It is better to confirm with the official who is in charge of this.
その駐車料金が割引になるかどうかは店員に尋ねてください-You need to confirm with the person in charge of this parking lot, whether you will get a discount or not.
明日休みになるかどうかを大学の事務課に尋ねてくださいーPlease do not forget to ask the administrative staff of your university whether it will be a holiday or not tomorrow?
商品に対する何かを疑問点があれば、レジの店員さんに確認したほうがいいと思うーIf you have any doubt about this product, please go and ask the staff at the counter.
You should ask the staff to see if you can get a parking discount.
"You should ask the staff to see if you can get a parking discount."
* ask the staff: 店員に聞く
* to see if: 〜〜ができるかどうか
* get: 手に入れる
* parking discount: 駐車料金の割引