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A:その服はオフィス用? B:仕事でもそれ以外でも着るよ。
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2018/03/16 18:35
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  • I wear these clothes all the time

  • I wear these clothes for work and leisure

  • I wear these on my work days and days off

examples "i wear these clothes all the time, i love them. I wear them on work days and when i am off". or "i often wear these clothes for work and leisure". or "i wear this outfit for work and for days i have off". or "this are my favourite set of clothes, i wear them when i'm working and when i am not".
例 "I wear these clothes all the time, I love them. I wear them on work days and when I am off."(この服は好きなので、いつも着ています。仕事でも休みの日でも着ています。) "I often wear these clothes for work and leisure."(良くこの服を仕事でも遊びでも着ています。) "I wear this outfit for work and for days I have off."(この上着は仕事でも休みの日でも着ています。) "These are my favourite set of clothes, I wear them when I'm working and when I am not."(この服はお気に入りです。仕事の時もそうでない時も着ています。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I wear these clothes for any occasion.

  • I wear these clothes for work, as well as for leisure

The noun 'occasion' in the context which has been used in the first statement means 'a special or formal event' such as work or weddings. However, there are clothes that can be specifically for work, such as uniforms. But, in this case, these clothes are not uniforms and I wear them for any occasion. I can wear them to work or to a social event such as a wedding if it is a suit. So, you may say: I wear these clothes for any occasion. or I wear these clothes for work, as well as for leisure.
最初の例文で使われる名詞'occasion'は、 仕事や結婚式など'a special or formal event' (特別なイベント)を意味しています。 しかし、ユニフォームなど仕事で特別に着る服があります。とは言うものの、ご質問の場合では服はユニフォームではなく、いつでもどんなときでも着る服を指します。もしその場に合っているなら、スーツのように仕事や結婚式などのかしこまった場でも着ることができます。 つまり、次のように言うことができます。 "I wear these clothes for any occasion". (私はこの服をどんなときでも着ます。) "I wear these clothes for work, as well as for leisure". (私はこの服を仕事でも休みの日でも同じように着ます。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I wear these for work too, I don't have a uniform.

  • My work is pretty casual so I wear these at work and on my days off.

If you don't have a uniform or any strict dress code for work, then you can say "I don't have a uniform", this would imply that you wear the same clothes at work and on your days off. You can also say your work is pretty casual, this again means that you don't have to wear a uniform.
仕事でユニフォームや厳しいドレスコードがなければ、次のように言えます。 "I don't have a uniform" (制服はありません) 仕事の時は休みのときと同じ服を着るのだと示唆しています。 "your work is pretty casual" (私の仕事はとてもカジュアルです。) 上記のようにも言えます。これもまた制服を着なくてよいという意味です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • They're my normal clothes that I wear to work too.

  • I wear them for work and for my days off.

If someone asks if they're for work, then if you're not working it's normal to say "no, theyr'e just my normal clothes that I can wear to work too" because at the time they're not specifically for work but they can be. Sometimes if you want to keep it short simply say "I wear them for work and my days off"and that will let them know that you wear them for both occasions.
誰かにその服が仕事用か聞かれ、それが仕事用ではなく普段用だとしたら、 "No, they're just my normal clothes that I can wear to work too" (いいえ、これは普段着ですが、仕事にも着ていきます) と言います。なぜなら仕事用ではないですが、仕事用にもなり得るからです。 短くして言いたい場合は "I wear them for work and my days off" (仕事にも普段でも着ます。) といい、この服を仕事と普段のどちらでも着ることを伝えられます。
Samantha B DMM英会話講師
  • I wear these clothes both at work and at home

  • I wear these clothes in my private life and also for work

If you wear clothes in different situations you could also state that they are 'multipurpose clothes.' Time spent away from the workplace may be described as your 'private life.'
異なる状況で着る服がある場合、 'multipurpose clothes' (多用途な服) と言えます。仕事場で過ごさないのでであれば 'private life'(普段)と表現できます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I wear these clothes all the time.

  • I wear these clothes for both work and leisure.

  • I wear these clothes at work and at home.

I don't wear any specific clothes to work. I wear these clothes all the time. I wear these clothes for both work and leisure. I wear these clothes at work and at home.
I don't wear any specific clothes to work. 仕事にはどんな服もきるよ。 I wear these clothes all the time. いつもこの服を着ます。 I wear these clothes for both work and leisure. 仕事でも遊びでもこの服を着ます。 I wear these clothes at work and at home. 家でも仕事でもこの服を着ます。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I wear these clothing for everything, they're very versatile.

  • I wear these clothing in and out of the office.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you wear your clothing for both work and on days you are not working. In the first sentence you will notice the word versatile. This means something can be adapted to different circumstances. This word would make an awesome addition to your vocabulary.
この2つの文は、その服を仕事でも仕事でなくても着ることを表すフレーズです。 はじめの文には、versatileという言葉があります。これは、異なる状況で採用されるという意味です。覚えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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