世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/26 21:37
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  • If you give birth to a child in the United States, that makes them a us citizen.

  • If a child is born in the United States, they can acquire U.s citizenship.

If you give birth to a child in the United States, that makes them a us citizen. (もしアメリカで子供を産むなら、その子供はアメリカ国籍だ)。 If a child is born in the United States, they can acquire U.s citizenship.(子供がアメリカで生まれるなら、彼らはアメリカ国籍を取得できる)。 取得は acquire です。 アメリカ人はアメリカのことを United States, または(略して) U.S と言います。アメリカとは言いません。 例えば、「わたしはアメリカから来たの」は I’m from the states. または I’m from the US といいます。 ✖︎ I’m from America は言いません、違和感があります。 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • If someone has a child in the United States, their child has American citizenship.

By using the word "someone" in the sentence, it makes it very general, suggesting that anyone who has a child in the United States will be able to give their child American citizenship. "Citizenship"is the state of being a citizen. I hope that this helps :)
文中で「someone」を使うことで一般化でき、米国で子どもを持つ誰もが子どもにアメリカの市民権を与えることができると提言できます。「Citizenship」は、市民であるという状態です。 あなたの理解の助けになれば!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • "The child will automatically obtain citizenship by birthright."

  • "A child born in the USA will immediately have U.S. citizenship."

"The child will automatically obtain citizenship by birthright." "Birthright" is something that belongs to you or you have a privilege to from birth. You are entitled to this and in this case we are referring to automatic citizenship. "A child born in the USA will immediately have U.S. citizenship." This example sentence is similar to the above one however uses more common words or words non-native speakers might be familiar with.
"The child will automatically obtain citizenship by birthright." (子供は相続権によって、自動的に国籍を取得する。) "Birthright" とは、生まれてからの特権、自分に属するものという意味です。自動的に国籍を取得できるということです。   "A child born in the USA will immediately have U.S. citizenship." (アメリカで生まれた子供は、アメリカ国籍を取得する。) この例は、上の例と似ていますが、より一般的で、ネイティブスピーカーでない人でも知っているような単語を使っています。  
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • If someone gives birth in the USA, the child is an American citizen.

Sometimes parents could be in a different country than their home country when a birth happens. This can change things for the baby and also can make them a citizen of that country. If we want to explain this process, we can use a phrase such as this one: If someone gives birth in the USA, the child is an American citizen.
出生時に、両親が母国ではない別の国にいることがあります。これは、赤ちゃんにとって環境が変化し、その国の国民になることも可能です。 この過程を説明したい場合、下記が使えます。 If someone gives birth in the USA, the child is an American citizen. アメリカで出産する場合、子供はアメリカ国民になります。
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • Born in the USA? Then you're a US citizen!

  • The moment a baby is born in the US, they become a US citizen

Many countries have differing rules and regulations concerning nationality and residency so you may well count yourself fortunate if you are able to become a US citizen by default (as in the case of birth).
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If a child is born in a country, the child will become a citizen of that country.

This sentence is implying that if a child is born in a country, for example America, the child will become a citizen of that country (America). A citizen is the term used to describe a native (someone native/born in a particular country). ex. "I am a native of the United Kingdom" and "I am a citizen of the United Kingdom".
この文は「子どもは生まれた国(例えばアメリカなら、アメリカ)の国籍を取得する」という意味です。 'citizen' は 'native'(その国で生まれた人)を表します。 例: "I am a native of the United Kingdom"(私はイギリスの出身です) "I am a citizen of the United Kingdom"(私はイギリス人です)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • If a child is born in the USA they will become an American citizen

  • If you give birth to a child in America they will get American citizenship

If you have legal documents for a country like a passport you are referred to as a citizen for that country this is usually the country you were born in so if a child is born in the USA then they will receive American citizenship and be legal in that country
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Anyone who is born in the United States is an American citizen.

  • If a non-resident gives birth in the US, that infant is automatically a US citizen.

1. "Anyone who is" is an expression meaning all-inclusive to the specifically defined group of individuals. In this case, that would apply to those who are born in the United States. This means that citizenship is granted upon birth. 2. A non-resident refers to one who does not have citizenship in the US, so it highlights that the origin of the parents does not determine the citizenship of the infant. This applies to the second part of the sentence when the term "automatic" is used. It is a way to express that it does not require any other steps in order for the baby to obtain citizenship.
1. "Anyone who is" は、あるグループの全員を指す表現です。この場合はアメリカで生まれた人を指しています。これは、生まれると同時に国籍が与えられることを表します。 2. "Non-resident" はアメリカ国籍を有していない人を指します。ですから、両親の出身によって子どもの国籍が決まるわけではないことを表します。これは、"automatic"(すぐに/自動的に)を使った文の後半部分にかかっています。子どもが生まれた瞬間に、他に条件なく、国籍を取得できることを表しています。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
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