A good TOEIC score is very beneficial when job hunting
It may be easier to get an interview with certain companies if you have a high TOEIC score
Both examples express the usefulness of a good TOEIC score. First example uses adjective beneficial (give you an advantage)
Second uses easier(comparative of easy)
In Japan, TOEIC scores are very important when looking for work
In Japan, companies take TOEIC scores seriously when considering job applicants
There are a number of ways to say this:
-In Japan, companies/potential employers take TOEIC scores seriously when considering job applicants.
-Your TOEIC scores are very important when you are applying for jobs. Companies/potential employers take them into consideration.
-In Japan, companies/potential employers take TOEIC scores seriously when considering job applicants.(日本では、企業/雇用主は応募者を検討する時、TOEICのスコアを重要に考えます。
-Your TOEIC scores are very important when you are applying for jobs. Companies/potential employers take them into consideration.(仕事に応募する時、あなたのTOEICスコアはとても重要です。企業/雇用主はそれを考慮します。
In Japan TOEIC scores are considerably more important than the others like; CPE, IELTS and TOEFL.
TOEIC scores in Japan are regarded more highly then the others by big companies.
There are many creative ways in which one may ascribe importance to something. You may simply say it is more important. You may say it is significantly more important. You may say it has a higher value or is regarded very highly by other.
"it is more important. "(より重要です。)と単純に言うこともできますし、"it is significantly more important. "(著しく重要です。)と言うこともできます。
"it has a higher value"(より高い価値がある。)または"is regarded very highly by other. "(他よりより高いとみなされる。)と言うこともできます。
In Japan TOEIC scores are considerably more important than the others like; CPE, IELTS and TOEFL.(日本では、TOEICの点数が他のテスト(CPE、IELTSやTOEFL)よりかなり重要です。)
TOEIC scores in Japan are regarded more highly then the others by big companies.(日本ではTOEICの点数が他のテストより高い価値があると大企業にみなされています。)
TOEIC scores are important for getting a job in Japan.
Interviewers always look at out TOEIC scores before hiring us in Japan.
"TOEIC scores are important for getting a job in Japan." Here you just tell the person that TOEIC scores are considered or looked at when people decide who to hire.
"Interviewers always look at out TOEIC scores before hiring us in Japan." Interviewers are people that do the interviewing and ask the questions. For example: Interviewers always scare me when I go in for an interview.
"TOEIC scores are important for getting a job in Japan."(TOEICのスコアは日本で仕事を得る上で重要です)
- ここでは、会社が人を採用する際にはTOEICのスコアが考慮されると伝えています。
"Interviewers always look at out TOEIC scores before hiring us in Japan."(日本では、面接官は採用者を決める際必ずTOEICのスコアをチェックします)
- "Interviewers" は面接官のことです。
Interviewers always scare me when I go in for an interview.
TOEIC scores are seen as important in Japan when job hunting
In japan TOEIC scores are considered important by employers looking for workers
In Japan TOEIC scores are important when looking for a job
If something is of great value then it is said to be 'important' so if employers look for certain things in workers they employ you would say that the thing is 'considered important by employers'
Job hunting is another way of saying looking for a job
何かに大きな価値があるなら、それは 'important' という言葉で表せます。
ですから、雇用主が従業員に対して何か特定のものを求めているなら、それは 'considered important by employers'(雇用主に重視されている)で表せます。
'job hunting' は 'looking for a job'(職探し)の別の言い方です。
Japanese employers consider TOEIC scores very important.
Having a good TOEIC score is important when job hunting in Japan.
In Japan employers place a lot of significance on the applicant'S TOEIC score. You can say this in either of the folowing ways:-
1. Japanese employers consider TOEIC scores very important.
2. Having a good TOEIC score is important when job hunting in Japan.
1. Japanese employers consider TOEIC scores very important.(日本では就職のときToeicのスコアが重視される)
2. Having a good TOEIC score is important when job hunting in Japan.(日本では就職のときToeicのスコアが重視される)
TOEIC scores play an important part in finding a job in Japan.
In Japan, TOEIC scores are considered a very important part of finding a job.
If you would like to explain to someone that TOEIC scores are very important when job hunting, you can say something like "In Japan, TOEIC scores are considered a very important part of finding a job.". We use the word "important" to show that it plays a big part in something.
In Japan, it is of considerable benefit when job-hunting to have a good TOEIC score
Japanese employers attach great significance to a candidate's TOEIC score
You need a good TOEIC score to be a serious proposition on the Japanese job scene
A good TOEIC score may be described as: essential, imperative or 'really necessary.'
"It is imperative that you get a good score in your TOEIC test!"
良いTOEICのスコアがessential(不可欠)、imperative(絶対に必要)、really necessary(本当に重要)と表現することが出来ます。
"It is imperative that you get a good score in your TOEIC test!"
In Japan, having a high TOEIC score is important when it comes to job hunting.
When looking for a job, Japanese people regard an applicants TOEIC score to be very important.
Job hunting=就職活動
when it comes to= 「~というときは / のことになると / に関しては」
転職活動やアルバイトで仕事を探すという意味であればfind/look for/seek a jobと英語ではいいますが、”仕事を探す”という行為をjob huntingと英語では言います。
In Japan TOEIC scores are important when looking for a job
A good TOEIC score is very beneficial when job hunting
Beneficial means favourable or something which helps you in other places.
Important means something of great value or something you or others really want or need. For example - I really need to have a good TOEIC score because it will boost my career.
"Beneficial" は「有益な/役に立つ」という意味です。
"Important" は「貴重な/大切な/大事な」という意味です。
I really need to have a good TOEIC score because it will boost my career.