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2016/02/12 16:32
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  • I’m getting married again.

「再婚します」という意味になります。他の表現もいくつか挙げてみると、 「再婚しました」 I got married again. I got remarried. 「(この結婚は)再婚になります」 This is my second marriage.
  • second marriage; get married again; remarry

「再婚」は英語で直訳したら「remarry」と言います。 「二回目の結婚」は英語で「second marriage」になります。 なので、「再婚する」は「I'm going to remarry.」か「I'm getting married again」になります。 例文: Tom: How is the single life going? トムさん:独身生活はどう? Matt: Actually, I'm going to get married again! I'll send you an invite. マット:実は、再婚するよ!招待送るね。 英語頑張って下さい!
  • to tie the knot

To tie the knot' is an informal way to describe a wedding. It does not always mean that the couple will tie a knot during the marriage ceremony. In olden days tying a knot together was a way to show a couples unity and commitment. Tying a knot was often a traditional part of ancient wedding ceremonies particularly Celtic and gypsy weddings. Physically tying a knot is still included in many ceremonies today. The phrase can be used when talking about first time marriages or for people who have divorced and are now getting married for a second or third time. So when are you two going to tie the knot? 'I'm going to tie the knot again!'
To tie the knotは、カジュアルにウェディングを表す言葉です。 実際の結婚式で結び目を作るというような儀式は行われるというわけではありませんが、昔はそうすることで、二人の絆を結ぶという習わしだったようです。 ちなみにこういった儀式はエジプトやケルト族の儀式だったようです。 現在でも色んな儀式で「tying a knot」されています。 このフレーズは初婚や再婚でも使われます。 例 So when are you two going to tie the knot? 2人はいつご結婚するんですか? 'I'm going to tie the knot again!' 私は今度再婚するんです。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • re-marry

  • remarried

  • second marriage

example "i am getting remarried". or "i am going to re-marry". or "this is my second marriage". or "i saw Janet the other day, she is getting re-married". or "she is getting married again, this will be her second marriage".
【例文】 "I am getting remarried". (再婚します) "I am going to re-marry". (再婚します) "This is my second marriage". (これは私の二度目の結婚です) "I saw Janet the other day, she is getting re-married". (先日ジャネットに会いましたが、彼女は再婚します) "She is getting married again, this will be her second marriage". (彼女は再婚します、これは彼女の二回目の結婚です)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Remarriage

When a divorced person gets married again, the process is known as 'remarriage'. This person is 'remarrying' or 'getting married for the second time.' A: "James is such a good-looking man. Do you think he will ever remarry?" B: "Very unlikely, I think. He told me he is strictly against the idea of remarriage, having had his fingers severely burnt once."
離婚した人が再婚するとき、remarriage(再婚)と言います。この人は、再婚、または二回目の結婚をするということです。 A: James is such a good-looking man. Do you think he will ever remarry? ジェームスってハンサムだよね。彼、いずれ再婚すると思う? B: Very unlikely, I think. He told me he is strictly against the idea of remarriage, having had his fingers severely burnt once. まずないだろうな。彼、自分で再婚という考えに厳しいって言ってたし、前に痛い目に遭ってるからな。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • That person remarried.

  • That person is going to remarry.

When someone is divorced but they are going to get married again we would use the verb remarry. Dialogue Amy- Did you hear Stephanie is getting married? Bernadette- No, I thought she was married. Amy- She got divorced three years ago, but now she is remarrying. Bernadette- I am so happy for her!
もし誰かが離婚して、そのあとまた結婚することになったら、remarryという動詞を使えます。 会話例 Amy- Did you hear Stephanie is getting married? ステフが結婚するって聞いた? Bernadette- No, I thought she was married. いいえ、結婚しているのかと思ってた。 Amy- She got divorced three years ago, but now she is remarrying. 彼女3年前に離婚して、今再婚しようとしてるの。 Bernadette- I am so happy for her! ああ、それは良かった!
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Remarried

  • Second marriage

  • Marry again

When a divorcee/divorced person decides to get married again you can say: "I'm getting remarried." "My Mum is on her second marriage." "I'm going to marry again." "Susan is getting married for the second time." Getting "remarried" can also be used when referring to a divorced couple getting married to each other again. Hollywood actress Elizabeth Taylor remarried her husband Richard Burton again after their divorce.
離婚している人がもう一度結婚することに決めたときは以下のように表現することができます。 "I'm getting remarried." 再婚するつもりなんだ。 "My Mum is on her second marriage." 私の母は、再婚しています。 "I'm going to marry again." 再婚するつもりです。 "Susan is getting married for the second time." スーザンは2度目の結婚をします。 Getting "remarried"とは、離婚した夫婦が、復縁することも指します。ハリウッド女優エリザベステイラーは元夫だったリチャードバートンと離婚の後、復縁、再婚しています。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • get married again

  • get married for the second time

例えば、「彼女は再婚した」と言いたい場合 She got married again. 「彼女は再び結婚した」 She got married for the second time. 「彼女は2度目の結婚をした」 のように言えます(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • Second marriage.

  • To get married again.

  • To remarry.

We would call it a, "second marriage," when it is the second time we are getting married. We can also use the verb, "to get married," with, "again," to describe that this isn't the first time we have gotten married. Lastly we can say that we, "remarried," as sometimes the prefix "re," refers to do something again.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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