It will soon be time for personnel changes so there'll be lots of leaving parties to go to
It will soon be the time of year when staff are shuffled around so I'll have to attend lots of leaving parties.
「そろそろ異動の時期だから送別会が多い」= It will soon be time for personnel changes so there'll be lots of leaving parties to go to / It will soon be the time of year when staff are shuffled around so I'll have to attend lots of leaving parties.
人事異動 = personnel changes / staff are shuffled around
送別会 = leaving party
そろそろ = soon
時期 = time / time of year
There are many farewell parties in March because lots of people relocate within their companies in April.
People usually take up new positions at work or transfer to other divisions in April so there are lots of going away parties for these people in March.
「送別会」は、farewell party や going away party と言います。
「人事異動」は、relocate, take up a new position, transfer to 場所 などいろいろな言い方ができると思います。