This boat will tour〜どこどこ、という言い方になります。
This boat will tour Hokkaido’s Rishiri Island. です。
また「この船は〜のまわりを観光します」は This boat will tour around〜 です。
This boat will tour around Maui Island. という言い方もできます。
(1) This boat tour includes a visit to 〇〇 and 〇〇
(2) This boat will take you to 〇〇 and 〇〇
(3) This boat will tour around 〇〇 and 〇〇.
もしくは〇〇の後に、’This boat tour includes a visit to the following places, for example 〇〇, 〇〇 and 〇〇.’ や ‘this boat will take you to the following places, including 〇〇 and 〇〇’ のように ‘the following places, for example 〇〇, 〇〇 and 〇〇.’ または ‘the following places, including 〇〇 and 〇〇’ と付け足せば「この船は〇〇、〇〇などの観光名所を回ります。」というニュアンスの訳出になります。