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コーヒーを相手に出してから「それでよかった?」と聞く場合です.Is this no problem for you?ではちょっと大げさな気がします.
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2018/03/17 17:09
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  • Was coffee okay?

Was coffee okay? コーヒーで良かった? と、聞けばニュアンスは伝わると思います。 先に "Do you want coffee?" "Do you like coffee?" と聞いてもいいかもしれません。 コーヒーは飲めないと言われたら、 Sorry, I should have asked. ごめん、先に聞けばよかったね。 と言ってあげて下さいね~
  • Was the coffee okay?

  • How was the coffee?

  • Did you enjoy the coffee?

All of these phrases ask for the persons opinion about the coffee. If you just ask ‘was the coffee okay?’, they would give you a simple yes or no answer. By asking how was the coffee? You might get a more detailed answer. So chose whether you want to know the real answer or just check that it was drinkable!
全てのフレーズが、相手にコーヒーに対しての意見を聞く表現です。 ただ、 ‘was the coffee okay?’,(コーヒー大丈夫だった?)と聞くと、相手は、はいかいいえ、もしくは答えないなどシンプルに返事を聞くことができます。  how was the coffee?(コーヒーはどうだった?)と聞くと、もっと詳しい答えをもらうことになります。どんな答えが聞きたいかによって、質問をかえてみましょう。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • How was the coffee?

  • Was the coffee up to standard?

"How was the coffee?": This is an informal or casual way of asking a customer if they enjoyed their coffee. "Was the coffee up to standard?": This is a formal way of asking is a customer was happy with his coffee. I hope that helps :)
"How was the coffee?" コーヒーはいかがでしたか? これは、お客さんにおいしくコーヒーが飲めたか聞くカジュアルな表現です。 "Was the coffee up to standard?" コーヒーはおいしかったですか? これは、お客さんにコーヒーに満足してもらえたか聞くかしこまった表現です。
Kirst English teacher
  • Was your drink ok?

  • Did you enjoy your coffee

  • How was it

Three examples of simple questions asking for an opinion.Only second example uses coffee directly. First example uses drink and third example uses pronoun it. All would be understood to imply coffee
シンプルな質問の3つの例は、意見を求めています。2つ目の例だけがコーヒーを直接的に使っています。 最初の例はdrink を使い、3番目の例はdrink を名詞として使っています。全ての例はコーヒを示していると理解できます。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • 1. How was the coffee?

  • 2. Was the coffee to your liking?

  • 3. Did you enjoy your coffee?

If you wish to obtain someone's opinion about something, you are far more likely to get a true and and detailed response by asking an open question as in 1. Closed questions as per 2 and 3 may be easier to group in terms of classification but giving more detail is not required. ex A:. "Did you enjoy your coffee?" B: "Yes."
相手の意見を聞く場合、(例1のような)「open question(「はい」「いいえ」で答えられない質問)」のほうが、正直に、詳しく答えてくれると思います。 (例2の例3のような)「closed question(「はい」「いいえ」で答える質問)」は、分類をするときは楽かもしれません、ただ詳細を尋ねる言い方ではありません。 例: A:. "Did you enjoy your coffee?"  コーヒーはおいしかったですか? B: "Yes."  はい。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Was the coffee to your liking?

  • Was the coffee enjoyable?

  • Were you satisfied with the coffee?

The examples above are all very polite and yet simple ways of asking if the recipient enjoyed and found the coffee to their satisfaction. One might even ask, ' Did you find the coffee satisfactory?' or make use of other wonderful adjectives like agreeable.For example, ' Did you find the coffee agreeable?'
これらの例は全て、コーヒーが満足いくものであったか尋ねる丁寧でシンプルな表現です。 ' Did you find the coffee satisfactory?' コーヒーはおいしかったですか?  ' Did you find the coffee agreeable?' コーヒーはおいしかったですか?
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • How was the coffee?

  • Did the coffee taste okay?

  • Did you enjoy the coffee?

There are many different ways to ask this question, for example, "How was the coffee?" This could refer to the taste, temperature, etc. "Did the coffee taste okay?" This is a good question to ask if you want to know about the taste. "Did you enjoy the coffee?" This is just a general question about the coffee and if you enjoyed or liked it.
コーヒーでよかった?、コーヒーはどうだった?と聞く質問文はたくさんあります。How was the coffee? は味や温度がどうだったか、を尋ねることができます。 "Did the coffee taste okay?"(コーヒーの味はよかった?) この文章はコーヒーの味について尋ねます。 "Did you enjoy the coffee?"(コーヒーでよかったかな?) これはより幅広く、コーヒーでよかったか、そのコーヒーを気に入ったか、という内容のことを聞くことができます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Was the coffee okay?

  • Did you enjoy the coffee?

  • Did the coffee taste alright?

If you would like to ask someone if they were okay with the coffee, you can say: "Was the coffee okay?" "Did you enjoy the coffee?" "Did the coffee taste alright?"
コーヒーに満足したかどうか相手に尋ねたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Was the coffee okay?"(コーヒーは大丈夫でしたか?) "Did you enjoy the coffee?"(コーヒーはどうでしたか) "Did the coffee taste alright?"(コーヒーの味は大丈夫でしたか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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