世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/02/12 01:04
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  • ① What's the last movie you watched?

  • ② When was the last time you cried?

「Latest」は最新のという意味です。 質問者様の言いたいことは最新ではなく、最後に見た映画・最後に泣いたのはいつかだと思います。 それならば、「① What's the last movie you watched?」。「Last」は最後。「一番最近見た映画は?」の訳文です。 「Latest」を使ってしまうと「一番見た最新の映画は何?」になります。質問とは違うと思います。なので、「last」(最後の)を使います。 同様に、「② When was the last time you cried?」(最後に泣いたのはいつですか?)。 「latest」と「last」の使い方です。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • What is the latest movie/film you've seen recently?

  • What movie/film have you seen most recently?

「一番最近」という表現ですが、 「the latest ●●● recently」 「most recently」 という形で表せます。 「recently」が「最近」という意味になります。 ちなみに「映画」という単語ですが、 イギリスでは、「film」と使われることが多いです。 「一番最近泣いたのはいつですか?」と聞く時は、 下記のようにシンプルに英訳できます。 「When was the last time you cried?」 ご参考にされてください☆
  • When last did you watch a movie?

  • How long ago did you cry?

>When last did you watch a movie? *This sentence asks the person when was the last time he/she watched a movie. In this way you will find out when and what he/she watched. >How long ago did you cry? *This is asking when was the last time he/she cried.
When last did you watch a movie? 最近映画を観たという人にどこで何をみたかを尋ねる表現です。 How long ago did you cry? 最近いつ泣いたかを尋ねる表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What movie did you watch most recently?

  • What was the last movie you watched recently?

  • Which movie did you watch last of late?

If you ask, "What movie did you watch most recently?", you are asking him/her to tell you what movie he/she watched not only last, but also, more recently than any other time. It is important to mention this because he/she might have last watched a movie a year ago, and that wont be recently. That is why in the next question, "What was the last movie you watched recently?", the adverb 'recently' has been added. In the last question "Which movie did you watch last of late?", you have included the phrase 'of late', which is interchangeable with 'recently'. So, you may say: What movie did you watch most recently? or What was the last movie you watched recently? or Which movie did you watch last of late?
例:What movie did you watch most recently? 「一番最近観た映画は何?」 例:What was the last movie you watched recently? 「一番最近観た映画は何?」 例:Which movie did you watch last of late? 「一番最近観た映画は何?」 これらの例文の表現では、「最後に観た映画」は何かを聞くことができます。 相手はもしかしたら1年以上も映画を観ていないかもしれませんので、 "recently"をつけることで最近のことと限定することができます。 "last of late"で「直近の」のように表現できます。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • When's the last time you (~)?

  • Have you (~) recently?

If you want to ask a question using 「一番最近 」, you can use either of these openers: When's the last time you (~)? --When's the last time you (watched a movie)? --When's the last time you (cried)? --When's the last time you (ate a hamburger)? Have you (~) recently? --Have you (watched a movie) recently? --Have you (cried) recently? --Have you (been to the park) recently?
「一番最近」という言葉を使って質問を聞きたい場合はこれらを使えます: When's the last time you (~)? --When's the last time you (watched a movie)? --When's the last time you (cried)? --When's the last time you (ate a hamburger)? Have you (~) recently? --Have you (watched a movie) recently? --Have you (cried) recently? --Have you (been to the park) recently?
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • What was the last film you saw?

  • What is the most recent film you've seen?

What was the last...? = We use this construction to question someone about their most recent experience of something, or possibly, when trying to determine some information about the past. Eg. "What was the last car that you drove?" Or, ""What's the last day of November? Thirtieth or thirty first?" Most recent = this refers to an experience or occurrence closest to the present time: Eg. "When will the most recent copy of the advertisement be ready for distribution?"
What was the last...? = 最近の経験を誰かに聞いたり、あることを判断するために過去の情報を得たい時にこのような文体で質問をします。 例えば:"What was the last car that you drove?"     (最後に運転して車は何でしたか?) または "What's the last day of November? Thirtieth or thirty first?"     (11月の最後の日は30日ですか、31日ですか?) Most recent =現時点からもっとも近い過去に起こった経験や出来事を言及する時に使います。 例: "When will the most recent copy of the advertisement be ready for distribution?"   (最新版の広告の配信準備はいつ整いますか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is the last movie you have watched?

