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旅館で働いています。 チェックアウトの際、お客様にお部屋にある備え付けの小さい冷蔵庫の飲み物を飲まれたか確認するには何と英語で言えば良いのでしょうか?
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2018/03/28 16:16
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  • Did you take anything from the refrigerator?

  • Did you use anything from the mini-fridge?

  • Did you use anything from the minibar?

A mini-fridge or minibar is a small fridge, usually found in a hotel room. When asking someone whether they had any food or drink out of the small refrigerator in their room you can say: Did you use anything from the mini-fridge? Did you use anything from the minibar?
mini-fridge' または 'minibar' は小さな冷蔵庫のことで、普通はホテルの部屋にあります。 この小さな冷蔵庫から食べ物や飲み物を利用したか確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 Did you use anything from the mini-fridge? Did you use anything from the minibar? (冷蔵庫内の利用はありますか)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Did you drink anything from the fridge?

  • Did you use any items in the fridge?

You work at a ryokan (Japanese traditional hotel). When a guest is checking out, you want to ask if they drank anything from the fridge in their room. The above examples may help.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Did you receive the complimentary drinks in your minibar sir/ma'ma?

  • Did you help yourself to any of the complimentary drinks in your minibar?

  • I hope you enjoyed the complimentary drinks in your minibar.

Some luxury hotels have drinks waiting for guests in the minibar found in the room they booked. You can ask the guests if they did see and enjoy the complimentary drinks, by using the sentences above. Minibar: small refrigerator Complimentary: free Luxury hotel: offers luxurious accommodation
高級ホテルでは部屋にあるミニバーから飲み物が利用できることがあります。 無料の飲み物を利用したかどうかお客さんに確認するなら、上記の文が使えます。 Minibar: 小さな冷蔵庫 Complimentary: 無料の Luxury hotel: 豪華な宿泊施設を提供する
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Did you use any of the drinks from the refrigerator?

  • We supplied drinks in the refrigerator. Did you have any?

  • How many drinks did you use from the refrigerator?

Did you use any of the drinks from the refrigerator? We supplied drinks in the refrigerator. Did you have any? How many drinks did you use from the refrigerator? Sometimes it makes them be more truthful if you assume they did have some drinks and let them correct you if they didn't. That's why I put the last question the way I did.
Did you use any of the drinks from the refrigerator? (冷蔵庫のお飲み物はご利用になりましたか) We supplied drinks in the refrigerator. Did you have any? (冷蔵庫にお飲み物を入れておきましたが、お飲みになりましたか) How many drinks did you use from the refrigerator? (冷蔵庫のお飲み物はいくつご利用になりましたか) 飲み物を飲んだと仮定して、そうでない場合に正してもらうという聞き方の方が、正直に答えてもらえることがあります。最後の質問はそれに基づいています。
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Did you drink anything from the mini bar?

  • Did you have any drinks from the refrigerator?

The fridge that contains sweets and drinks in your hotel room as well as being just called a 'fridge' or refrigerator' is also known as the 'mini bar' If you want to ask if they had anything out of it then you might ask 'did you drink anything?' or 'did you have any drinks?'
ホテルにある飲み物やお菓子の入った冷蔵庫のことは、'fridge' や 'refrigerator' に加えて、'mini bar' とも呼ばれます。 そこから何かを飲んだか確認したいなら次のように言えます。 'did you drink anything?' 'did you have any drinks?' (何か飲みましたか)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Did you drink anything from the fridge?

  • Did you use anything from the mini bar?

"Did you drink anything from the fridge?" This sentence is asking whether anyone has taken anything such as food or drink from the fridge, this would often be asked once you have stayed over night in a hotel. "Did you use anything from the mini bar?" This is another way of asking this, a 'Mini bar' is another term used to describe the fridge in ones hotel room, this would contain food like snacks and drink beverages.
"Did you drink anything from the fridge?" (冷蔵庫の中のものを飲まれましたか?) この文は、相手に冷蔵庫の中の食べ物や飲み物のようなものを消費したかどうかを尋ねるフレーズです。ホテルに宿泊したときによく聞かれるフレーズです。   "Did you use anything from the mini bar?" (ミニバーをご利用されましたか?) これは、別の言い方で、 'Mini bar'とはホテルの部屋の冷蔵庫のことを指す言葉です。スナックやドリンクなどが入っています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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