サービス残業自体、作り上げられた言葉であり、「無賃金労働」だと思います。これを「① Unpaid overtime」と言います。
あるとしたら、ちょっと皮肉って、「② I worked overtime for free again today...haha」と笑いながら言えば、質問者様のニュアンスが伝わるかもしれません。理解されるかどうかは別でしょうが。。笑
Unpaid overtime は「無報酬残業」で「サービス残業」に近い言葉だと思います。
Working overtime for free も似ていますが「タダで残業すること」です。
I worked overtime for free again. 「またタダで残業したよ。」
Workers in the lower levels normally have to get paid when they work overtime. Overtime payment is normally one and a half times during the working week and double time over the weekend. Only senior staff may work overtime without being paid for it because they are already highly paid. However, if junior staff work overtime and do not get paid for it, they are being taken advantage of or being exploited. However, voluntary work is not meant to be paid for because the worker volunteers to do it for free.
So, if any of your work colleagues are in these sorts of situations, you may say:
He did unpaid overtime yesterday.
She does voluntary overtime every weekend.
He did unpaid overtime yesterday.
She does voluntary overtime every weekend.
We can use both of these terms to mean the same thing when referring to overtime work that we do for free.
Example sentences :
I am doing this overtime work pro-bono.
This overtime work is complimentary so I'm not getting paid for it.