*What is the last movie you have watched? - The phrase "last movie you have watched" means "most recent movie." In other words you want the name of the movie they watched. Example: A:What is the last movie you have watched? B: Star Wars.
What is the last movie you have watched? (いちばん最近観た映画はなんですか?) last movie you have watched と言うフレーズは、「一番最近の」という意味になります. 例文 A:What is the last movie you have watched? 一番最近見た映画は何? B: Star Wars. スターウォーズだよ。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What's the last film that you have seen?

  • When was the last time you watched a movie and what was it?

We can use the word "film" or "movie". The word movie has spread from the US and it is used interchangeably with the word "film" outside of the US. "Film" is used more in British English "What's the last film that you have seen?" is a very basic way of asking someone about the last film or movie they saw. You may be referring to a film in the cinema so, therefore, a recent movie, or an old movie that you love and decided to search for it online because you feel like watching it. "When was the last time you watched a movie and what was it?". In this sentence, we are asking the person for more than just the movie. We want to know when the person went and also which movie it was that he or she saw.
「映画」には "film" または "movie" が使えます。"movie" はアメリカから広まった言葉で、アメリカ以外の国では "film" と同じように使われます。 "film" は主にイギリス英語で使われます。 "What's the last film that you have seen?"(最後に見た映画は何ですか) は、「最後に見た映画は何ですか」のベイシックな言い方です。これは映画館で見た最新の映画も、パソコンにダウンロードして見た古い映画も指します。 "When was the last time you watched a movie and what was it?"(最後に映画を見たのはいつで、それは何でしたか) この文では、単に「何の映画を見たか」だけでなく「それをいつ見たのか」も尋ねています。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • What is the last movie that you watched?

What is the last movie that you watched? This sentence uses the simple past tense in a simple question to ask a person what movie they saw before the present time
What is the last movie that you watched?(最後に見た映画は何ですか) この文では、過去時制を使って、過去に見た映画について尋ねています。
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Seen any good movies at the cinema lately?

  • When last were you at the movies?

1.Seen any good movies at the cinema lately? When you are asked this question, the person actually wants to know what was the last movie that you watched. You will also automatically give your honest opinion about the movie. This is a very casual way of asking the question and does not need to be preceded by "Have you" Another example: Eaten at any good restaurants lately? Instead of "Have you eaten at any good restaurants lately?" 2. When last were you at the movies? This question obviously implies but does not ask outright: "What movie did you watch last?" Another example:When last were you at the hair salon? You are actually asking the person when last they had their hair trimmed (cut) and/or styled.
1. Seen any good movies at the cinema lately?(最近何かいい映画を見ましたか) これは実際は「最後に見た映画」を尋ねる質問です。このように聞かれたら普通は映画の感想も合わせて答えます。これはカジュアルな質問なので、"Have you" は省略できます。 別の例: "Have you eaten at any good restaurants lately?" ↓ "Eaten at any good restaurants lately?"(最近どこかおいしいレストランに行きましたか) 2. When last were you at the movies?(最後に映画館に行ったのはいつですか) この質問はもちろん「最後に何の映画を見ましたか」という意味合いです。 別の例: "When last were you at the hair salon?"(最後に美容院に行ったのはいつですか) これは、最後に髪を切ったのがいつなのかを尋ねます。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • What was the last film you saw?

  • Have you seen anything recently?

  • Seen anything good lately?

What was the last film you saw? Have you seen anything recently? Seen anything good lately? All basically the same question, just a different way in asking, and a different wording. Try one out, and then another, and then the third and see which one you prefer. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
What was the last film you saw?(最後に見た映画は何ですか) Have you seen anything recently?(何か最近見ましたか) Seen anything good lately?(何か最近面白いの見ましたか) これらは言い方が違うだけで、基本的に同じ意味です。三つそれぞれ使ってみてください。どれがいいか試してみてください。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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