! の感嘆文。

Tomomi Inden 同時通訳/翻訳/大学客員講師
  • "_____ can not end soon enough"

  • "In 2 days: I got sick, my car broke down and I argued with my boss..... This week can not end soon enough."

When talking about an unejoyable/disastrous situation that you want to end, youcan use the expression "__ can not end soon enough." The "_" is the situation that you want to end ('this week,' a meeting, a party, etc). This saying let's the listener know that you are (politely) looking forward to the end of the event

EX) "In 2 days: I got sick, my car broke down and I argued with my boss..... This week can not end soon enough."

早く終わってほしい悲惨な/つらい状況について言うなら、"__ can not end soon enough." という表現が使えます。
"_" には終わってほしい状況(例えば 'this week' 'a meeting' 'a party' など)が入ります。これは「早く終わってほしい」という気持ちを丁寧に伝えます。

"In 2 days: I got sick, my car broke down and I argued with my boss..... This week can not end soon enough."(あと二日。風邪を引いて、車が壊れて、上司ともめて.... ああ、早く今週が終わってほしい)

Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • I wish this month were over - we're so busy at work!

  • We have a heavy workload this month and time is really dragging

You are very busy at work this month, and wish this month would be over fast/already. You would like to know how to describe this feeling. Above are a few suggestions which may fit this scenario.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I hope this month goes by quickly.

  • I'm ready for this month to be over.

  • I can't wait for this month to be over.

March is such a boring month, I hope it goes by quickly.
So many things have gone wrong lately, I'm so ready for this month to be over.
I'm going on holiday next month so I can't wait for this month to be over.

March is such a boring month, I hope it goes by quickly.(3月は本当に退屈。早く終わってほしい)

So many things have gone wrong lately, I'm so ready for this month to be over.(最近は何かとうまくいかない。早く来月になってほしい)

I'm going on holiday next month so I can't wait for this month to be over.(来月旅行に行くから、早く今月が終わってほしい)

Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • I wish this month was already over.

  • I can't wait for this month to finally finish.

  • This month needs to finish soon.

I wish this month was already over.
I can't wait for this month to finally finish.
This month needs to finish soon.

I think this will definitely help you get your point across about the month. Also, the last two, I can't wait for this month to finally finish. And. This month needs to finish soon. Are perhaps a bit more informal.

I hope this helps.
Have a great day.

I wish this month was already over.(今月が早く終わってほしい)
I can't wait for this month to finally finish.(今月が終わるのが待ち遠しい)
This month needs to finish soon.(今月が早く終わってほしい)




Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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