「離陸」は「take off」(テイクオフ)なので、「We will be taking off shortly (まもなく離陸します)」という言い方が一般的かと思います。ちなみに「着陸」には「land」という動詞を使い、「We will be landing shortly(まもなく着陸します)」という言い方をします。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
The two sentences you see above are terrific ways to describe an airplane leaving the ground. In the first sentence you will see the word take-off and in the second sentence you will see the word lift-off. Although both words has different meanings, in these sentences they both mean moving up through the air. I hope this explanation and these sentences help you out.
When an airplane starts flying, it is known as 'take off'. The verb is 'to take off'. When a spaceship takes off it is known as 'lift off'.
EX "Come on, we need to run or we will miss the take off!"
飛行機が飛び立つとき、take offと言います。動詞は、to take offです。宇宙船が離陸するときは、lift offと言います。
Come on, we need to run or we will miss the take off!
When a plane gets to the right speed and leaves the ground for the air it is called take-off ( to take off from the ground)
if you are referring to a spaceship/rocket it is referred to as lift-off as it lifts off the ground
A native speaker would usually say 'the plane is about to take off', which means that the plane is about to start the flight. It is also possible to say 'lift off', but this is rarely used with passenger flights, and more commonly used when talking about space travel, e.g. 'we have lift off' (when talking about a rocket).
ネイティブスピーカーは普通、'the plane is about to take off'と言います。これは、飛行機が飛び立とうとしていることを表します。'lift off'と言うこともできますが、これは旅客便にはめったに使われません。宇宙旅行の場合に使われることが多いです。
'We have lift off'
英語で take off と言うことができます。
・We will be taking off in a few minutes.
・When will the plane take off?
What time does this airplane takeoff? We've been sitting here for hours.
The bad weather prevented the airplanes from takeoff.
Please be patient. Takeoff time will be in thirty minutes.
離陸 takeoff
この飛行機は何時に離陸しますか? 私たちは何時間もここに座っています。
What time does this airplane takeoff? We've been sitting here for hours.
The bad weather prevented the airplanes from takeoff.
しばらくお待ちください。 離陸時間は30分です。
Please be patient. Takeoff time will be in thirty minutes.