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2018/03/13 21:38
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  • Macaroon comes from France.

  • Macaroon originated in France.

「発祥地」と考えると難しいですが 「~から[来た](」と考えれば、 come from~で表現できます。 「~が[発祥](だ」は、originate in~ と言います。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Macaroons have their origin in France.

  • The birthplace of the macaroon is in France.

  • The roots of Macaroon making come from France.

Here is a list of many words used to describe the origin of something. The normal way to say it: originated - The Macaroon originated in France. origin - The origin of Macaroons is in France. birthplace - The birthplace of the macaroon is in France. roots - The roots of baking Macaroons come from France. source - The original source of Macaroons is in France. created - The first Macaroon was created in France. Say it with style or charisma: spring into being - The delicious Macaroon sprang into being from France.
以下、発祥地を表す単語のリストです。 一般的な言い方です: originated - The Macaroon originated in France. (マカロン発祥の地はフランスです) origin - The origin of Macaroons is in France. (マカロン発祥の地はフフランスです) birthplace - The birthplace of the macaroon is in France. (マカロン発祥の地はフランスです) roots - The roots of baking Macaroons come from France. (マカロン焼きの[ルーツ](はフランスです) source - The original source of Macaroons is in France. (マカロン発祥の地はフランスです) created - The first Macaroon was created in France. (一番最初のマカロンはフランスで作られました) 粋な(かっこいい)言い方をすると: spring into being - The delicious Macaroon sprang into being from France. (あの美味しいマカロンはフランスで[誕生しました](
Alathia DMM英会話講師
  • Originated

  • First begun

  • Come from

When wanting to describe where something began, or where someone was born these answers can be used as in the following examples. "Cricket it a sport that originated in the English country side." "Sushi originated in Japan." "The tradition of what we now call Halloween first begun in Ireland about 2000 years ago." "I come from a small town in southern England." "Do you come from Japan?"
これらの表現は、何かが始まったこと、誕生したことを表す時に使えます。例えば: "Cricket is a sport that originated in the English countryside." 【訳】クリケットはイギリスの田舎で始まったスポーツです。 "Sushi originated in Japan." 【訳】すしはもともとは日本の食べ物です。 "The tradition of what we now call Halloween first begun in Ireland about 2000 years ago." 【訳】ハロウィーンは最初に始まったのは、2000年前のアイルランドです。 "I come from a small town in southern England." 【訳】イングランドの南部の出身です。 "Do you come from Japan?" 【訳】日本の出身ですか。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Place of origin

  • Birthplace

The place where something was born or started can be called the 'place of origin' or 'birthplace'. For example, British common law, which is followed in most of the countries that had been colonized by the British, links the birthplace of a child to his/her citizenship. This implies that a child born in London becomes a British citizen by birth. This becomes the child's place of origin as well. The same goes for inventions or manufactured goods. So, you may say: The place of origin for the Rolls Royce vehicle brand is Britain. or London is her birthplace. or The place of origin for Swiss watches is Switzerland.
何かが誕生した(始まった)場所は、「place of origin」または「birthplace」と言えます。 例えば、英国の植民地だった国のほとんどが採用する英国法(コモンロー)では、国籍は「birthplace(生まれた場所)」で判断します。これは例えば、ロンドンで生まれた子は英国民になることを意味します。これはその子にとっての「place of origin(出所)」になります。発明品や製品についても同じです。 The place of origin for the Rolls Royce vehicle brand is Britain. 【訳】車のブランドの「Rolls Royce」はイギリスで生まれました。 London is her birthplace. 【訳】彼女はロンドン出身です。 The place of origin for Swiss watches is Switzerland. 【訳】スイス製の時計(Swiss watches)の「place of origin」はスイスです。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • made in...

  • place of origin

  • where it was first invented

"made in..." usually everything says where it's made, which is also where it was started. The "..." indicates to "insert place here" for example: "made in Taiwan" or "made in India". "place of origin" is another meaning for the original place of where the product was started. "where it was first invented" is another saying for where something was started, Invented meaning first started or first idea of something made that someone came up with that's never been started before.
普通はすべての物に作られた場所が書かれています。この "..." は場所の名前を入れることを意味します。 【例】 "made in Taiwan"(台湾製) "made in India"(インド製) "place of origin" これも、その商品が発祥となった場所を表します。 "where it was first invented" これも、何かの発祥となった場所を表します。 "Invented" は、一番最初に始まった、または今までになかった一番最初のアイディアという意味になります。
Katrina W DMM英会話講師
  • the origins of

  • the birthplace of

  • originally from

The origins of macaroons are French. Pizza is originally from Italy. My family's origins are Mexican. Ninjas originated in Japan. The origins of something is the nationality, if you say "originally from", then you must say the nation. Otherwise you can simply say "from" to be quicker but less specific. Macaroons are from France. Kangaroos are from Australia. But if you would like to be specific and precise, you can express the origins of something. We also say the "birthplace of", usually for people, but not always. "The birthplace of Jazz is New Orleans"
例文 The origins of macaroons are French. マカロンはフランス発祥です Pizza is originally from Italy. ピザはイタリア発祥です My family's origins are Mexican. 私の家族の先祖はメキシコ人です Ninjas originated in Japan. 忍者は日本発祥です "originally from"というのであれば、物事の発祥は国になりますので、その国を言わないといけません。そうでないのであれば、より早く、具体的にならないようにするためにただ"from" と言います。 Macaroons are from France. Kangaroos are from Australia. マカロンはフランス発祥です。カンガルーはオーストラリア発祥です。 しかしよりはっきりと正確に言うのであれば、物事の発祥を言うことが出来ます。通常人に対して、"birthplace of"という語も使えますが、いつも使えるわけではありません。 例文 "The birthplace of Jazz is New Orleans" ジャズの発祥地はニューオリンズです
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • place of birth

  • birthplace

  • place of origin

The place in which someone/something was born is called a place of birth or a birthplace. Where you are talking about a place of where something was started, you can use the phrase "place of origin". -France is the place of origin for macarons -Macarons originated from France
人・物が生まれた場所は、"place of birth" や "birthplace" と呼ばれます。 何かが始まった場所について言う場合は、"place of origin" が使えます。 【例文】 -France is the place of origin for macarons (フランスはマカロン発祥の地です) -Macarons originated from France (マカロンはフランスで発祥しました)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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